1. 程式人生 > 其它 >30天英語口語背誦材料:PASSAGE 17: Promotion

30天英語口語背誦材料:PASSAGE 17: Promotion

  Before you ask for a promotion, be sure that you're doing all the right things to help ensure that the answer will be positive.   1. Do a Great Job.   How you perform in your current position is going to be important when you're considered for a promotion. Excellent performance reviews and your reputation as an above-average employee will carry a lot of weight  when the company is making staffing decisions.   2. Be a Team Player.   Volunteer to help with new projects in the office. Offer to help your boss and co-workers whenever time permits. You'll be known as a team player and an individual that colleagues want to work with.   3.Don't Miss Work.   Be on time for work and don't take more time off than you are allocated. If you're known as a slouch and someone who misses more work than is appropriate, it will be held against you.   4.Network and Get Noticed.   Attend company parties and gatherings. The more connected and engaged you are with your colleagues, the more they will know about you and the more you'll stand out when it comes time to consider you for promotion.   Managers are more likely to promote an employee they know well than a random applicant they don't know much about.     在您提晉升要求前,要保證您所做的事情都是對的,只有這樣才能爭取到正面的回覆。     目前工作做得不錯。當前工作表現是老闆評價你否應該晉升的關鍵因素。良好的績效評價和高於其他普通員工的聲譽會是公司做人事決定時非常看重的要素。     具有團隊合作精神。辦公室裡有新專案的話,積極給予幫助。積極給予委員會或工作隊幫助。時間允許的話,多多幫助老闆和同事。這樣大家會覺得你有團隊合作精神,並想要和您共事。     不要誤工。準時上班,別人給你分配多少時間,記得不要多佔用。如果別人覺得你是個懶散的人,且常常誤工,這會對你晉升很不利。     參與社交,被別人關注到。參加公司聚會和集會活動。您與同事之間的聯絡和互動越多,他們就越瞭解你,在考慮您的晉升時,會讓您更加突出。管理者更願意提拔他們瞭解的人,而非他們知之甚少的人。