1. 程式人生 > 其它 >30天英語口語背誦材料:PASSAGE 15: Importance of communication

30天英語口語背誦材料:PASSAGE 15: Importance of communication

  Communication is extremely important in any relationship. Importance of Communication has been stressed time and again. Lack of communication creates a number of problems that only increase with time.   It is often seen that the families where people talk to each other frequently are happier. They share their joys, sorrows and other emotions with each other. There is a lively atmosphere in such families.They laugh it out together and celebrate every moment whole-heartedly.Such is the importance of communication.   Compared to this, the families where all the members are busy with their own tasks are usually not as happy. The atmosphere in such families is quite dull and gloomy. They plan outings with their friends and colleagues rather than their family members.   This is because they have neglected the importance of communication all along and are thus not comfortable communicating with each other. And without good communication there is no way one can enjoy. People in such families often find themselves lonely and even get into depression.   Similarly, lack of communication is harmful in every situation. We must all realise the importance of communication.   溝通的重要性     在任何關係中,溝通都極其重要。溝通的重要性再強調也不為過。隨著時間推移,缺乏溝通會產生許多問題,並且問題會不斷累加。   通常而言,家庭成員如果溝通頻繁,那麼這家人就會生活更愉快。他們分享喜悅、悲傷和其他感情。整個家庭都會因此而生機勃勃。他們同歡笑,全心全意慶祝每一刻。由此可見,溝通如此重要。   相對而言,家庭成員如果麼個人都忙自己的事情,家庭就沒那麼快樂。這個家庭的整個氛圍非常沉悶和陰鬱。家庭成員各自安排和他們的朋友和同事出行,而不是和其他家庭成員一起出行。   這是因為他們一直忽視溝通的重要性,因而溝通的時候也覺得不自在。家庭成員會覺得自己很孤獨,甚至會患上抑鬱症。   同樣地,每一種情況缺乏溝通都是有害的。我們必須意識到溝通的重要性。