1. 程式人生 > >LC 820. Short Encoding of Words

LC 820. Short Encoding of Words

ive leaf build root encoding length reading then ring

Given a list of words, we may encode it by writing a reference string S and a list of indexes A.

For example, if the list of words is ["time", "me", "bell"], we can write it as S = "time#bell#" and indexes = [0, 2, 5].

Then for each index, we will recover the word by reading from the reference string from that index until we reach a "#"


What is the length of the shortest reference string S possible that encodes the given words?


Input: words = ["time", "me", "bell"]
Output: 10
Explanation: S = "time#bell#" and indexes = [0, 2, 5].


  1. 1 <= words.length <= 2000.
  2. 1 <= words[i].length <= 7.
  3. Each word has only lowercase letters.

Runtime: 72 ms, faster than 65.22% of C++ online submissions for Short Encoding of Words.

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

struct TrieNode {
  string word;
  TrieNode* children[26];
    for(int i=0; i<26; i++) {
= nullptr; } } }; class Trie { public: TrieNode* root; void buildTrie(vector<string> words){ root = new TrieNode(); for(auto w : words) { TrieNode* tmproot = root; for(int i=w.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { int idx = w[i] - a; if(!tmproot->children[idx]) { tmproot->children[idx] = new TrieNode(); } tmproot = tmproot->children[idx]; } tmproot->word = w; } } }; class Solution { public: int minimumLengthEncoding(vector<string>& words) { Trie trie = Trie(); trie.buildTrie(words); TrieNode* root = trie.root; vector<string> ret; getroot2leaflength(root, ret); int val = 0; for(int i=0; i<ret.size(); i++) { val += ret[i].size() + 1; } return val; } void getroot2leaflength(TrieNode* root, vector<string>& ret) { bool leaf = true; for(int i=0; i<26; i++) { if(root->children[i]) { leaf = false; getroot2leaflength(root->children[i], ret); } } if(leaf) ret.push_back(root->word); } };

LC 820. Short Encoding of Words