# LeetCode 4 ## problem4
# LeetCode 4
## problem4
There is a very obscure condition here:
* i + j == m - i + n - j
* i means the index of the first array.
* j means the index of the second array.
* m means the sum of the length of the two arrays.
And the second condition is that :
* If the a[i] >= b [j-1] && b[j] >= a[i-1],the i and j are the final result that we want.
* The a[] and b[] are the two arrays.
Then we can apply these two conditions into our binary search.
The time complexity of the solution is O(min(m,n)).
# LeetCode 4 ## problem4
# LeetCode 4 ## problem4
there RR [] time IT amp then ear arrays # LeetCode 4## problem4---There is a very obscure condition here: * i + j == m - i + n - j* i mea
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HA 否則 gin 依賴 positions strong 每一個 com ive 該題的難度分級是Hard,那麽難在哪裏呢?我們先來看題目。 給定兩個大小為 m 和 n 的有序數組 nums1 和 nums2 。 請找出這兩個有序數組的中位數。要求算法的時間復雜度為
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題目描述 給定兩個大小為 m 和 n 的有序陣列 nums1 和 nums2。 請你找出這兩個有序陣列的中位數,並且要求演算法的時間複雜度為 O(log(m + n))。 你可以假設 nums1 和 nums2 不會同時為空。 示例 1: nums1 = [1, 3] nums2 = [2]
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