1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >xbox one 越獄_如何在沒有Xbox One的情況下更新Xbox One控制器的韌體

xbox one 越獄_如何在沒有Xbox One的情況下更新Xbox One控制器的韌體

xbox one 越獄

xbox one 越獄

Microsoft regularly releases new firmware updates for its Xbox One controllers, and these updates fix various bugs. But, if you’re using an Xbox One controller with a PC, you won’t be automatically prompted to upgrade your controller’s firmware.

Microsoft定期為其Xbox One控制器釋出新的韌體更新,並且這些更新修復了各種錯誤。 但是,如果您將Xbox One控制器與PC一起使用,則不會自動提示您升級控制器的韌體。

如何在Windows 10上更新Xbox One控制器的韌體 (How to Update an Xbox One Controller’s Firmware on Windows 10)

If you use Windows 10, this process is fairly easy–although you’ll have to go out of your way to update the controller’s firmware.

如果您使用Windows 10,則此過程相當簡單-儘管您將不得不竭盡全力來更新控制器的韌體。

First, open the Store app included with Windows 10. Search for “Xbox Accessories” and install the Xbox Accessories app created by Microsoft. This is separate from the main

“Xbox” app included with Windows 10.

首先,開啟Windows 10附帶的Store應用程式。搜尋“ Xbox附件”並安裝Microsoft建立的Xbox附件應用程式。 這與Windows 10隨附的主要“ Xbox”應用程式分開。

Connect your Xbox One controller to your PC and turn on the controller.

將Xbox One控制器連線到PC,然後開啟控制器。

  • If you’re using a newer Xbox One controller produced after June 2015–one that has a3.5-mm audio port or headphone jack built in–you can connect it wirelessly via the Xbox One wireless adapter or plug it in with a USB cable.

    如果您使用的是2015年6月之後生產的新型Xbox One控制器(內建3.5毫米音訊埠或耳機插Kong),則可以通過Xbox One無線介面卡進行無線連線,也可以使用USB電纜將其插入。
  • If you’re using an older Xbox One controller without a built-in audio port, you’ll need to connect it to your computer with the included USB cable. Windows can’t update the firmware wirelessly.

    如果您使用的是沒有內建音訊埠的舊版Xbox One控制器,則需要使用隨附的USB電纜將其連線到計算機。 Windows無法無線更新韌體。
  • If you’re using an even newer Xbox One controller–the models which use Bluetoothand werelaunched along with the Xbox One S–you can’t update the firmware over a wireless Bluetooth connection. You’ll need to connect it to your computer via a USB cable or Xbox One wireless adapter.

    如果您使用的甚至是更新的Xbox One控制器(使用Bluetooth的型號與Xbox One S一起釋出),則無法通過無線Bluetooth連線更新韌體。 您需要通過USB電纜或Xbox One無線介面卡將其連線到計算機。

If you’re using a wireless controller, be sure to turn it on by long-pressing the “Xbox” button on the controller.

如果您使用的是無線控制器,請確保通過長按控制器上的“ Xbox”按鈕將其開啟。

You’ll see an “Update required” button if an updated firmware is available. Click or tap it and the app will install the updated firmware.

如果有可用的更新韌體,您將看到“需要更新”按鈕。 單擊或點選它,該應用程式將安裝更新的韌體。

If no firmware update is available, you’ll just see a screen with “Configure” and “Device info” buttons. This means your controller’s firmware is alreadyrunning the latest available firmware.

如果沒有可用的韌體更新,您將只看到帶有“配置”和“裝置資訊”按鈕的螢幕。 這意味著您控制器的韌體已經在執行最新的可用韌體。

您不能在Windows 7或8上升級Xbox One控制器的韌體 (You Can’t Upgrade anXbox One Controller’s Firmware on Windows 7 or 8)

Unfortunately, the Xbox Accessories app is only available for Windows 10. Microsoftprovides no way to update an Xbox One controller’s firmware on Windows 7 or 8.

不幸的是,Xbox Accessories應用僅適用於Windows10。Microsoft無法提供在Windows 7或8上更新Xbox One控制器韌體的方法。

To update an Xbox One controller’s firmware, you’ll need to connect your Xbox One controller to either a Windows 10 PC or Xbox One console. If you have a Windows 10 PC or Xbox One, or just know someone who does, that’s your best bet for updating the firmware.

若要更新Xbox One控制器的韌體,您需要將Xbox One控制器連線到Windows 10 PC或Xbox One控制檯。 如果您有一臺Windows 10 PC或Xbox One,或者只是認識某個人,那麼這是更新韌體的最佳選擇。

Ona Windows 10 PC, you can simply connect the Xbox One controller to the computer normallyand update it with the Xbox Accessories app as described above.

在Windows 10 PC上,您可以簡單地將Xbox One控制器正常連線到計算機,並如上所述使用Xbox Accessories應用程式對其進行更新。

On anXbox One, you can connect the Xbox One controller to the Xbox One using the included USB cable. The update may begin automatically. If it doesn’t, head to All Settings > Kinect & Devices > Devices & Accessories and select the controller. If an update is available, select the “Update” button. If no update is available, you’ll see a “No Update Available” message on the controller’s information screen.

在Xbox One上,您可以使用隨附的USB電纜將Xbox One控制器連線到Xbox One。 更新可能會自動開始。 如果不是,請轉到所有設定> Kinect和裝置>裝置和附件,然後選擇控制器。 如果有更新,請選擇“更新”按鈕。 如果沒有更新可用,您將在控制器的資訊螢幕上看到“無更新可用”訊息。

Hopefully, Microsoft will one day make this process easier. For example, the ability to upgrade firmware could be integrated into the Xbox app bundled with Windows 10,and that app could notify you when a firmware upgrade is available.

希望微軟有一天能使這一過程變得更容易。 例如,可以將韌體升級功能整合到與Windows 10捆綁在一起的Xbox應用中,並且該應用可以在韌體升級可用時通知您。

Microsoft could also release a standalone firmware-updating tool for older versions of Windows, butthat doesn’t seem very likely with Microsoft’s focus on Windows 10.

微軟還可以釋出適用於較舊版本Windows的獨立韌體更新工具,但這似乎不太可能因為Microsoft專注於Windows 10而已。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/267520/how-to-update-your-xbox-one-controllers-firmware-without-an-xbox-one/

xbox one 越獄