1. 程式人生 > 其它 >【Lintcode】1785. Bank System

【Lintcode】1785. Bank System

技術標籤:# 棧、佇列、串及其他資料結構java資料結構演算法leetcode



1、void deposite(int id, int amount, long timestamp)
2、boolean withdraw(int id, int amount, long timestamp)
3、int[] check(int id, long startTime, long endTime)
第一個函式是在timestamp的時間向id的賬戶存amount這麼多錢,如果銀行裡沒有這個賬戶,則這個賬戶會被建立;第二個函式是在timestamp的時間從id的賬戶取amount這麼多錢,如果銀行裡沒有這個賬戶,或者有但是錢不夠,則會返回false,否則該賬戶的錢會減少amount,然後返回true;第三個函式是檢視id的賬戶在startTime和endTime這兩個時刻各自有多少錢,這兩個時刻檢視的錢都是這個時刻執行完存、取錢操作之後所剩的錢。如果check的時候該賬戶不存在,則返回一個長度 0 0



import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class BankSystem { class Account { private List<Integer> totalAmount; private List<Long> timeStamps; private int len; public Account() { totalAmount = new ArrayList<>(); timeStamps = new ArrayList<
>(); } public void deposite(int amount, long timeStamp) { if (totalAmount.isEmpty()) { totalAmount.add(amount); } else { totalAmount.add(totalAmount.get(len - 1) + amount); } timeStamps.add(timeStamp); len++; } public boolean withdraw(int amount, long timeStamp) { // 該賬戶不存在或者錢不夠,則返回false if (totalAmount.isEmpty() || totalAmount.get(len - 1) < amount) { return false; } totalAmount.add(totalAmount.get(len - 1) - amount); timeStamps.add(timeStamp); len++; return true; } public int[] check(long start, long end) { int[] res = new int[2]; int idx1 = binarySearch(start), idx2 = binarySearch(end); res[0] = idx1 != -1 ? totalAmount.get(idx1) : 0; res[1] = idx2 != -1 ? totalAmount.get(idx2) : 0; return res; } private int binarySearch(long time) { int l = 0, r = len - 1; while (l < r) { int m = l + (r - l + 1 >> 1); if (timeStamps.get(m) <= time) { l = m; } else { r = m - 1; } } return timeStamps.get(l) <= time ? l : -1; } } private Map<Integer, Account> map; public BankSystem() { // Write your code here map = new HashMap<>(); } /** * @param id: user account id * @param amount: the number of bank deposits * @param timestamp: the data of bank transaction * @return: nothing */ public void deposite(int id, int amount, long timestamp) { // Write your code here map.putIfAbsent(id, new Account()); map.get(id).deposite(amount, timestamp); } /** * @param id: user account id * @param amount : the number of bank withdraw * @param timestamp: the data of bank transaction * @return: if user account can not withdraw the number of amount,return false. else return true */ public boolean withdraw(int id, int amount, long timestamp) { // Write your code here if (!map.containsKey(id)) { return false; } return map.get(id).withdraw(amount, timestamp); } /** * @param id: user account id * @param startTime: start time * @param endTime: end time * @return: need return two numbers,the first one is start time account balance,the second is end time account balance */ public int[] check(int id, long startTime, long endTime) { // Write your code here if (!map.containsKey(id)) { return new int[0]; } return map.get(id).check(startTime, endTime); } }

所有操作時間複雜度 O ( 1 ) O(1) O(1),空間取決於賬戶數量和時間戳數量。