1. 程式人生 > 其它 >限行列和隨機加牆版_遞迴呼叫解決結果含負數問題


Sub 限行列和隨機加牆版()
    Dim nRows As Long, nCols As Long, nLastRow As Long, tmpSum As Long, tmpRow As Long, r As Long, c As Long
    Dim sumRows() As Long, nRowSkipSum() As Long, nColSkipSum() As Long, nColsLast() As Long
    Dim bForceValue() As Boolean
    Dim vArr() As Variant
    Dim fOffset As Single
= Sheet1.Range("A2").CurrentRegion.Value '取資料 nRows = UBound(vArr) nCols = UBound(vArr, 2) ReDim sumRows(3 To nRows) ReDim nRowSkipSum(3 To nRows) ReDim nColsLast(3 To nRows) ReDim nColSkipSum(2 To nCols - 1) ReDim nRowsLast(2 To nCols - 1) ReDim bForceValue(3 To nRows, 2
To nCols) With Sheet1.Range("A1") For c = 2 To nCols - 1 For r = 3 To nRows If .Offset(r - 1, c - 1).Interior.Color = vbYellow Then '背景顏色為黃色的單元格固定原值不變(跳過) bForceValue(r, c) = True bForceValue(r, nCols) = True nRowSkipSum(r)
= nRowSkipSum(r) + vArr(r, c) '每行跳過值之和 nColSkipSum(c) = nColSkipSum(c) + vArr(r, c) '每列跳過值之和 Else sumRows(r) = sumRows(r) + vArr(2, c) '每行限制之和 If vArr(2, c) <> 0 Then nColsLast(r) = c '每行最後1個列限制和非0的非固定值的列號 End If Next Next End With For c = 2 To nCols - 1 tmpSum = tmpSum + vArr(2, c) Next For r = 3 To nRows tmpRow = tmpRow + vArr(r, nCols) If vArr(r, nCols) <> 0 And bForceValue(r, nCols) = False Then nLastRow = r Next If tmpRow <> tmpSum Then MsgBox "行與列限制之和不相等!": Exit Sub If nLastRow < 3 Then MsgBox "至少要有一行無任何固定值!": Exit Sub ' fOffset = 0.05! '隨機值浮動百分比 fOffset = 0.08! '隨機值浮動百分比 ' fOffset = 0.015! '隨機值浮動百分比 Randomize For r = 3 To nRows If r <> nLastRow Then tmpSum = 0 tmpRow = vArr(r, nCols) - nRowSkipSum(r) '該行剩餘可隨機值之和 For c = 2 To nCols - 1 If c <> nColsLast(r) And bForceValue(r, c) = False Then vArr(r, c) = Int(tmpRow / sumRows(r) * vArr(2, c) * (1! + Rnd * fOffset * 2 - fOffset)) tmpSum = tmpSum + vArr(r, c) End If Next vArr(r, nColsLast(r)) = tmpRow - tmpSum '該行剩餘列的值 End If Next For c = 2 To nCols - 1 tmpSum = 0 For r = 3 To nRows If r <> nLastRow And bForceValue(r, c) = False Then tmpSum = tmpSum + vArr(r, c) Next vArr(nLastRow, c) = vArr(2, c) - nColSkipSum(c) - tmpSum '剩餘列的剩餘值 Next If 二維陣列含負數(vArr) = False Then Call 限行列和隨機加牆版 Else Sheet1.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(vArr), UBound(vArr, 2)).Value = vArr End If End Sub Function 二維陣列含負數(ar) flag = True For x = 3 To UBound(ar) For y = 2 To UBound(ar, 2) If ar(x, y) < 0 Then flag = False End If Next Next 二維陣列含負數 = flag End Function Function 檢查二維陣列是否合法(vArr) ' vArr = Sheet2.Range("A2").CurrentRegion.Value '取資料 If 二維陣列含負數(vArr) = False Then MsgBox "隨機數不合理,請重試一次!" Else MsgBox "隨機數取值合理,請執行主程式!" End If End Function Sub 單獨檢查二維陣列是否包含負數() vArr = Sheet1.Range("A2").CurrentRegion.Value '取資料 If 二維陣列含負數(vArr) = False Then MsgBox "隨機數不合理,請重試一次!" End If End Sub