1. 程式人生 > >AI-007: 吳恩達教授(Andrew Ng)的機器學習課程學習筆記27-33

AI-007: 吳恩達教授(Andrew Ng)的機器學習課程學習筆記27-33

本文是學習Andrew Ng的機器學習系列教程的學習筆記。教學視訊地址:


27. Logistic Regression - Classification


It is not good to use linear regression to solve classification problem.


28. Logistic Regression - Hypothesis representation


Logistic regression is a classify problem.

Sigmoid function = Logistic function:

29. Logic Regression - Decision boundary

The decision boundary is a property of the hypothesis, including the parameters θ1 θ2 θ3

No data the decision boundary is also there

 根據訓練資料分佈,估計擬合函式圖形,比如橢圓:x^2+^2 = 1

Long as we’ve given my parameter vector θ, that defines the decision boundary which is the circle.

The training set no use to decide the decision boundary, it may used to fit the parameters θ.

If I have even higher order polynomial terms, I Can get very complex decision boundaries.

Higher order polynomial terms


Decision boundary 決策邊界

30. Logistic Regression - Cost function  




Cost function in linear regression:

used in logistic regression will get non-convex function, try to find a convex function:

non-convex 非凸函式

Cost function in Logistic regression:

31. Logistic Regression - Simplified cost function and gradient descent  

Both cost function show in one:


maximum likelihood estimation極大似然估


32. Logistic Regression - Advanced optimization

In octave create cost function:

set options and run fminunc:

33. Logistic regression - Mult-class classification: One-vs-allWhat is multi-class classification problem?

change multi to one, and use more classifiers h(x):

Do prediction: just put x in each classifier, and pick the most confident or most enthusiastically

Train a logistic regression classifier for each class i to predict the probability that y = i.

On a new input x, to make a prediction, pick the class I that maximizes.