1. 程式人生 > >2019.1.20英語筆記


side ron 女人 huawei can ember als sse cond

Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei has broken years of silence to tell reporters that he misses his daughter Meng Wanzhou "very much" and to deny any wrongdoing by his company.

華為創始人任正非打破了多年來的沈默,他對記者說他“非常想念”女兒孟晚舟,並否認他的公司有任何違法行為。 According to Business Insider, Huawei is the second-biggest smartphone maker
after Samsung and also provides core telecommunications kit to countries around the world.
據“Business Insider”報道,華為是僅次於三星的第二大智能手機制造商,它還為世界各國提供核心電信設備。


Ren‘s daughter is Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou, who was arrested in Canada at the behest of US authorities in December.

The press-shy founder said he missed his daughter and said justice would prevail. 這位不願與媒體打交道的創始人說他想念自己的女兒,並稱正義會得到伸張。 被國家放棄的女人?嗯呢~
