1. 程式人生 > 其它 >ABB AC900F學習筆記42:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_AC_900F_Controller-2

ABB AC900F學習筆記42:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_AC_900F_Controller-2

1 Overview


1.1 AC 900F Controller

1.1 AC 900F控制器

The PM 904F, PM 902F or PM 901F CPU module is the core component of anAC 900F controller. As there are only minor differences in appearance between theCPU module types, the drawings and photos of the PM 904F included in the present
document also apply to the other CPU module types.

PM 904F、PM 902F 或 PM 901F CPU 模組是AC 900F 控制器的核心元件。由於 CPU 模組型別在外觀上只有細微差異,因此當前包含 PM 904F 的圖紙和照片文件還適用於其他 CPU 模組型別.

The term “controller” used in this manual is equivalent to the term “process station”in Freelance Engineering or to the precise type designation “AC 900F”.

本手冊中使用的術語"控制器"相當於FREELANCE工程中的"流程站"一詞或"AC 900F"的精確型別名稱。

Unless a description refers to special features and functions of a specific moduletype variant, the general type designations PM, CI, CM, TA, TU etc. are usedthroughout this document.


Depending on the application and requirements, the controller can becomplemented by additional modules. These modules are fieldbus communicationinterfaces and I/O modules


The AC 900F comprises the following components:


  • PM CPU module with
  • PM CPU模板包含

–PM 904F: four slots, four Ethernet interfaces

PM 904F:四個插槽,4各乙太網介面

PM 902F: two slots, four Ethernet interfaces

PM 902F:兩個插槽,4個乙太網介面

PM 901F: two slots, three Ethernet interfaces

PM 901F:兩個插槽,3個乙太網介面

one diagnostic interface


–two serial interfaces


–TD display unit (optional)


  • up to ten S700 I/O modules with I/O terminal blocks
  • 帶有終端塊至多10個的S700 I/O模板
  • max. four fieldbus communication interfaces
  • 最多四個現場匯流排通訊介面

The controller can be used in single or redundant configuration. It supports remoteI/Os, transmitters, actuators, drives, and other devices using PROFIBUS and otherfieldbus protocols. ABB offers a wide range of different devices andnetwork components for applications in standard and hazardous areas.

控制器可用於單個或冗餘配置。它支援使用PROFIBUS和其他現場匯流排協議的遠端 I/Os、變送器、執行器、驅動器和其他裝置。ABB 為標準和危險領域的應用提供廣泛的不同裝置和網路元件。

In the present version, the AC 900F controller supports the following fieldbustechnologies:

在本版本中,AC 900F 控制器支援以下現場匯流排技術:

  • Modbus RTU (serial) and Modbus TCP
  • Telecontrol protocol (serial) and Telecontrol TCP
  • ABB CAN Bus protocol

Depending on type and number of process signals, input/output modules are usedeither as “direct” I/O or as remote I/O. For more detailed information on assemblyand installation of I/O modules, please refer to Mounting and InstallationInstructions, I/O Modules for AC 700F / AC 900F.

根據訊號型別和數量的不同,輸入輸出模板要麼作為本地IO,要麼作為遠端IO。有關 I/O 模組組裝和安裝的詳細資訊,請參閱安裝和安裝說明、AC 700F / AC 900F 的 I/O 模組。

Similar to the AC 700F and AC 800F, the hardware configuration of the AC 900F isbased on the hardware function block principle

與AC 700F和AC 800F類似,AC 900F的硬體配置基於硬體功能塊原理。

The AC 900F controller is designed for the combination with fieldbus-compliantcomponents like remote I/O, field devices and network components. ABB offersequipment for applications in standard and hazardous areas


1.1.1 Features


The AC 900F exhibits the following main features:

AC 900F展現了下面的特徵

CPU module


–PowerPC (II Pro family)

–RISC architecture架構

Main memory

–Main memory for data and application用於應用和資料的主儲存

Battery 電池
–Lithium battery for RAM buffering 用於RAM的鋰電池

Interfaces 介面
–Four or three Ethernet interfaces depending on the CPU module. The first interface is used for Control Net, the second as redundancy link and the remaining interfaces three and four are available for other connections or Control Net redundancy.

–Serial interfaces 串列埠

Coupler bus 耦合匯流排
–Two or four slots 兩個或4個插槽
–Supports fieldbus communication interfaces 支援現場匯流排通訊介面

I/O bus
–Ten slots L1 to L10 for up to ten I/O modules


–Supports different I/O module types


Display and control elements 顯示和控制元素
–SD card reader



–Display unit (optional accessory)
