1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >chrome新建會話_沒有“重新開啟上一個會話”按鈕時如何還原Chrome標籤





Chrome, or your computer, crashed. All of your tabs are gone, and what’s worse, there’s no button offering to “Re-open Last Session” when you reload Chrome. Maybe you missed it? Or maybe it was never there. Either way, you’d really like to find those tabs back.

Chrome或您的計算機崩潰了。 您所有的標籤都消失了,更糟糕的是,當您重新載入Chrome時,沒有提供“重新開啟上一個會話”的按鈕。 也許你錯過了嗎? 也許它從來沒有在那裡。 無論哪種方式,您都非常想找到這些選項卡。

And you can! Click the three vertical dot button to the right of your address bar.

而且可以! 單擊位址列右側的三個垂直點按鈕。


You will see a menu item called “History,” with an arrow next to it. Hover over this with your and you will see your recent history.

您將看到一個名為“歷史記錄”的選單項,旁邊有一個箭頭。 將滑鼠懸停在上,您將看到您的近期歷史記錄。


If your browser closed or crashed recently, you should see an item called, for example, “7 tabs.” Click this and your entire collection of tabs will be restored.

如果您的瀏覽器最近關閉或崩潰,您應該會看到一個名為“ 7個標籤”的專案。 單擊此選項,您的整個選項卡集合將被恢復。

If this doesn’t work, you can try a keyboard shortcut. PressControl+Shift+T (or Command+Shift+T if you’re using a Mac) and your most recently closed tab or window will re-open. Keep doing this until your window from earlier re-spawns, or the shortcut stops working.

如果這不起作用,您可以嘗試使用鍵盤快捷鍵。 按Control + Shift + T(如果使用的是Mac,則按Command + Shift + T),最近關閉的選項卡或視窗將重新開啟。 繼續執行此操作,直到重新生成較早的視窗或快捷方式停止工作為止。

There’s a chance your window won’t come back, however, particularly if you’ve been using your browser a bit since the crash. If that’s the case, click the “History” option at the top of that menu, or pressControl+H on your keyboard (Mac: Command+Y).

但是,您的視窗可能不會再出現,特別是如果自崩潰以來一直在使用瀏覽器。 如果是這種情況,請單擊該選單頂部的“歷史記錄”選項,或在鍵盤上按Control + H(Mac:Command + Y)。


Sadly, you will not find “bundles” of tabs here, the way you did in the menu we pointed out earlier. But if there’s a specific tab you lost, you can find it back by scrolling or searching. It’s not perfect, but at least there’s some record of those tabs you lost.

遺憾的是,您將無法在此找到標籤的“捆綁包”,就像您在前面指出的選單中那樣。 但是,如果您丟失了一個特定的選項卡,則可以通過滾動或搜尋找到它。 這並不完美,但是至少有一些關於您丟失的標籤的記錄。

Note that any tabs opened in a Private Browsing tab cannot be recovered using your browsing history. They’re gone forever (which is kind of the point of Private Browsing.)

請注意,使用瀏覽歷史記錄無法恢復“私人瀏覽”選項卡中開啟的所有選項。 它們永遠消失了(這是“私人瀏覽”的重點。)

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/291019/how-to-restore-your-chrome-tabs-when-theres-no-re-open-last-session-button/
