1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >mac安裝macos失敗_如何擦除Mac並從頭開始重新安裝macOS




Is it time to sell or give away your old Mac? Or do you just want a fresh start to clean up your machine? Here’s how to securelydelete all of your files, then install a fresh version of macOS.

現在是時候出售或贈送舊Mac嗎? 還是隻想重新開始清理機器? 這是安全刪除所有檔案,然後安裝新版macOS的方法。

If you’re selling or giving away your computer, this is the only way to make sure whoever ends up with your Mac can’t access to your files, and won’t have to deal with any modifications you’ve made to macOS over the years. Don’t just delete your user profile and call it a day—you’ll want to completely wipe it.

如果您要出售或贈送計算機,這是確保Mac終端使用者無法訪問檔案,並且不必處理您對macOS所做的任何修改的唯一方法。這些年。 不要只是刪除您的使用者個人資料並每天呼叫它,而是要徹底清除它。

Before you start, make sure you transfer any files you want to keep to a new computer or external drive.Even if you don’t intend on wiping your drive, it’s a good idea to back up before re-installing your operating system.

在開始之前,請確保將要保留的所有檔案傳輸到新計算機或外部驅動器。 即使您不打算擦拭驅動器,在重新安裝作業系統之前進行備份也是一個好主意。

第一步:從恢復模式啟動,或從安裝程式啟動 (Step One: Boot From Recovery Mode, or an Installer)

Your Mac’s Recovery Mode is a treasure trove of useful tools, and it’s the easiest way to wipe your computer and start from scratch. Shut down your Mac, turn it on while holding down Command+R. Your Mac will boot into the recovery partition.

Mac的恢復模式是許多有用工具的寶庫,它是擦除計算機並從頭開始的最簡單方法。 關閉Mac,在按住Command + R的同時將其開啟。 您的Mac將啟動到恢復分割槽。

If you’re using an older Mac (from 2010 or earlier), there’s a chance that you can’t use Recovery Mode. On those devices, hold “Option” while turning your computer on, then select the recovery partition instead.

如果您使用的是較舊的Mac(2010年或更早版本的Mac),則可能無法使用恢復模式。 在這些裝置上,在開啟計算機電源的同時按住“ Option”,然後選擇恢復分割槽。

If neither of these options work, don’t panic! You’ve got a couple of options yet. You can access recovery without a partition using Network Recovery: hold Command+Shift+R while turning on your Mac and it will download the Recovery features for you.Failing that, you can create a bootable USB installer for macOS Sierra, and boot from that by holding “Option” while turning on your Mac.

如果這些選項都不起作用,請不要驚慌! 您還有幾種選擇。 您可以使用網路恢復在沒有分割槽的情況下訪問恢復:開啟Mac時按住Command + Shift + R,它將為您下載恢復功能。 失敗的話,您可以為macOS Sierra建立一個可啟動的USB安裝程式,然後在開啟Mac的同時按住“ Option”從中啟動。

Once you’ve managed to open up the Recovery Mode in some fashion, we can move on to wiping your drive securely.


第二步:安全擦拭硬碟驅動器(可選) (Step Two: Securely Wipe Your Hard Drive (Optional))

If you want to re-install your operating system, but leave your files in place, you can skip this step. Your user accounts and files will stay exactly where they are—only your operating system will be overwritten. We recommend backing up files before you do this, just in case, but otherwise you’re ready for step three.

如果要重新安裝作業系統,但將檔案保留在原位,則可以跳過此步驟。 您的使用者帳戶和檔案將完全保留在原位置,只有作業系統會被覆蓋。 我們建議您在備份檔案之前先備份檔案,以防萬一,但否則您就可以準備進行第三步了。

Ifyou want a truly clean installation, however, you need to first wipeyour hard drive. We’ve shown you how to securely wipe a hard drive with your Mac, and doing so in Recovery Mode isn’t really different from doing so within macOS.

但是,如果要進行真正乾淨的安裝,則需要先擦拭硬碟驅動器。 我們已經向您展示瞭如何使用Mac安全地擦拭硬碟,並且在恢復模式下與在MacOS中進行擦拭並沒有什麼不同。

To get started, click the Disk Utility option.


Depending on how you started Recovery Mode, you may be presented with the option to start Disk Utility right away, as seen above. If not you can find Disk Utility in the menu bar: click Utilities then Disk Utility.

根據啟動恢復模式的方式,可能會為您提供立即啟動Disk Utility的選項,如上所示。 如果沒有,您可以在選單欄中找到“磁碟工具”:單擊“工具”,然後單擊“磁碟工具”。

You’ll now see your list of hard drives. Click your primary drive, then click “Erase”

現在,您將看到硬碟驅動器列表。 單擊您的主驅動器,然後單擊“擦除”

If you’re wiping a mechanical drive, click “Security Options” in the window that pops up. (If your Mac has a solid state drive, you can skip this part: your SSD will already securely erasefiles thanks toTRIM. You still need to wipe the drive, however,or your files will remain in place, so skip to the end of this step to do so.)

如果要擦拭機械驅動器,請在彈出的視窗中單擊“安全選項”。 (如果您的Mac具有固態驅動器,則可以跳過此部分:由於使用了TRIM,SSD已經可以安全地擦除檔案。但是,您仍然需要擦除驅動器,否則檔案將保留在原處,因此請跳到最後這樣做的步驟。)

Now move the dial up, to randomly write data over your entire drive.You only need to write over a drive once to securely wipe it, but if you’re paranoid you can also wipe it three or five times.

現在向上移動撥號盤,以在整個驅動器上隨機寫入資料。 您只需要重寫一次驅動器就可以安全擦除,但是如果您偏執,還可以擦除三到五次。

Click “OK” once you’ve decided, but remember:if your Mac has a solid state drive, you do not need to use these options. Just give your drive a name (I recommend “Macintosh HD”, just for consistency’s sake), then click “Erase” to start the overwriting process.

確定後,單擊“確定”,但請記住:如果Mac具有固態驅動器,則無需使用這些選項。 只需給驅動器起一個名字(為保持一致性,我建議使用“ Macintosh HD”),然後單擊“擦除”開始覆蓋過程。

If you opted to wipe your drive securely, this might take a while—30 minutes to an hour is not unreasonable for one pass. If you choose three or five passes, you might want to leave this running overnight.

如果選擇安全擦除驅動器,則可能要花一些時間-30分鐘到1個小時對於一次通過來說是不合理的。 如果選擇三遍或五遍,則可能需要將此操作整夜執行。

第三步:重新安裝macOS (Step Three: Reinstall macOS)

With your information wipe complete, you are now ready to reinstall macOS. If you booted from a functioning recovery partition, click the “Reinstall macOS” button. The installation process will begin.

資訊擦除完成後,您現在可以重新安裝macOS。 如果從正常執行的恢復分割槽啟動,請單擊“重新安裝macOS”按鈕。 安裝過程將開始。

If you booted from an USB disk, click “Continue” to advance to the installer.


You’ll be asked which hard drive you want to install to. Choose the Macintosh HD you named earlier.

系統將詢問您要安裝到哪個硬碟。 選擇您先前命名的Macintosh HD。

Just like that, macOS will begin installing.


This might take a while. Eventually your Mac will restart and ask you to create an account. If you’re giving your Mac away, or selling it, I recommend that you simply shut down at this point and let whoever you’re giving your Mac to create their own account. After all, it’s theirs now. Otherwise, enjoy your now-fresh Mac!

這可能需要一段時間。 最終,您的Mac將重新啟動,並要求您建立一個帳戶。 如果您要贈送或出售Mac,建議您暫時關閉,然後讓贈送Mac的任何人建立自己的帳戶。 畢竟,現在是他們的了。 否則,請享用您現在最新的Mac!

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/186860/how-to-reinstall-os-x-on-your-mac-wipe-your-drive-and-create-usb-installation-media/
