1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >mac 防止 下載 睡眠_如何暫時防止Mac進入睡眠狀態

mac 防止 下載 睡眠_如何暫時防止Mac進入睡眠狀態

mac 防止 下載 睡眠

mac 防止 下載 睡眠


Let’s say you start a big download, then go to bed. When you wake up, you realize your Macwent to sleep before finishing its job. Isn’t there some way to stop this?

假設您開始進行大量下載,然後上床睡覺。 當您醒來時,您意識到Mac在完成其工作之前就進入了睡眠狀態。 有沒有辦法阻止這種情況?

You probably know you can go into your Mac’sSystem Preferences > Energy Saver and change how often it goes to sleep.


But occasionally, you want to keep it awake indefinitely, or for a differentamount of time than what you have set in System Preferences. Instead of changing your permanent settings, you can apply some temporary settings with a free Mac app calledAmphetamine

. It also lets you program your Mac to stay awake under particular conditions, such as when a particular Wi-Fi network is nearby, a certain app is open, or during sethours of the day.

但是有時,您希望將其無限期喚醒,或者保持與在“系統偏好設定”中設定的時間不同的時間。 您可以使用免費的Mac應用程式Amphetamine來應用一些臨時設定,而無需更改您的永久設定。 它還可以讓您對Mac進行程式設計,使其在特定條件下保持清醒狀態,例如當附近有特定的Wi-Fi網路,打開了某個應用程式或在一天中的特定時段內。

You can also do some of this with a simple Terminal command, Amphetamine is much more powerful, if you’re willing to install an extra app.


如何使用苯丙胺 (How to Use Amphetamine)

Download, install, and launchAmpetamine like you would any other Mac app. When you do, and you’ll see a new icon in the menu bar that looks like a pill. (You can customize this icon, but we’ll get to that in a bit.)

與其他Mac應用程式一樣,下載,安裝和啟動Ampetamine。 完成後,您會在選單欄中看到一個新圖示,看起來像藥丸。 (您可以自定義此圖示,但稍後我們將進行介紹。)


Click this icon and you can quickly toggle your Mac to stay awake “Indefinitely.” Alternatively, you can keep your Mac awake for asetnumber of minutes…

單擊此圖示,您可以快速切換Mac以“無限期”保持喚醒狀態。 另外,您可以將Mac保持固定的分鐘數…


…or a particular number of hours.



If this isn’t enough for you, you could also keep your Mac awake while a certainprogram is running.Why would you want this? Perhaps you’ve set up your download manager to close once a download is completed, and you want to ensure your Mac keeps running until that is done. If you can’t imagine yourself using that feature, just stick to the timed options.

如果這還不夠,您還可以在執行某些程式時使Mac保持喚醒狀態。 你為什麼要這個? 也許您已將下載管理器設定為在下載完成後關閉,並且您想確保Mac一直執行直到完成。 如果您無法想象自己正在使用該功能,請堅持使用定時選項。


一組強大的配置選項 (A Powerful Set of Configuration Options)

If you’re the sort of user who likes to configure everything so it’s just right, you’re going to love the settings panel offered by Amphetamine. Click the menu bar icon and head to “Preferences” totweak to your heart’s content.

如果您是喜歡配置所有功能的使用者,那麼您會喜歡安非他命提供的設定面板。 單擊選單欄圖示,然後轉到“首選項”以調整您的心臟內容。


For example, if you just want your Mac to stay awake when you click the icon, you can set that up by toggling the “Status Bar Icon Click Actions” dropdown. You can also decide whether your screen stays awake, or whether it goes to sleep, while your Mac is kept awake.

例如,如果您只想讓Mac在單擊圖示時保持清醒狀態,則可以通過切換“狀態列圖示單擊操作”下拉選單來進行設定。 您還可以決定在Mac保持清醒的狀態下,螢幕是保持清醒狀態還是進入睡眠狀態。

In the Battery panel, you can tell Amphetamine to stop keeping your Mac awake once your battery sinks to a setlevel.



Unless you want your Mac to stay awake until the battery dies, this is a good idea.


There are a few more interesting panels here, which give you even more power:


  • The Drive Alive panel allows you to force particular hard drives to stay awake, instead of powering down, while your computer is kept awake.

  • The Hotkeys panel lets you set up universal keyboard shortcuts for starting and ending sessions.

  • The Notifications panel lets you decide whether Amphetamine will notify you of sessions beginning and ending, and what sounds the program makes.

  • The Appearance panel lets you change the icon from a pill to a coffee carafe (my preferred icon), a teapot, or even an owl.


There’sreally no part of Amphetamine that the user can’t control, which makes it a power user’s dream. But users who’d prefer to ignore these settings never need to look at them: the menu bar icon is enough for the vast majority of users.

苯丙胺實際上沒有使用者無法控制的部分,這使它成為了高階使用者的夢想。 但是不想忽略這些設定的使用者則無需檢視它們:選單欄圖示足以滿足絕大多數使用者的需要。

設定自動咖啡因的高階觸發器 (Set Up Advanced Triggers for AutomaticCaffeination)

There’s one panel I’ve yet to mention: Triggers. This lets you set up rules about when your Mac should stay awake.

我還沒有提到一個面板:觸發器。 這使您可以設定有關Mac應該何時保持清醒狀態的規則。


To get started, head to the Triggers section, then click the “+” button to create a new trigger.

首先,進入“觸發器”部分,然後單擊“ +”按鈕建立一個新觸發器。


Now you can set up a series of conditions that will automatically keep your Mac awake. For example, if you don’t want your Mac to go to sleep on weekdays when you’re at home, you could set your Wi-Fi network and a particular time range. Alternatively, you could set up Amphetamine to keep your Mac awake anytime your download manager is open. You’ve got a lot of power here, so dig in. Just note that Amphetamine must be running for the triggers to activate.

現在,您可以設定一系列條件,這些條件將使Mac自動保持喚醒狀態。 例如,如果您不希望Mac在工作日在家的工作日入睡,則可以設定Wi-Fi網路和特定的時間範圍。 另外,您可以設定安非他明以使Mac在下載管理器開啟時始終保持喚醒狀態。 您在這裡擁有很多功能,因此請深入研究。請注意,苯丙胺必須正在執行才能啟用觸發器。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/227561/how-to-prevent-your-mac-from-sleeping-without-changing-any-settings/

mac 防止 下載 睡眠