1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >lumia1520 越獄_如何設定Luma家庭Wi-Fi系統

lumia1520 越獄_如何設定Luma家庭Wi-Fi系統

lumia1520 越獄

lumia1520 越獄


If your home’sWi-Fi signal sucks, you might be looking at mesh solutions like the Luma HomeWi-Fi System. Luma consists of multiple Wi-Fi extenders that you spread across your house in order to cover every nook and cranny with an excellent Wi-Fi signal. Here’s how to set it all up and how to configure it to deliver the bestWi-Fi possible all around your home.

如果您家的Wi-Fi訊號很糟,您可能正在尋找網狀解決方案,例如Luma Home Wi-Fi System。 Luma由多個Wi-Fi擴充套件器組成,您可以將其分佈在整個房屋中,以出色的Wi-Fi訊號覆蓋每個角落。 以下是所有設定方法以及如何配置它以在您家中提供最佳Wi-Fi的可能。

什麼是亮度? (What Is Luma?)

Much likeEero, Luma is essentially a set of routers that link together to create one bigWi-Fi network. If your current router isn’t capable of blanketing your house inWi-Fi, Luma is a solution that can fix such a problem.

Eero一樣,Luma本質上是一組路由器,它們連結在一起以建立一個大型Wi-Fi網路。 如果您當前的路由器無法用Wi-Fi覆蓋您的房屋,那麼Luma是可以解決此類問題的解決方案。

Luma comes in a three-pack, two-pack, and a single unitstarting at $149, so whether you have a large house or a smaller apartment, you can get the appropriate amount of units without needing to overspend. Plus, you can always tack on more later if need be.

Luma分為三件裝兩件裝和一個單元,起價為149美元,因此,無論您是大房子還是小公寓,都可以獲取適當數量的單元而無需超支。 另外,如有需要,您隨時可以繼續進行後續操作。


Of course, you can do what Luma does using regular routers and Wi-Fi extenders for far cheaper, but doing it yourself comes with some downsides. Often, the setup process is much more complicated and requires you to dive deep into the router’s settings to change things around and to get everything connected properly. Plus, depending on your extender, you may end up having to create a secondary Wi-Fi network to connect to when in certain parts of the house, which is a hassle.

當然,您可以使用普通路由器和Wi-Fi擴充套件器來進行Luma的操作,而價格卻便宜得多,但是您自己做會帶來一些缺點。 通常,設定過程要複雜得多,需要您深入瞭解路由器的設定才能進行更改並正確連線所有裝置。 另外,根據擴充套件器的不同,您可能最終不得不建立第二個Wi-Fi網路來連線房屋的某些部分,這很麻煩。

Luma makes this dead simple: just spread the units across your house, plug them into the wall, and follow a few simple steps in the Luma app. The whole setup process takes around ten minutes, and yourWi-Fi signal should instantly improvearound your house.

Luma使這一死角變得簡單:只需將單元散佈在您的房屋中,將其插入牆壁,然後在Luma應用程式中遵循一些簡單的步驟。 整個設定過程大約需要十分鐘,並且您的Wi-Fi訊號應可在您的房屋周圍立即得到改善。

NOTE: Settingup Luma is the same as setting up a brand new router. So rather than it amplifying your currentWi-Fi network, it creates its own separate Wi-Fi network. If you’re using a modem/router combo, you’ll want to turn off the combo unit’s Wi-Fi network so they don’t interfere (and so you can use the same Wi-Fi name you used before, if you want to). Alternatively, you can contact your internet provider and request a standalone modem instead of a combo unit—or, better yet, buy your own and save some money. Ideally, you should do all this before you begin setting up the Luma system.

注意:設定亮度與設定全新路由器相同。 因此,它沒有放大您當前的Wi-Fi網路,而是建立了自己的獨立Wi-Fi網路。 如果您使用的是調變解調器/路由器組合,則需要關閉組合單元的Wi-Fi網路,以免受到干擾(因此,您可以使用以前使用的相同Wi-Fi名稱至)。 或者,您可以與您的Internet提供商聯絡,並請求一個獨立的調變解調器而不是一個組合單元,或者,更好的是,購買自己的調變解調器並節省一些錢。 理想情況下,您應該在開始設定Luma系統之前完成所有這一切。

第一步:下載Luma應用程式 (Step One: Download the Luma App)


Before you begin the setup process, you’ll need to download and install the Luma app to your smartphone. It’s only available on iOS and Android currently, and it’s required to set everything up. Sadly, there is no desktop app at the moment.

在開始設定過程之前,您需要將Luma應用程式下載並安裝到智慧手機。 目前僅在iOSAndroid可用,並且需要進行所有設定。 可悲的是,目前沒有桌面應用程式。

第二步:建立一個帳戶 (Step Two: Create an Account)

Open up the app and then tap on “Create Account”.



Enter in your name and hit “Next”.



On the next screen, enter in your email address and hit “Next”.



Enter in your phone number and tap “Next”. This is only used if you need help with your Luma setup so that customer support can contact you.

輸入您的電話號碼,然後點選“下一步”。 僅在需要有關Luma設定的幫助時使用此選項,以便客戶支援可以與您聯絡。


Finally, create a password for your Luma account and then hit “Create Account”.



Hit “Ok” when the “Success” pop-up appears.



第三步:建立您的Wi-Fi網路 (Step Three: Create YourWi-Fi Network)

On the next screen in the app, select how many Luma units you’re setting up. If not three, then select “Other Amount”.

在應用程式的下一個螢幕上,選擇要設定的亮度單位。 如果不是三個,則選擇“其他金額”。


Make sure you have the Luma unit, its power cord, and the ethernet cable that came in the box. Hit “Next”.

確保包裝盒中隨附Luma裝置,電源線和乙太網電纜。 點選“下一步”。


Next, select what type of of dwelling you live in, followed by the number of floors, including basements (if you wantWi-Fi there). Tap on “Next” when you’re done.

接下來,選擇您所居住的房屋型別,然後選擇樓層數,包括地下室(如果要在其中使用Wi-Fi)。 完成後,點選“下一步”。


If your house has multiple floors, select which floor your modem is located on, then tap “Next”.



Select where on the floor that your modem is located, then hit “Next”.



On the next screen, enter in a name for your newWi-Fi network, as well as a password. Then hit “Next”.

在下一個螢幕上,輸入新Wi-Fi網路的名稱以及密碼。 然後點選“下一步”。


第四步:安裝第一個亮度單元 (Step Four: Install the First Luma Unit)

Take the ethernet cable that was included in the box and connect one end into a free ethernet port on your modem/router and the other end into the “In” ethernet port on the Luma unit.

拿住包裝盒中隨附的乙太網電纜,將一端連線到調變解調器/路由器上的空閒乙太網埠,另一端連線到Luma裝置上的“ In”乙太網埠。


Next, plug in the power cord to the Luma unit and it will automatically boot up, with a blue light circling around the ring.



Hit “Next” in the app until you reach the “Name this Luna” screen. Select where this unit is located and then tap “Next” again. Unfortunately, you can’t type in a custom room name, so pick the best one if none of them fit.

在應用程式中點選“下一步”,直到到達“命名此Luna”螢幕。 選擇本機的位置,然後再次點選“下一步”。 不幸的是,您無法輸入自定義房間的名稱,因此,如果其中一個都不適合,請選擇最佳的房間。


Next, wait for the Luma to start up, which should take a couple of minutes at most.



When it’s ready to go, the light will turn solid blue. Tap on “StartWiFi” in the app when this happens.

準備就緒時,指示燈將變為穩定的藍色。 發生這種情況時,點選應用中的“啟動WiFi”。


Once it’s finished, the app will say that the Luma device was successfully set up. From there, if you have another Luma unit to install, tap on “Add another Luma”.

完成後,應用程式將顯示Luma裝置已成功設定。 從那裡,如果要安裝另一個Luma裝置,請點選“新增另一個Luma”。


The app will tell you where to place your next unit for the best results, but you don’t absolutely have to follow this advice. I set my second unit all the way downstairs and it still works great.

該應用程式會告訴您在哪裡放置下一個單元以獲得最佳效果,但是您不必絕對遵循此建議。 我將第二個單元一直放在樓下,但效果仍然很好。


To install the second unit (and any further units afterward), all you have to do is plug it in to an outlet using the supplied power cord and wait for it to boot up. You’ll also go through the app and name the unit.

要安裝第二個單元(以及以後的其他任何單元),您所要做的就是使用提供的電源線將其插入插座,並等待其啟動。 您還將瀏覽應用程式並命名單位。


Just like before, tap on “StartWiFi” when that screen appears. When it’s done, keep setting up your other Luma units.

與之前一樣,在該螢幕出現時,點選“開始WiFi”。 完成後,繼續設定其他Luma單元。


Once you have all units installed, you’ll get to a screen that says “Congrats! Your Network is Active”. Hit “Ok”.

安裝完所有單元后,您將進入一個螢幕,顯示“恭喜! 您的網路處於活動狀態”。 點選“確定”。


Hit “Ok” again.



You’ll then be taken to the main screen in the Luma app, which is the dashboard of sorts. From here, you can view the online/offline status of your Luma network, as well as the most recent speed test conducted by the app.

然後,您將進入Luma應用程式的主螢幕,該應用程式是各種儀表板。 在這裡,您可以檢視Luma網路的線上/離線狀態,以及該應用程式進行的最新速度測試。


A lot of the advanced features of a traditional routers are missing, but most casual users won’t need anything more than the basics that Luma provides.


If you have other devices that connect to ethernet, like smarthome hubs or a network storage drive, you can connect those to either ethernet ports on the back of any Luma unit (the “In” and “Out” labels only matterthe one connected to your modem). You can also use these ethernet ports to connect your Luma units together over ethernet if your house is wired for it, making the wireless signal even better.

如果您還有其他連線到乙太網的裝置,例如智慧家居集線器或網路儲存驅動器,則可以將它們連線到任何Luma裝置背面的任一乙太網埠(“ In”和“ Out”標籤僅與連線到該裝置的裝置有關)。您的調變解調器)。 如果您的房屋是有線的,您還可以使用這些乙太網埠通過乙太網將Luma裝置連線在一起,從而使無線訊號更好。

Right away, though, you should notice a huge difference in your Wi-Fi signal and speed once you switch to your Luma network. In my house, for example, I used to have multiple spots where my signal was really weak. With Luma’s network set up, I’m now getting close to the max speeds that my internet provider gives me no matter where I’m at in my house.

但是,一旦切換到Luma網路,您應該立即注意到Wi-Fi訊號和速度方面的巨大差異。 例如,在我的房子裡,我曾經有多個地方的訊號確實很弱。 通過建立Luma的網路,無論我在家裡的什麼地方,我現在都接近網際網路提供商為我提供的最大速度。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/283301/how-to-set-up-the-luma-home-wi-fi-system/

lumia1520 越獄