[計算機視覺] 影象拼接 Image Stitching
#ifdef _CH_ #pragma package <opencv> #endif #ifndef _EiC #include <stdio.h> #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" #include "malloc.h" #include "math.h" #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <time.h> #include <cv.h> #include <cxcore.h> #include <highgui.h> #include <vector> #include <iostream> using namespace std; #endif #ifdef _EiC #define WIN32 #endif #define NUMSIZE 2 #define GAUSSKERN 3.5 #define PI 3.14159265358979323846 //Sigma of base image -- See D.L.'s paper. #define INITSIGMA 0.5 //Sigma of each octave -- See D.L.'s paper. #define SIGMA sqrt(3)//1.6// //Number of scales per octave. See D.L.'s paper. #define SCALESPEROCTAVE 2 #define MAXOCTAVES 4 #define CONTRAST_THRESHOLD 0.02 #define CURVATURE_THRESHOLD 10.0 #define DOUBLE_BASE_IMAGE_SIZE 1 #define peakRelThresh 0.8 #define LEN 128 #define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) //特徵描述點,網格 #define GridSpacing 4 //Data structure for a float image. typedef struct ImageSt { /*金字塔每一層*/ float levelsigma; int levelsigmalength; float absolute_sigma; CvMat *Level; //CvMat是OPENCV的矩陣類,其元素可以是影象的象素值 } ImageLevels; typedef struct ImageSt1 { /*金字塔每一階梯*/ int row, col; //Dimensions of image. float subsample; ImageLevels *Octave; } ImageOctaves; //keypoint資料結構,Lists of keypoints are linked by the "next" field. typedef struct KeypointSt { float row, col; /* 反饋回原影象大小,特徵點的位置 */ float sx, sy; /* 金字塔中特徵點的位置 */ int octave, level; /* 金字塔中,特徵點所在的階梯、層次 */ float scale, ori, mag; /* 所在層的尺度sigma,主方向orientation (range [-PI,PI]),以及幅值 */ float *descrip; /* 特徵描述字指標:128維或32維等 */ struct KeypointSt *next; /* Pointer to next keypoint in list. */ } *Keypoint; class MySift { public: MySift(); ~MySift(); MySift(char* _filename, int _isColor); CvMat * halfSizeImage(CvMat * im); //縮小影象:下采樣 CvMat * doubleSizeImage(CvMat * im); //擴大影象:最近臨方法 CvMat * doubleSizeImage2(CvMat * im); //擴大影象:線性插值 float getPixelBI(CvMat * im, float col, float row);//雙線性插值函式 void normalizeVec(float* vec, int dim);//向量歸一化 CvMat* GaussianKernel2D(float sigma); //得到2維高斯核 void normalizeMat(CvMat* mat); //矩陣歸一化 float* GaussianKernel1D(float sigma, int dim); //得到1維高斯核 //在具體畫素處寬度方向進行高斯卷積 float ConvolveLocWidth(float* kernel, int dim, CvMat * src, int x, int y); //在整個影象寬度方向進行1D高斯卷積 void Convolve1DWidth(float* kern, int dim, CvMat * src, CvMat * dst); //在具體畫素處高度方向進行高斯卷積 float ConvolveLocHeight(float* kernel, int dim, CvMat * src, int x, int y); //在整個影象高度方向進行1D高斯卷積 void Convolve1DHeight(float* kern, int dim, CvMat * src, CvMat * dst); //用高斯函式模糊影象 int BlurImage(CvMat * src, CvMat * dst, float sigma); //SIFT演算法第一步:影象預處理 CvMat *ScaleInitImage(CvMat * im); //金字塔初始化 //SIFT演算法第二步:建立高斯金字塔函式 ImageOctaves* BuildGaussianOctaves(CvMat * image); //建立高斯金字塔 //SIFT演算法第三步:特徵點位置檢測,最後確定特徵點的位置 int DetectKeypoint(int numoctaves, ImageOctaves *GaussianPyr); void DisplayKeypointLocation(IplImage* image, ImageOctaves *GaussianPyr); //SIFT演算法第四步:計算高斯影象的梯度方向和幅值,計算各個特徵點的主方向 void ComputeGrad_DirecandMag(int numoctaves, ImageOctaves *GaussianPyr); int FindClosestRotationBin(int binCount, float angle); //進行方向直方圖統計 void AverageWeakBins(double* bins, int binCount); //對方向直方圖濾波 //確定真正的主方向 bool InterpolateOrientation(double left, double middle, double right, double *degreeCorrection, double *peakValue); //確定各個特徵點處的主方向函式 void AssignTheMainOrientation(int numoctaves, ImageOctaves *GaussianPyr, ImageOctaves *mag_pyr, ImageOctaves *grad_pyr); //顯示主方向 void DisplayOrientation(IplImage* image, ImageOctaves *GaussianPyr); //SIFT演算法第五步:抽取各個特徵點處的特徵描述字 void ExtractFeatureDescriptors(int numoctaves, ImageOctaves *GaussianPyr); //為了顯示圖象金字塔,而作的影象水平、垂直拼接 CvMat* MosaicHorizen(CvMat* im1, CvMat* im2); CvMat* MosaicVertical(CvMat* im1, CvMat* im2); /* 以下為在原始碼基礎上新增部分 */ void SiftMainProcess(); int getKeyPointsCount(); //獲取keypoint總數 Keypoint getFirstKeyDescriptors(); //獲取第一個keyDescriptor結點 void saveImgWithKeypoint(char* filename); private: char* filename; int isColor; int numoctaves; ImageOctaves *DOGoctaves; //DOG pyr,DOG運算元計算簡單,是尺度歸一化的LoG運算元的近似。 ImageOctaves *mag_thresh; ImageOctaves *mag_pyr; ImageOctaves *grad_pyr; int keypoint_count = 0; //定義特徵點具體變數 Keypoint keypoints = NULL; //用於臨時儲存特徵點的位置等 Keypoint keyDescriptors = NULL; //用於最後的確定特徵點以及特徵描述字 //聲明當前幀IplImage指標 IplImage* src = NULL; IplImage* image_kp = NULL; IplImage* image_featDir = NULL; IplImage* grey_im1 = NULL; IplImage* mosaic1 = NULL; IplImage* mosaic2 = NULL; CvMat* mosaicHorizen1 = NULL; CvMat* mosaicHorizen2 = NULL; CvMat* mosaicVertical1 = NULL; CvMat* image1Mat = NULL; CvMat* tempMat = NULL; ImageOctaves *Gaussianpyr; };
(2)對其他的每一對關鍵點P' ,計算位置間的轉移向量v'。若v與v' 距離(計算尤拉距離即可)小於一定閾值,則認為P' 與P有相同的特徵點位置轉移,即為inlier(看下圖應該好理解一點)。
#include "MySift.h"
#include "CImg.h"
#include <vector>
using namespace cimg_library;
#define FeatureDescGap 1.0
#define InliersGap 500.0
struct Point {
int col; //x
int row; //y
Point() : col(-1), row(-1) {}
Point(int _col, int _row) : col(_col), row(_row) {}
struct MatchedPair {
Point keyPointA;
Point keyPointB;
float minDis;
MatchedPair(Point _pa, Point _pb, float _minDis) : keyPointA(_pa), keyPointB(_pb), minDis(_minDis) {}
class MyMatching
MyMatching(int _kp_count_A, Keypoint _firstKeyDesc_A, int _kp_count_B, Keypoint _firstKeyDesc_B);
/* 特徵匹配主函式,得到匹配點pair集 matchedPairSet */
void featureMatchMainProcess();
/* 在原圖上畫出當前得到的匹配點(不全是真正的匹配點) */
void drawOriKeypointOnImg(char* _filenameA, char* _filenameB, char* _saveAddrA, char* _saveAddrB);
/* 將兩張圖片拼在同一張圖片上,同時畫出匹配點之間連線 */
void mixImageAndDrawPairLine(char* mixImgAddr, char* mixImgWithLineAddr);
/* 使用RANSAC演算法找到真正的匹配點,並畫出來 */
void myRANSACtoFindKpTransAndDrawOut(char* _filename);
void drawRealKeypointOnImg(char* _filename, int maxIndex);
Point getMatchVec();
int keypoint_count_A, keypoint_count_B;
Keypoint firstKeyDescriptor_A, firstKeyDescriptor_B;
vector<MatchedPair> matchedPairSet;
Point matchVec;
CImg<int> srcImgA, srcImgB;
CImg<int> srcImgWithKpA, srcImgWithKpB;
CImg<int> mixImg;
CImg<int> fixedMatchedImg;
#include "MyMatching.h"
MyMatching::MyMatching() {
MyMatching::~MyMatching() {
MyMatching::MyMatching(int _kp_count_A, Keypoint _firstKeyDesc_A, int _kp_count_B, Keypoint _firstKeyDesc_B) {
keypoint_count_A = _kp_count_A;
keypoint_count_B = _kp_count_B;
firstKeyDescriptor_A = _firstKeyDesc_A;
firstKeyDescriptor_B = _firstKeyDesc_B;
void MyMatching::featureMatchMainProcess() {
Keypoint tempDescA = firstKeyDescriptor_A;
while (tempDescA) {
float colA = tempDescA->col;
float rowA = tempDescA->row;
float* kp_desc_A = tempDescA->descrip;
Keypoint tempDescB = firstKeyDescriptor_B;
float minSSD = 100.0;
int minIndex = -1;
int colB = -1;
int rowB = -1;
while (tempDescB) { //對A圖每個點,找B圖各個點,計算距離
float ssd = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < LEN; i++) {
float descA = *(kp_desc_A + i);
float descB = *(tempDescB->descrip + i);
ssd += abs(descA - descB);
if (ssd < minSSD) {
minSSD = ssd;
colB = tempDescB->col;
rowB = tempDescB->row;
tempDescB = tempDescB->next;
if (minSSD < FeatureDescGap) { //當距離小於閾值,即當作一對匹配點
Point pa(tempDescA->col, tempDescA->row);
Point pb(colB, rowB);
MatchedPair mpair(pa, pb, minSSD);
tempDescA = tempDescA->next;
for (int i = 0; i < matchedPairSet.size(); i++) {
cout << "A col: " << matchedPairSet[i].keyPointA.col << ", row: " << matchedPairSet[i].keyPointA.row << endl;
cout << " with B col: " << matchedPairSet[i].keyPointB.col << ", row: " << matchedPairSet[i].keyPointB.row << " , minSSD: " << matchedPairSet[i].minDis << endl;
cout << ">>> matchedPairSet.size: " << matchedPairSet.size() << endl;
void MyMatching::drawOriKeypointOnImg(char* _filenameA, char* _filenameB, char* _saveAddrA, char* _saveAddrB) {
srcImgWithKpA = CImg<int>(srcImgA._width, srcImgA._height, 1, 3, 0);
cimg_forXY(srcImgWithKpA, x, y) {
srcImgWithKpA(x, y, 0, 0) = srcImgA(x, y, 0, 0);
srcImgWithKpA(x, y, 0, 1) = srcImgA(x, y, 0, 1);
srcImgWithKpA(x, y, 0, 2) = srcImgA(x, y, 0, 2);
srcImgWithKpB = CImg<int>(srcImgB._width, srcImgB._height, 1, 3, 0);
cimg_forXY(srcImgWithKpB, x, y) {
srcImgWithKpB(x, y, 0, 0) = srcImgB(x, y, 0, 0);
srcImgWithKpB(x, y, 0, 1) = srcImgB(x, y, 0, 1);
srcImgWithKpB(x, y, 0, 2) = srcImgB(x, y, 0, 2);
const double yellow[] = { 255, 255, 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < matchedPairSet.size(); i++) {
cout << "A col: " << matchedPairSet[i].keyPointA.col << ", row: " << matchedPairSet[i].keyPointA.row << endl;
cout << " with B col: " << matchedPairSet[i].keyPointB.col << ", row: " << matchedPairSet[i].keyPointB.row << " , minSSD: " << matchedPairSet[i].minDis << endl;
srcImgWithKpA.draw_circle(matchedPairSet[i].keyPointA.col, matchedPairSet[i].keyPointA.row, 3, yellow, 1.0f);
srcImgWithKpB.draw_circle(matchedPairSet[i].keyPointB.col, matchedPairSet[i].keyPointB.row, 3, yellow, 1.0f);
void MyMatching::mixImageAndDrawPairLine(char* mixImgAddr, char* mixImgWithLineAddr) {
mixImg = CImg<int>(srcImgA._width + srcImgB._width, MAX(srcImgA._height, srcImgB._height), 1, 3, 0);
cimg_forXY(mixImg, x, y) {
if (x < srcImgA._width) {
if (y < srcImgA._height) {
mixImg(x, y, 0, 0) = srcImgWithKpA(x, y, 0, 0);
mixImg(x, y, 0, 1) = srcImgWithKpA(x, y, 0, 1);
mixImg(x, y, 0, 2) = srcImgWithKpA(x, y, 0, 2);
else {
mixImg(x, y, 0, 0) = 0;
mixImg(x, y, 0, 1) = 0;
mixImg(x, y, 0, 2) = 0;
else {
if (y < srcImgB._height) {
mixImg(x, y, 0, 0) = srcImgWithKpB(x - srcImgA._width, y, 0, 0);
mixImg(x, y, 0, 1) = srcImgWithKpB(x - srcImgA._width, y, 0, 1);
mixImg(x, y, 0, 2) = srcImgWithKpB(x - srcImgA._width, y, 0, 2);
else {
mixImg(x, y, 0, 0) = 0;
mixImg(x, y, 0, 1) = 0;
mixImg(x, y, 0, 2) = 0;
const double blue[] = { 0, 255, 255 };
for (int i = 0; i < matchedPairSet.size(); i++) {
int xa = matchedPairSet[i].keyPointA.col;
int ya = matchedPairSet[i].keyPointA.row;
int xb = matchedPairSet[i].keyPointB.col + srcImgA._width;
int yb = matchedPairSet[i].keyPointB.row;
mixImg.draw_line(xa, ya, xb, yb, blue);
void MyMatching::myRANSACtoFindKpTransAndDrawOut(char* _filename) {
int maxInliers = 0;
int maxIndex = -1;
int inliersCount;
for (int i = 0; i < matchedPairSet.size(); i++) {
inliersCount = 0;
int xa = matchedPairSet[i].keyPointA.col;
int ya = matchedPairSet[i].keyPointA.row;
int xb = matchedPairSet[i].keyPointB.col + srcImgA._width;
int yb = matchedPairSet[i].keyPointB.row;
int deltaX = xb - xa;
int deltaY = yb - ya;
for (int j = 0; j < matchedPairSet.size(); j++) {
if (j != i) {
int txa = matchedPairSet[j].keyPointA.col;
int tya = matchedPairSet[j].keyPointA.row;
int txb = matchedPairSet[j].keyPointB.col + srcImgA._width;
int tyb = matchedPairSet[j].keyPointB.row;
int tdeltaX = txb - txa;
int tdeltaY = tyb - tya;
int vectorGap = (tdeltaX - deltaX) * (tdeltaX - deltaX) + (tdeltaY - deltaY) * (tdeltaY - deltaY);
//cout << "i: " << i << ", j: " << j << " vectorGap: " << vectorGap << endl;
if (vectorGap < InliersGap) {
if (inliersCount > maxInliers) {
maxInliers = inliersCount;
maxIndex = i;
cout << "maxIndex: " << maxIndex << ", maxInliers: " << maxInliers << endl;
drawRealKeypointOnImg(_filename, maxIndex);
void MyMatching::drawRealKeypointOnImg(char* _filename, int maxIndex) {
fixedMatchedImg = CImg<int>(srcImgA._width + srcImgB._width, srcImgA._height, 1, 3, 0);
cimg_forXY(fixedMatchedImg, x, y) {
if (x < srcImgA._width) {
if (y < srcImgA._height) {
fixedMatchedImg(x, y, 0, 0) = srcImgWithKpA(x, y, 0, 0);
fixedMatchedImg(x, y, 0, 1) = srcImgWithKpA(x, y, 0, 1);
fixedMatchedImg(x, y, 0, 2) = srcImgWithKpA(x, y, 0, 2);
else {
fixedMatchedImg(x, y, 0, 0) = 0;
fixedMatchedImg(x, y, 0, 1) = 0;
fixedMatchedImg(x, y, 0, 2) = 0;
else {
if (y < srcImgB._height) {
fixedMatchedImg(x, y, 0, 0) = srcImgWithKpB(x - srcImgA._width, y, 0, 0);
fixedMatchedImg(x, y, 0, 1) = srcImgWithKpB(x - srcImgA._width, y, 0, 1);
fixedMatchedImg(x, y, 0, 2) = srcImgWithKpB(x - srcImgA._width, y, 0, 2);
else {
fixedMatchedImg(x, y, 0, 0) = 0;
fixedMatchedImg(x, y, 0, 1) = 0;
fixedMatchedImg(x, y, 0, 2) = 0;
int mxa = matchedPairSet[maxIndex].keyPointA.col;
int mya = matchedPairSet[maxIndex].keyPointA.row;
int mxb = matchedPairSet[maxIndex].keyPointB.col + srcImgA._width;
int myb = matchedPairSet[maxIndex].keyPointB.row;
int mdeltaX = mxb - mxa;
int mdeltaY = myb - mya; //得到真實匹配關係的匹配向量v
matchVec = Point(mdeltaX, mdeltaY);
cout << "Real match vector: (" << mdeltaX << ", " << mdeltaY << ")" << endl;
const double blue[] = { 0, 255, 255 };
for (int j = 0; j < matchedPairSet.size(); j++) { //計算所有匹配向量與v的距離d
int txa = matchedPairSet[j].keyPointA.col;
int tya = matchedPairSet[j].keyPointA.row;
int txb = matchedPairSet[j].keyPointB.col + srcImgA._width;
int tyb = matchedPairSet[j].keyPointB.row;
int tdeltaX = txb - txa;
int tdeltaY = tyb - tya;
int vectorGap = (tdeltaX - mdeltaX) * (tdeltaX - mdeltaX) + (tdeltaY - mdeltaY) * (tdeltaY - mdeltaY);
if (vectorGap < InliersGap) { //距離d小於閾值,則視為正確的匹配點
fixedMatchedImg.draw_line(txa, tya, txb, tyb, blue);
Point MyMatching::getMatchVec() {
return matchVec;
我使用的影象拼接方法其實只是最簡單的平移+畫素RGB值插值的方法(好在這次的資料集影象不存在太大的放縮,不然就不能用這種方法了_(:зゝ∠)_ 涉及到放縮的圖片暫時還想不到怎麼做_(:зゝ∠)_)。
從上面可以看到,右圖不僅需要向左平移,還需要向下/上平移。回想我們第2步得到的轉移向量V(dx, dy),就不難理解轉移向量V的作用了:dy<0,右圖向下平移;dy>=0,右圖向上平移。
#include "CImg.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace cimg_library;
using namespace std;
struct TransVector {
int dx;
int dy;
TransVector() : dx(-1), dy(-1) {}
TransVector(int _dx, int _dy) : dx(_dx), dy(_dy) {}
class MyBlending
MyBlending(int sx, int sy);
void blendingMainProcess(char* _filenameA, char* _filenameB);
void saveBlendedImg(char* blendedImgAddr);
TransVector matchVec; //x為合併圖上的水平距離,y
CImg<int> srcImgA, srcImgB;
CImg<int> blendedImg;
#include "MyBlending.h"
MyBlending::MyBlending() {
MyBlending::~MyBlending() {
MyBlending::MyBlending(int sx, int sy) {
matchVec.dx = sx;
matchVec.dy = sy;
void MyBlending::blendingMainProcess(char* _filenameA, char* _filenameB) {
blendedImg = CImg<int>(srcImgA._width + srcImgB._width - matchVec.dx,
srcImgA._height + abs(matchVec.dy), 1, 3, 0);
cimg_forXY(blendedImg, x, y) {
if (matchVec.dy <= 0) { //右側圖片需要往下左移動
if (x < srcImgA._width && y < srcImgA._height) {
if (x >= (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx) && y >= (0 - matchVec.dy)) { //混合
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 0) = (float)srcImgA(x, y, 0, 0)
* (float)(srcImgA._width - x) / (float)abs(matchVec.dx)
+ (float)srcImgB(x - (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx), y - (0 - matchVec.dy), 0, 0)
* (float)(x - (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx)) / (float)abs(matchVec.dx);
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 1) = (float)srcImgA(x, y, 0, 1)
* (float)(srcImgA._width - x) / (float)abs(matchVec.dx)
+ (float)srcImgB(x - (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx), y - (0 - matchVec.dy), 0, 1)
* (float)(x - (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx)) / (float)abs(matchVec.dx);
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 2) = (float)srcImgA(x, y, 0, 2)
* (float)(srcImgA._width - x) / (float)abs(matchVec.dx)
+ (float)srcImgB(x - (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx), y - (0 - matchVec.dy), 0, 2)
* (float)(x - (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx)) / (float)abs(matchVec.dx);
else { //A獨在部分
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 0) = srcImgA(x, y, 0, 0);
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 1) = srcImgA(x, y, 0, 1);
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 2) = srcImgA(x, y, 0, 2);
else if (x >= (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx)
&& y >= (0 - matchVec.dy) && y < (0 - matchVec.dy) + srcImgB._height) { //B獨在部分
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 0) = srcImgB(x - (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx), y - (0 - matchVec.dy), 0, 0);
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 1) = srcImgB(x - (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx), y - (0 - matchVec.dy), 0, 1);
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 2) = srcImgB(x - (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx), y - (0 - matchVec.dy), 0, 2);
else { //黑色部分
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 0) = 0;
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 1) = 0;
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 2) = 0;
else { //matchVec.dy > 0; 右側圖片需要往上左移動
if (x < srcImgA._width && y >= matchVec.dy) {
if (x >= (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx) && y < srcImgB._height) { //混合
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 0) = (float)srcImgA(x, y - matchVec.dy, 0, 0)
* (float)(srcImgA._width - x) / (float)abs(matchVec.dx)
+ (float)srcImgB(x - (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx), y, 0, 0)
* (float)(x - (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx)) / (float)abs(matchVec.dx);
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 1) = (float)srcImgA(x, y - matchVec.dy, 0, 1)
* (float)(srcImgA._width - x) / (float)abs(matchVec.dx)
+ (float)srcImgB(x - (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx), y, 0, 1)
* (float)(x - (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx)) / (float)abs(matchVec.dx);
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 2) = (float)srcImgA(x, y - matchVec.dy, 0, 2)
* (float)(srcImgA._width - x) / (float)abs(matchVec.dx)
+ (float)srcImgB(x - (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx), y, 0, 2)
* (float)(x - (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx)) / (float)abs(matchVec.dx);
else { //A獨在部分
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 0) = srcImgA(x, y - matchVec.dy, 0, 0);
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 1) = srcImgA(x, y - matchVec.dy, 0, 1);
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 2) = srcImgA(x, y - matchVec.dy, 0, 2);
else if (x >= (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx) && y < srcImgB._height) { //B獨在部分
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 0) = srcImgB(x - (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx), y, 0, 0);
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 1) = srcImgB(x - (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx), y, 0, 1);
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 2) = srcImgB(x - (srcImgA._width - matchVec.dx), y, 0, 2);
else { //黑色部分
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 0) = 0;
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 1) = 0;
blendedImg(x, y, 0, 2) = 0;
void MyBlending::saveBlendedImg(char* blendedImgAddr) {
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MyMatching.h"
#include "MyBlending.h"
int main() {
char* inputAddr1 = "Input/1.bmp";
char* inputAddr2 = "Input/2.bmp";
MySift mySift1(inputAddr1, 1);
MySift mySift2(inputAddr2, 1);
MyMatching myMatching(mySift1.getKeyPointsCount(), mySift1.getFirstKeyDescriptors(),
mySift2.getKeyPointsCount(), mySift2.getFirstKeyDescriptors());
myMatching.drawOriKeypointOnImg(inputAddr1, inputAddr2, "Output/1-2/1_kp_real.bmp", "Output/1-2/2_kp_real.bmp");
myMatching.mixImageAndDrawPairLine("Output/1-2/mixImg.bmp", "Output/1-2/mixImgWithLine.bmp");
MyBlending myBlending(myMatching.getMatchVec().col, myMatching.getMatchVec().row);
myBlending.blendingMainProcess(inputAddr1, inputAddr2);
int i;
cin >> i;
return 0;