1. 程式人生 > 其它 >ABB AC900F學習筆記39:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_Safety_Instructions_for_AC_700F_AC_900F-5

ABB AC900F學習筆記39:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_Safety_Instructions_for_AC_700F_AC_900F-5


2.4 Electrical connection 電氣連線
  • The DIN rail must be connected to earth potential PE before the device issubjected to any power
  • Earthing (switch cabinet earthing, PE) is supplied both by the mainsconnection (or 24 V supply voltage) and through the DIN rail
  • The earthing may be removed only if it is certain that no more power is beingsupplied to the device
  • The supply voltage (or mains connection) terminal block must only be pluggedin or withdrawn with the power off! The same applies to the terminal blocks ofinput or output channels (e.g. relay outputs) if they are operated with dangerouscontact voltages
  • Signal and supply lines (power cables) must be laid out so that no malfunctionsdue to capacitive and inductive interference can occur (EMC).
  • Make sure not to exceed the maximum supply voltage for the modules andaccessories for the device, e.g. for L+/- and UP. This could cause lastingdamages to the System
  • Screws that are located on the housing for power supplies and the redundantunit are meant for internal earthing for the device. Do not remove! Do notattach any cable
  • 裝置送電前DIN必須連線到接地電位PE上。
  • 接地(開關櫃接地,PE)由市電連線(或24v電源電壓)和DIN導軌提供(機器翻譯有點生硬)
  • 只有確定不再向裝置供電時,才可以拆除接地裝置
  • 電源電壓(或電源連線)接線端子只能在斷電的情況下插入或拔出! 輸入或輸出通道(例如繼電器輸出)的端子塊如果在危險的接觸電壓下執行,也同樣適用。
  • 訊號線和電源線(電源線)的敷設應避免電容干擾和感應干擾(EMC)引起的故障。
  • 確保不超過裝置模組和附件的最大電源電壓,例如 對於 L+/- 和 UP。 這可能會對系統造成持久損壞。
  • 位於電源和冗餘單元外殼上的螺釘用於裝置的內部接地。不要刪除!也不附加任何電纜。
2.5 Operation 操作 There are parts in both the power supplies as well as the redundant units that havehigh level of stored energy and circuits with high voltage!


  • Do not induct any objects in the device and do not open the device. Some of thedevices in this series may dispense highly energized particles as output。
  • 請勿在裝置中感應任何物體,也不要開啟裝置。 該系列中的某些裝置可能會分配高能粒子作為輸出。
  • Make sure that the personnel who operate the system are protected fromaccidental contact with charged particles
  • 確保作業系統的人員不會意外接觸帶電粒子。
  • Do not make any changes in the installation (primary or secondary!), (High current!). Danger of spark and shock (Danger)!
  • 不要對安裝進行任何更改(初級或次級!),(有高電流危險!)。 火花和電擊的危險(Danger)!
  • In the case of power supplies connectors, operate very carefully!
  • 對於電源聯結器,請務必小心操作!
  • Use only the type of Lithium battery which is specified for the particular CPUModule。
  • 僅使用為特定 CPU 模組指定的鋰電池型別。
  • Fire Hazard: Based on the operating needs, the temperature in the housingcould reach very high values
  • 火災危險:根據操作需要,外殼內的溫度可能會達到很高的值
  • If the internal fuse trips, then there is a high probability that the device isdefective. In such a case, the power supply as well as the redundancy unitshould be sent back to ABB for inspection.
  • 如果內部保險絲跳閘,則裝置很可能出現故障。 在這種情況下,應將電源和冗餘單元送回 ABB 進行檢查。
  • For modules that are capable of hot-plug, ensure that the environmentalcondition allow the module exchange. This applies particularly to modulescertified according to UL Class 1 Div 2
  • 對於能夠熱插拔的模組,請確保環境條件允許模組交換。 這尤其適用於通過 UL Class 1 Div 2 認證的模組。
Lifting up the cover of the battery compartment to exchange the battery module isnot construed as opening in this context. 掀開電池盒蓋更換電池在本文件中不視作開啟裝置。