1. 程式人生 > >soft-nms


最大 elif threshold over cor style 過濾 nms 解決







def cpu_soft_nms(np.ndarray[float
, ndim=2] boxes, float sigma=0.5, float Nt=0.3, float threshold=0.001, unsigned int method=0): cdef unsigned int N = boxes.shape[0] cdef float iw, ih, box_area cdef float ua cdef int pos = 0 cdef float maxscore = 0 cdef int maxpos = 0 cdef float x1,x2,y1,y2,tx1,tx2,ty1,ty2,ts,area,weight,ov
for i in range(N):              每次找最大的得分和相應的box maxscore = boxes[i, 4] maxpos = i tx1 = boxes[i,0] ty1 = boxes[i,1] tx2 = boxes[i,2] ty2 = boxes[i,3] ts = boxes[i,4] pos = i + 1 # get max box while pos < N: if
maxscore < boxes[pos, 4]: maxscore = boxes[pos, 4] maxpos = pos pos = pos + 1 # add max box as a detection boxes[i,0] = boxes[maxpos,0] boxes[i,1] = boxes[maxpos,1] boxes[i,2] = boxes[maxpos,2] boxes[i,3] = boxes[maxpos,3] boxes[i,4] = boxes[maxpos,4] # swap ith box with position of max box      把得分最大的放到當前第一個位置 boxes[maxpos,0] = tx1 boxes[maxpos,1] = ty1 boxes[maxpos,2] = tx2 boxes[maxpos,3] = ty2 boxes[maxpos,4] = ts tx1 = boxes[i,0] ty1 = boxes[i,1] tx2 = boxes[i,2] ty2 = boxes[i,3] ts = boxes[i,4] pos = i + 1 # NMS iterations, note that N changes if detection boxes fall below threshold while pos < N:                      當前第一個,也就是得分最高的一個,和後面所有的box進行nms操作 x1 = boxes[pos, 0] y1 = boxes[pos, 1] x2 = boxes[pos, 2] y2 = boxes[pos, 3] s = boxes[pos, 4] area = (x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1) iw = (min(tx2, x2) - max(tx1, x1) + 1)      width的重疊部分長度 if iw > 0: ih = (min(ty2, y2) - max(ty1, y1) + 1)    height的重疊部分長度 if ih > 0: ua = float((tx2 - tx1 + 1) * (ty2 - ty1 + 1) + area - iw * ih) ov = iw * ih / ua #iou between max box and detection box if method == 1: # linear if ov > Nt: weight = 1 - ov else: weight = 1 elif method == 2: # gaussian weight = np.exp(-(ov * ov)/sigma) else: # original NMS if ov > Nt: weight = 0 else: weight = 1 boxes[pos, 4] = weight*boxes[pos, 4] # if box score falls below threshold, discard the box by swapping with last box # update N if boxes[pos, 4] < threshold: boxes[pos,0] = boxes[N-1, 0] boxes[pos,1] = boxes[N-1, 1] boxes[pos,2] = boxes[N-1, 2] boxes[pos,3] = boxes[N-1, 3] boxes[pos,4] = boxes[N-1, 4] N = N - 1 pos = pos - 1 pos = pos + 1 keep = [i for i in range(N)] return keep


                    if method == 1: # linear
                        if ov > Nt: 
                            weight = 1 - ov
                            weight = 1
                    elif method == 2: # gaussian
                        weight = np.exp(-(ov * ov)/sigma)
                    else: # original NMS
                        if ov > Nt: 
                            weight = 0
                            weight = 1

線性衰減法:(1-overlap)×之前的得分 = 現在的得分

