1. 程式人生 > 其它 >30天英語口語背誦材料:PASSAGE 11 Caring for the Five Senses

30天英語口語背誦材料:PASSAGE 11 Caring for the Five Senses

  Everyone has five senses. The five senses are sight, hearing, smell,taste and touch. We use different body parts for different senses. Weneed to take care of the parts of our bodies that let us use our senses.   For example, you use your eyes for seeing. You should protect youreyes and have a doctor regularly check your eyesight. Don't sit too closeto the TV or computer monitor, and don't read in the dark or in dim light.Never look directly at the sun or at very bright lights.   Your ears let you hear the things around you. You should clean yourears all the time. Don't listen to loud music, and try to avoid places thatare really loud. Protect your ears when you play sports.   Your nose cleans the air you breathe and lets you smell things. Avoidthings that have very strong smells.   Your tongue helps you taste things you eat and drink. Your skinprotects your body from germs and gives you sense of touch. Alwayswash your hands after blowing your nose, playing outside, or using therestroom. Protect your skin from sunburns. Use sunscreen to protectyour skin from the sun.   每個人都有 5 種感覺官能,分別是視覺,聽覺、嗅覺、味覺和觸覺。不同的感覺官能對應不同的身體部位,所以我們要好好照顧這些身體器官。   例如,看東西要用到眼,每個人都應該保護自己的眼睛並定期去醫院檢查視力。不要離電視或電腦螢幕太近,不要在黑暗中或昏暗的燈光下看書,也絕對不要直視太陽或其他強光。   聽周圍的聲音要用到耳朵。要時常清潔耳朵,聽音樂時音量不宜過大,注意避開嘈雜的地方,而且運動時也要注意保護耳朵。   鼻子能淨化我們吸入體內的空氣並讓我們聞出物體的氣味。要避免接觸具有刺激性氣味的物體。   舌頭能讓我們品嚐食物和飲料的味道。面板會阻擋病菌進入體內並讓人擁有觸覺。擤鼻子、外出玩耍以及上衛生間之後一定要洗手。為了防止面板晒傷,還應該塗抹防晒霜以阻隔烈日的暴晒。
