阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-27
* implementation of btree algorithm, base on <<Introduction to algorithm>>
* author: lichuang
* blog:
#include "btree.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>static btree_t* btree_insert_nonfull(btree_t *btree, type_t key);
static btree_t* btree_split_child(btree_t *parent, int pos, btree_t *child);
staticint btree_find_index(btree_t *btree, type_t key, int*ret);
btree_t* btree_create()
btree_t *btree;
if (!(btree = (btree_t*)malloc(sizeof(btree_t))))
printf("[%d]malloc error!\n", __LINE__);
return NULL;
btree->num =0;
btree->leaf =1;
return btree;
btree_t* btree_insert(btree_t *btree, type_t key)
if (btree->num == KEY_NUM)
/* if the btree is full */
btree_t *p;
if (!(p = (btree_t*)malloc(sizeof(btree_t))))
printf("[%d]malloc error!\n ", __LINE__);
return NULL;
p->num =0;
p->child[0] = btree;
p->leaf =0;
btree = btree_split_child(p, 0, btree);
return btree_insert_nonfull(btree, key);
btree_t* btree_delete(btree_t *btree, type_t key)
int index, ret, i;
btree_t *preceding, *successor;
btree_t *child, *sibling;
type_t replace;
index = btree_find_index(btree, key, &ret);
if (btree->leaf &&!ret)
case 1:
if found the key and the node is a leaf then delete it directly
memmove(&btree->key[index], &btree->key[index +1], sizeof(type_t) * (btree->num - index -1));
return btree;
elseif (btree->leaf && ret)
/* not found */return btree;
if (!ret) /* btree includes key */
case 2:
If the key k is in node x and x is an internal node, do the following:
preceding = btree->child[index];
successor = btree->child[index +1];
if (preceding->num >= M) /* case 2a */
case 2a:
If the child y that precedes k in node x has at least t keys,
then find the predecessor k′ of k in the subtree rooted at y.
Recursively delete k′, and replace k by k′ in x.
(Finding k′ and deleting it can be performed in a single downward pass.)
replace = preceding->key[preceding->num -1];
btree->child[index] = btree_delete(preceding, replace);
btree->key[index] = replace;
return btree;
if (successor->num >= M) /* case 2b */
case 2b:
Symmetrically, if the child z that follows k in node x
has at least t keys, then find the successor k′ of k
in the subtree rooted at z. Recursively delete k′, and
replace k by k′ in x. (Finding k′ and deleting it can
be performed in a single downward pass.)
replace = successor->key[0];
btree->child[index +1] = btree_delete(successor, replace);
btree->key[index] = replace;
return btree;
if ((preceding->num == M -1) && (successor->num == M -1)) /* case 2c */
case 2c:
Otherwise, if both y and z have only t - 1 keys, merge k
and all of z into y, so that x loses both k and the pointer
to z, and y now contains 2t - 1 keys. Then, free z and
recursively delete k from y.
*//* merge key and successor into preceding */
preceding->key[preceding->num++] = key;
memmove(&preceding->key[preceding->num], &successor->key[0], sizeof(type_t) * (successor->num));
memmove(&preceding->child[preceding->num], &successor->child[0], sizeof(btree_t*) * (successor->num +1));
preceding->num += successor->num;
/* delete key from btree */if (btree->num -1>0)
memmove(&btree->key[index], &btree->key[index +1], sizeof(type_t) * (btree->num - index -1));
memmove(&btree->child[index +1], &btree->child[index +2], sizeof(btree_t*) * (btree->num - index -1));
/* if the parent node contain no more child, free it */
btree = preceding;
/* free successor */
/* delete key from preceding */
btree_delete(preceding, key);
return btree;
/* btree not includes key */if ((child = btree->child[index]) && child->num == M -1)
case 3:
If the key k is not present in internal node x, determine
the root ci[x] of the appropriate subtree that must contain k,
if k is in the tree at all. If ci[x] has only t - 1 keys,
execute step 3a or 3b as necessary to guarantee that we descend
to a node containing at least t keys. Then, finish by recursing
on the appropriate child of x.
case 3a:
If ci[x] has only t - 1 keys but has an immediate sibling
with at least t keys, give ci[x] an extra key by moving a
key from x down into ci[x], moving a key from ci[x]'s immediate
left or right sibling up into x, and moving the appropriate
child pointer from the sibling into ci[x].
*/if ((index < btree->num) &&
(sibling = btree->child[index +1]) &&
(sibling->num >= M))
/* the right sibling has at least M keys */
child->key[child->num++] = btree->key[index];
btree->key[index] = sibling->key[0];
child->child[child->num] = sibling->child[0];
memmove(&sibling->key[0], &sibling->key[1], sizeof(type_t*) * (sibling->num));
memmove(&sibling->child[0], &sibling->child[1], sizeof(btree_t*) * (sibling->num +1));
elseif ((index >0) &&
(sibling = btree->child[index -1]) &&
(sibling->num >= M))
/* the left sibling has at least M keys */
memmove(&child->key[1], &child->key[0], sizeof(type_t) * child->num);
memmove(&child->child[1], &child->child[0], sizeof(btree_t*) * (child->num +1));
child->key[0] = btree->key[index -1];
btree->key[index -1] = sibling->key[sibling->num -1];
child->child[0] = sibling->child[sibling->num];
case 3b:
If ci[x] and both of ci[x]'s immediate siblings have t - 1 keys,
merge ci[x] with one sibling, which involves moving a key from x
down into the new merged node to become the median key for that node.
*/elseif ((index < btree->num) &&
(sibling = btree->child[index +1]) &&
(sibling->num == M -1))
the child and its right sibling both have M - 1 keys,
so merge child with its right sibling
child->key[child->num++] = btree->key[index];
memmove(&child->key[child->num], &sibling->key[0], sizeof(type_t) * sibling->num);
memmove(&child->child[child->num], &sibling->child[0], sizeof(btree_t*) * (sibling->num +1));
child->num += sibling->num;
if (btree->num -1>0)
memmove(&btree->key[index], &btree->key[index +1], sizeof(type_t) * (btree->num - index -1));
memmove(&btree->child[index +1], &btree->child[index +2], sizeof(btree_t*) * (btree->num - index -1));
btree = child;
elseif ((index >0) &&
(sibling = btree->child[index -1]) &&
(sibling->num == M -1))
the child and its left sibling both have M - 1 keys,
so merge child with its left sibling
sibling->key[sibling->num++] = btree->key[index -1];
memmove(&sibling->key[sibling->num], &child->key[0], sizeof(type_t) * child->num);
memmove(&sibling->child[sibling->num], &child->child[0], sizeof(btree_t*) * (child->num +1));
sibling->num += child->num;
if (btree->num -1>0)
memmove(&btree->key[index -1], &btree->key[index], sizeof(type_t) * (btree->num - index));
memmove(&btree->child[index], &btree->child[index +1], sizeof(btree_t*) * (btree->num - index));
btree = sibling;
child = sibling;
btree_delete(child, key);
return btree;
btree_t* btree_search(btree_t *btree, type_t key, int*index)
int i;
*index =-1;
for (i =0; i < btree->num && key > btree->key[i]; ++i)
if (i < btree->num && key == btree->key[i])
*index = i;
return btree;
if (btree->leaf)
return NULL;
return btree_search(btree->child[i], key, index);
* child is the posth child of parent
btree_t* btree_split_child(btree_t *parent, int pos, btree_t *child)
btree_t *z;
int i;
if (!(z = (btree_t*)malloc(sizeof(btree_t))))
printf("[%d]malloc error!\n", __LINE__);
return NULL;
z->leaf = child->leaf;
z->num = M -1;
/* copy the last M keys of child into z */for (i =0; i < M -1; ++i)
z->key[i] = child->key[i + M];
if (!child->leaf)
/* copy the last M children of child into z */for (i =0; i < M; ++i)
z->child[i] = child->child[i + M];
child->num = M -1;
for (i = parent->num; i > pos; --i)
parent->child[i +1] = parent->child[i];
parent->child[pos +1] = z;
for (i = parent->num -1; i >= pos; --i)
parent->key[i +1] = parent->key[i];
parent->key[pos] = child->key[M -1];
return parent;
int btree_find_index(btree_t *btree, type_t key, int*ret)
int i, num;
for (i =0, num = btree->num; i < num && (*ret = btree->key[i] - key) <0; ++i)
* when out of the loop, three conditions may happens:
* ret == 0 means find the key,
* or ret > 0 && i < num means not find the key,
* or ret < 0 && i == num means not find the key and out of the key array range
*/return i;
* btree is not full
btree_t* btree_insert_nonfull(btree_t *btree, type_t key)
int i;
i = btree->num -1;
if (btree->leaf)
/* find the position to insert the key */while (i >=0&& key < btree->key[i])
btree->key[i +1] = btree->key[i];
* implementation of btree algorithm, base on <<Introduction to algorithm>>
* author: lichuang
* blog:
#include "btree.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>static btree_t* btree_insert_nonfull(btree_t *btree, type_t key);
staticint btree_find_index(btree_t *btree, type_t key, int*ret);
btree_t* btree_create()
btree_t *btree;
if (!(btree = (btree_t*)malloc(sizeof(btree_t))))
printf("[%d]malloc error!\n", __LINE__);
btree->num =0;
btree->leaf =1;
return btree;
btree_t* btree_insert(btree_t *btree, type_t key)
if (btree->num == KEY_NUM)
/* if the btree is full */
btree_t *p;
if (!(p = (btree_t*)malloc(sizeof(btree_t))))
printf("[%d]malloc error!\n
return NULL;
p->num =0;
p->child[0] = btree;
p->leaf =0;
btree = btree_split_child(p, 0, btree);
return btree_insert_nonfull(btree, key);
btree_t* btree_delete(btree_t *btree, type_t key)
int index, ret, i;
btree_t *preceding, *successor;
btree_t *child, *sibling;
type_t replace;
index = btree_find_index(btree, key, &ret);
if (btree->leaf &&!ret)
case 1:
if found the key and the node is a leaf then delete it directly
memmove(&btree->key[index], &btree->key[index +1], sizeof(type_t) * (btree->num - index -1));
return btree;
elseif (btree->leaf && ret)
/* not found */return btree;
if (!ret) /* btree includes key */
case 2:
If the key k is in node x and x is an internal node, do the following:
preceding = btree->child[index];
successor = btree->child[index +1];
if (preceding->num >= M) /* case 2a */
case 2a:
If the child y that precedes k in node x has at least t keys,
then find the predecessor k′ of k in the subtree rooted at y.
Recursively delete k′, and replace k by k′ in x.
(Finding k′ and deleting it can be performed in a single downward pass.)
replace = preceding->key[preceding->num -1];
btree->child[index] = btree_delete(preceding, replace);
btree->key[index] = replace;
return btree;
if (successor->num >= M) /* case 2b */
case 2b:
Symmetrically, if the child z that follows k in node x
has at least t keys, then find the successor k′ of k
in the subtree rooted at z. Recursively delete k′, and
replace k by k′ in x. (Finding k′ and deleting it can
be performed in a single downward pass.)
replace = successor->key[0];
btree->child[index +1] = btree_delete(successor, replace);
btree->key[index] = replace;
return btree;
if ((preceding->num == M -1) && (successor->num == M -1)) /* case 2c */
case 2c:
Otherwise, if both y and z have only t - 1 keys, merge k
and all of z into y, so that x loses both k and the pointer
to z, and y now contains 2t - 1 keys. Then, free z and
recursively delete k from y.
*//* merge key and successor into preceding */
preceding->key[preceding->num++] = key;
memmove(&preceding->key[preceding->num], &successor->key[0], sizeof(type_t) * (successor->num));
memmove(&preceding->child[preceding->num], &successor->child[0], sizeof(btree_t*) * (successor->num +1));
preceding->num += successor->num;
/* delete key from btree */if (btree->num -1>0)
memmove(&btree->key[index], &btree->key[index +1], sizeof(type_t) * (btree->num - index -1));
memmove(&btree->child[index +1], &btree->child[index +2], sizeof(btree_t*) * (btree->num - index -1));
/* if the parent node contain no more child, free it */
btree = preceding;
/* free successor */
/* delete key from preceding */
btree_delete(preceding, key);
return btree;
/* btree not includes key */if ((child = btree->child[index]) && child->num == M -1)
case 3:
If the key k is not present in internal node x, determine
the root ci[x] of the appropriate subtree that must contain k,
if k is in the tree at all. If ci[x] has only t - 1 keys,
execute step 3a or 3b as necessary to guarantee that we descend
to a node containing at least t keys. Then, finish by recursing
on the appropriate child of x.
case 3a:
If ci[x] has only t - 1 keys but has an immediate sibling
with at least t keys, give ci[x] an extra key by moving a
key from x down into ci[x], moving a key from ci[x]'s immediate
left or right sibling up into x, and moving the appropriate
child pointer from the sibling into ci[x].
*/if ((index < btree->num) &&
(sibling = btree->child[index +1]) &&
(sibling->num >= M))
/* the right sibling has at least M keys */
child->key[child->num++] = btree->key[index];
btree->key[index] = sibling->key[0];
child->child[child->num] = sibling->child[0];
memmove(&sibling->key[0], &sibling->key[1], sizeof(type_t*) * (sibling->num));
memmove(&sibling->child[0], &sibling->child[1], sizeof(btree_t*) * (sibling->num +1));
elseif ((index >0) &&
(sibling = btree->child[index -1]) &&
(sibling->num >= M))
/* the left sibling has at least M keys */
memmove(&child->key[1], &child->key[0], sizeof(type_t) * child->num);
memmove(&child->child[1], &child->child[0], sizeof(btree_t*) * (child->num +1));
child->key[0] = btree->key[index -1];
btree->key[index -1] = sibling->key[sibling->num -1];
child->child[0] = sibling->child[sibling->num];
case 3b:
If ci[x] and both of ci[x]'s immediate siblings have t - 1 keys,
merge ci[x] with one sibling, which involves moving a key from x
down into the new merged node to become the median key for that node.
*/elseif ((index < btree->num) &&
(sibling = btree->child[index +1]) &&
(sibling->num == M -1))
the child and its right sibling both have M - 1 keys,
so merge child with its right sibling
child->key[child->num++] = btree->key[index];
memmove(&child->key[child->num], &sibling->key[0], sizeof(type_t) * sibling->num);
memmove(&child->child[child->num], &sibling->child[0], sizeof(btree_t*) * (sibling->num +1));
child->num += sibling->num;
if (btree->num -1>0)
memmove(&btree->key[index], &btree->key[index +1], sizeof(type_t) * (btree->num - index -1));
memmove(&btree->child[index +1], &btree->child[index +2], sizeof(btree_t*) * (btree->num - index -1));
btree = child;
elseif ((index >0) &&
(sibling = btree->child[index -1]) &&
(sibling->num == M -1))
the child and its left sibling both have M - 1 keys,
so merge child with its left sibling
sibling->key[sibling->num++] = btree->key[index -1];
memmove(&sibling->key[sibling->num], &child->key[0], sizeof(type_t) * child->num);
memmove(&sibling->child[sibling->num], &child->child[0], sizeof(btree_t*) * (child->num +1));
sibling->num += child->num;
if (btree->num -1>0)
memmove(&btree->key[index -1], &btree->key[index], sizeof(type_t) * (btree->num - index));
memmove(&btree->child[index], &btree->child[index +1], sizeof(btree_t*) * (btree->num - index));
btree = sibling;
child = sibling;
btree_delete(child, key);
return btree;
btree_t* btree_search(btree_t *btree, type_t key, int*index)
int i;
*index =-1;
for (i =0; i < btree->num && key > btree->key[i]; ++i)
if (i < btree->num && key == btree->key[i])
*index = i;
return btree;
if (btree->leaf)
return NULL;
return btree_search(btree->child[i], key, index);
* child is the posth child of parent
btree_t* btree_split_child(btree_t *parent, int pos, btree_t *child)
btree_t *z;
int i;
if (!(z = (btree_t*)malloc(sizeof(btree_t))))
printf("[%d]malloc error!\n", __LINE__);
return NULL;
z->leaf = child->leaf;
z->num = M -1;
/* copy the last M keys of child into z */for (i =0; i < M -1; ++i)
z->key[i] = child->key[i + M];
if (!child->leaf)
/* copy the last M children of child into z */for (i =0; i < M; ++i)
z->child[i] = child->child[i + M];
child->num = M -1;
for (i = parent->num; i > pos; --i)
parent->child[i +1] = parent->child[i];
parent->child[pos +1] = z;
for (i = parent->num -1; i >= pos; --i)
parent->key[i +1] = parent->key[i];
parent->key[pos] = child->key[M -1];
return parent;
int btree_find_index(btree_t *btree, type_t key, int*ret)
int i, num;
for (i =0, num = btree->num; i < num && (*ret = btree->key[i] - key) <0; ++i)
* when out of the loop, three conditions may happens:
* ret == 0 means find the key,
* or ret > 0 && i < num means not find the key,
* or ret < 0 && i == num means not find the key and out of the key array range
*/return i;
* btree is not full
btree_t* btree_insert_nonfull(btree_t *btree, type_t key)
int i;
i = btree->num -1;
if (btree->leaf)
/* find the position to insert the key */while (i >=0&& key < btree->key[i])
btree->key[i +1] = btree->key[i];