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宜: 深入鉆研, 持之以恒
忌: 心浮氣躁, 淺嘗輒止
林嶺東: 犯罪電影世界的風雲締造者
Ringo Lam, Director of Hong Kong Classic ‘City on Fire,’ Dies at 63
HONG KONG — Ringo Lam, a Hong Kong film director best known for gritty crime thrillers like
the 1987 classic “City on Fire,” died on Dec. 29 at his home in Hong Kong. He was 63.

香港——1987 年經典《龍虎風雲》 等勇悍的犯罪驚悚片著稱的香港電影導演林嶺東(Ringo
Lam), 於 12 29 日在香港家中逝世, 享年 63 歲。
The police confirmed Mr. Lam’s death. The cause was unknown, the police said, but they found no
reason to suspect foul play. Local news media said Mr. Lam had recently come down with a cold and
that his wife had found him unresponsive in his bed.
警方證實林嶺東已死亡。 他們表示死因不明, 但沒有找到存在不法行為的跡象。 當地新聞媒體
稱, 林嶺東近期患感冒病倒, 他的妻子發現他在床上失去了知覺。
After the unexpected success of his fourth feature film, the action-comedy “Aces Go Places IV”
(1986), Mr. Lam was offered a rare opportunity: to write and shoot any film he wanted to make so
long as the budget was under 4 million Hong Kong dollars, the equivalent of about $1.1 million
在他的第四部長片、 動作喜劇《最佳拍檔 4: 千裏救差婆》 (1986)意外成功之後, 林嶺東得到
了一個罕見的機會: 可以編寫拍攝任何他想拍的電影, 只要預算在 400 萬港幣(合今天 110
美元) 以下。
“I was puzzled, and at first I didn’t know what to film,” Mr. Lam said in a 2015 interview.
“Eventually I decided that I enjoyed the realistic aspects of ‘The French Connection’ ” — the 1971
American movie directed by William Friedkin — “and that I wanted to create a film containing
similar grit.”
我感到困惑, 起初我不知道要拍什麽, 林在 2015 年一次采訪中說。 最終我決定, 我很喜歡
《法國販毒網》(The French Connection)裏面的寫實, ”——威廉·弗裏德金(William Friedkin)1971
He came up with “City on Fire,” starring Chow Yun-fat as an undercover police officer who
penetrates a gang of thieves, becomes chummy with one of the robbers (played by Danny Lee) and
gets caught up in mayhem when a jewelry store heist goes wrong.
他拍出了《龍虎風雲》 , 片中周潤發飾演一名臥底警察打入盜賊黑幫, 和一名劫犯(李修賢飾
宜: 深入鉆研, 持之以恒
忌: 心浮氣躁, 淺嘗輒止
演) 成了朋友, 後在搶劫珠寶店失手的混亂中被捕。
The film, which plays on the themes of brotherhood and honor among thieves, became an instant hit,
earning Mr. Lam best director honors at the Hong Kong Film Awards in 1988. Today, “City on Fire”
is widely regarded as a pillar of Hong Kong’s well-known gangster film genre, along with other
classics like John Woo’s “A Better Tomorrow” (1986) and Johnnie To’s “The Mission” (1999).
這部以兄弟情和盜賊的榮譽感為主題的影片立刻轟動一時, 為林嶺東贏得了 1988 年香港電影
金像獎最佳導演的榮譽。 如今, 《龍虎風雲》 與吳宇森的《英雄本色》 (1986)、 杜琪峰的《槍
火》 (1999)等其它經典一道, 被公認為著名的香港警匪片的代表作。
Riding on the success of “City on Fire,” Mr. Lam churned out two more films as part of a series,
“Prison on Fire” (1987) and “School on Fire” (1988).
憑借《龍虎風雲》 的成功, 林嶺東炮制出了同一系列的另兩部影片: 《監獄風雲》 (1987)和《學
校風雲》 (1988)
“His tales of weary policemen and jumpy criminals have a depth, and a romanticism, that come from
characterization and attention to quotidian detail rather than sheer visual polish,” Mike Hale, a critic
for The New York Times, wrote in 2015.
他故事中疲憊厭倦的警察和神經質的罪犯顯得既深刻又浪漫, 而這一點不是單純靠著視覺上
的修飾, 而是來源於對人物性格的塑造以及對日常細節的關註, 《紐約時報》 影評人邁克·
(Mike Hale)2015 年寫道。
“City on Fire” was a major inspiration for Quentin Tarantino’s cult favorite “Reservoir Dogs” (1992)
which so closely resembled Mr. Lam’s movie in plot points and staging that it raised questions about
《龍虎風雲》 是昆汀·塔倫蒂諾(Quentin Tarantino)的小眾經典《落水狗》 (Reservoir Dogs, 1992)
“It’s a really cool movie,” Mr. Tarantino told The Baltimore Sun in 1995, referring to “City on Fire.”
“It influenced me a lot. I got some stuff from it.”
那真是一部很酷的電影, 塔倫蒂諾在 1995 年接受《巴爾的摩太陽報》 (The Baltimore Sun)
訪時提到這部電影。 它給了我很大影響。 我從中獲得了一些東西。
Questions about whether Mr. Tarantino had plagiarized his work followed Mr. Lam throughout his
career. “I have been asked this question so many times,” he told an interviewer in 1996. “I don’t
think about it.”
林嶺東的整個職業生涯都伴隨著塔倫蒂諾是否抄襲過他作品的問題。 這個問題我被問了太多
宜: 深入鉆研, 持之以恒
忌: 心浮氣躁, 淺嘗輒止
次了, ”1996 年他告訴一位采訪者。 我從不去想這個。
Ringo Lam was born Lam Ling-tung on Dec. 8, 1955, in Hong Kong, then a British crown colony.
After graduating from St. Peter’s Secondary School in Hong Kong in 1973, he enrolled in
performing arts classes organized by the local broadcaster TVB.
林嶺東 1955 12 8 日生於香港, 那時候香港還是英國的直轄殖民地。 1973 年在香港聖伯
多祿中學(St. Peter’s Secondary School)畢業後, 他報名參加了香港電視廣播有限公司(TVB)舉辦
After studying and working at TVB, Mr. Lam moved to Toronto, where he studied filmmaking at
York University. He returned to Hong Kong in 1982 and there, with the help of the director Tsui
Hark, got a job at the Cinema City production company, which later backed “City on Fire.”
在該電視臺學習工作之後, 林嶺東去了多倫多, 在那裏的約克大學學習電影制作。 1982 年,
他回到香港, 在徐克導演的幫助下進入新藝城影業公司工作, 該公司後來出資拍攝了《龍虎風
雲》 。
Mr. Lam went on to make movies at a rapid-fire pace from 1983 to 2003, releasing one nearly every
year and sometimes two in one year. Several were direct-to-DVD collaborations with the action star
Jean-Claude Van Damme.
1983 年至 2003 年間, 林嶺東繼續以閃電般的速度制作電影——幾乎每年出一部, 有時甚至一
年兩部。 其中有幾部是與動作明星尚格·雲頓(Jean-Claude Van Damme)合作的直接發行影碟的
In 1996, Mr. Lam made his directorial debut in the United States with “Maximum Risk,” an action
thriller starring Mr. Van Damme. The next year, “Full Alert,” a blood-spattered Hong Kong action
movie directed and written in part by Mr. Lam, won critical acclaim.
1996 年, 林嶺東以《極度冒險》 (Maximum Risk)完成了他在美國的導演首秀。 次年, 由林嶺
東執導並參與編劇的一部鮮血四濺的香港動作片《高度戒備》 (Full Alert)獲得了評論界的稱贊。
“I believed that I had killed too many people onscreen in my previous films, and when I looked back
at all the violence, it sometimes made me shudder,” he said in 2015, referring to “Full Alert.” “Yet
because reality is brutal and full of violence, I felt compelled to show it.”
我覺得在我先前的電影裏, 我在銀幕上殺了太多人, 當我回顧所有這些暴力, 有時候會不寒
而栗, ”2015 年談及《高度戒備》 時, 他說。 但因為現實是殘酷而充滿暴力的, 我迫切地感
Complete information on Mr. Lam’s survivors was not immediately available.
宜: 深入鉆研, 持之以恒
忌: 心浮氣躁, 淺嘗輒止
In his later life Mr. Lam stepped back from filmmaking, with a few exceptions, citing a desire to
devote time to his personal life. At his death, he was said to be working with other Hong Kong
luminaries, among them Johnnie To, Ann Hui and Mr. Woo, on “Eight and a Half,” a long-planned
eight-part film exploring Hong Kong’s history from the 1940s to the present.
在人生的最後幾年裏, 除少數幾部影片外, 林嶺東暫時放下了電影制作。 據說去世前, 他在和
包括杜琪峰、 許鞍華和吳宇森在內的其他香港其他傑出人物合拍《八部半》 (Eight and a half)
這是一部規劃已久的八位導演執導的電影, 旨在探索香港從 20 世紀 40 年代至今的歷史。
“I am at an age where I have something to say about life,” Mr. Lam told The South China Morning
Post in 2016 after he had begun shooting “Sky on Fire.” His mother had died not long before.
到了我這個年紀, 我會有一些關於生命的話想說, ”2016 年開始拍攝《沖天火》 之後, 他告
訴《南華早報》 。 當時他母親去世不久。
“What is life? There’s nothing that I can do to decide when it ends,” he said. “I am powerless, and I
am very angry, so I put that all onto the screen.”
什麽是生命? 我做什麽都沒法決定它什麽時候終止, 他說。 我無能為力, 這讓我很憤怒,
