1. 程式人生 > 其它 >ABB AC900F學習筆記40:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_Safety_Instructions_for_AC_700F_AC_900F-6

ABB AC900F學習筆記40:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_Safety_Instructions_for_AC_700F_AC_900F-6


2.6 Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC 電磁相容性 EMC stands for Electromagnetic compatibility. It is the ability ofelectrical/electronic equipment to operate without problems within anelectromagnetic environment. Likewise, the equipment must not disturb or interferewith any other product or system within its locality. This is a legal requirement forall equipment taken into service within the European Economic Area (EEA). EMC 代表電磁相容性。 它是電氣/電子裝置在電磁環境中正常執行的能力。 同樣,裝置不得干擾或干擾其所在地的任何其他產品或系統。 這是對在歐洲經濟區 (EEA) 內投入使用的所有裝置的法律要求。
The EMC Product Standard for EN 61000-6 is used as the main standard forFreelance modules and accessories. The terms and definitions defined in thestandard are also used in this guide EN 61000-6 的 EMC 產品標準用作 Freelance 模組和附件的主要標準。 本指南中還使用了標準中定義的術語和定義。
  • When CE labeled Freelance modules and accessories are to be incorporatedwith another product, the resulting EMC behavior of that product is theresponsibility of the assembler of the final product. This could be a systemintegrator or OEM
  • 當帶有 CE 標籤的 Freelance 模組和附件與另一個產品結合時,該產品產生的 EMC 行為是最終產品的組裝商的責任。 這(組裝商)可能是系統整合商或 OEM
  • 3rd party auxiliaries used with AC 700F/900F should be CE marked productsconforming to both the EMC and Low Voltage Directives
  • 與 AC 700F/900F 一起使用的第 3 方輔助裝置應為符合 EMC 和低電壓指令的 CE 標誌產品
  • For best immunity and low emissions, please refer to the user manuals andinstructions on Mounting and Installation. Correct earthing and shielding isonly one of the many measures to be taken.
  • 為獲得最佳抗擾度和低輻射,請參閱使用者手冊和安裝說明。 正確接地和遮蔽只是要採取的眾多措施之一。
2.7 Disposal Information 處置資訊 ABB actively promotes environmental awareness and has an operationalmanagement system that meets the requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001 and EN ISO14001. Our products and solutions are intended to have minimum impact on theenvironment and persons during manufacturing, storage, transport, use and disposal ABB 積極倡導環保意識,並擁有符合 DIN EN ISO 9001 和 EN ISO 14001 要求的運營管理體系。我們的產品和解決方案旨在將製造、儲存、運輸、使用和處置過程中對環境和人員的影響降至最低。 This includes the environment friendly use of natural resources. ABB conducts anopen dialog with the public through its publications. This product is manufacturedfrom materials that can be reused by specialist recycling companies. It must bedisposed at the end of the life time in the normal recycling process in compliancewith national and local regulations. 這包括對自然資源的環保使用。 ABB 通過其出版物與公眾進行公開對話。 本產品由專業回收公司可以重複使用的材料製成。 必須按照國家和地方法規在正常回收過程中的使用壽命結束時進行處理。 到這裡,這個文件就翻譯完了。