阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-16
一. 理論基礎
1. 特徵選擇
a. 資訊熵
b. 條件熵
c. 資訊增益
d. 資訊增益比
2. 決策樹的生成
3. 決策樹的剪枝
決策樹生成演算法容易出現過擬合現象, 將已生成的樹進行簡化的過程稱為剪枝。決策樹的剪枝往往通過極小化決策樹整體的損失函式來實現。
二. python實現
1. 程式碼
implement tree algorithm
from math import log
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class DecisionTreeClassifier:
implement decision tree classifier
def __init__(self):
def create_dataset(self):
create the dataset
dataset = [[1, 1, 'yes'],
[1, 1, 'yes'],
[1, 0, 'no'],
[0, 1, 'no'],
[0, 1, 'no']]
labels = ['no surfacing', 'flippers']
return dataset, labels
def calculate_info_entropy(self, data):
claculate the info entropy of the data
data: the last column of data is label
m = len(data)
label_counts = {}
for x in data:
label = x[-1]
if label not in label_counts.keys():
label_counts[label] = 0
label_counts[label] += 1
entropy = 0.0
for key in label_counts:
prob = float(label_counts[key]) / m
entropy -= prob * log(prob, 2)
return entropy
def split_dataset(self, data, axis, value):
split the data by the special feature and the special feature value
data: the dataset to be splited
axis: the feature by which the data will be splited
value: the feature value the returned data equal to in the special feature
ret_data = []
for x in data:
if x[axis] == value:
reduced_feat_vec = x[:axis]
reduced_feat_vec.extend(x[axis + 1 :])
return ret_data
def choose_best_feature_to_split(self, data):
choose the best feature which has the maxmize info gain
#get the number of the features
num_features = len(data[0]) - 1
base_entropy = self.calculate_info_entropy(data)
best_info_gain = 0.0
best_feature = -1
#compute the info gain for each feature
for i in xrange(num_features):
feature_list = [example[i] for example in data]
unique_values = set(feature_list)
new_entropy = 0.0
for value in unique_values:
sub_data = self.split_dataset(data, i, value)
prob = len(sub_data) / float(len(data))
new_entropy += prob * self.calculate_info_entropy(sub_data)
info_gain = base_entropy - new_entropy
if(info_gain > best_info_gain):
best_info_gain = info_gain
best_feature = i
return best_feature
def marjority_count(self, label_list):
get the most label by the label list
class_count = {}
for vote in label_list:
if vote not in class_count.keys():
class_count[vote] = 0
class_count[vote] += 1
#sort the dist, return a list whose item is a tuple containing key and vlue.
sorted_class_count = sorted(class_count.items(), key=lambda k : k[1], reverse=True)
return sorted_class_count[0][0]
def create_tree(self, dataset, labels):
class_list = [example[-1] for example in dataset]
#if the dataset has only one class, return it.
if class_list.count(class_list[0]) == len(class_list):
return class_list[0]
#if all features has been splited, return the class which has the max
if len(dataset[0]) == 1:
return self.marjority_count(class_list)
best_feature = self.choose_best_feature_to_split(dataset)
best_feature_label = labels[best_feature]
tree = {best_feature_label:{}}
del (labels[best_feature])
feature_values = [example[best_feature] for example in dataset]
unique_values = set(feature_values)
for value in unique_values:
sub_labels = labels[:]
tree[best_feature_label][value] = self.create_tree(self.split_dataset(dataset, best_feature, value), sub_labels)
return tree
def tree_plotter(self, tree):
plot entry
self.decision_node = dict(boxstyle='sawtooth', fc='0.8')
self.leaf_node = dict(boxstyle='round4', fc='0.8')
self.arrow_args = dict(arrowstyle='<-')
def __plot_node__(self, node_txt, center_point, parent_point, node_type):
plot node
self.plot.annotate(node_txt, \
xy=parent_point, \
xycoords='axes fraction', \
xytext=center_point, \
textcoords='axes fraction', \
va='center', \
ha='center', \
bbox=node_type, \
def __create_plot__(self, tree):
init plot
fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white')
axprops = dict(xticks=[], yticks=[])
self.plot = plt.subplot(111, frameon=False, **axprops)
self.totalw = float(self.get_leaf_number(tree))
self.totalD = float(self.get_tree_depth(tree))
self.x_off = -0.5 / self.totalw
self.y_off = 1.0
self.plot_tree(tree, (0.5, 1.0), '')
def get_leaf_number(self, tree):
get leaf number
num_leafs = 0
first_str = tree.keys()[0]
second_dict = tree[first_str]
for key in second_dict.keys():
if type(second_dict[key]).__name__ == 'dict':
num_leafs += self.get_leaf_number(second_dict[key])
num_leafs += 1
return num_leafs
def get_tree_depth(self, tree):
get tree depth
max_depth = 0
first_str = tree.keys()[0]
second_dict = tree[first_str]
for key in second_dict.keys():
if type(second_dict[key]).__name__ == 'dict':
this_depth = 1 + self.get_tree_depth(second_dict[key])
this_depth = 1
if this_depth > max_depth :
max_depth = this_depth
return max_depth
def plot_mid_text(self, cntr_point, parent_point, txt_string):
plot mid text
x_mid = (parent_point[0] - cntr_point[0]) / 2.0 + cntr_point[0]
y_mid = (parent_point[1] - cntr_point[1]) / 2.0 + cntr_point[1]
self.plot.text(x_mid, y_mid, txt_string)
def plot_tree(self, tree, parent_point, node_txt):
plot tree
num_leafs = self.get_leaf_number(tree)
depth = self.get_tree_depth(tree)
first_str = tree.keys()[0]
cntr_point = (self.x_off + (1.0 + float(num_leafs)) / 2.0 / self.totalw, self.y_off)
self.plot_mid_text(cntr_point, parent_point, node_txt)
self.__plot_node__(first_str, cntr_point, parent_point, self.decision_node)
second_dict = tree[first_str]
self.y_off = self.y_off - 1.0 / self.totalD
for key in second_dict.keys():
if type(second_dict[key]).__name__ == 'dict':
self.plot_tree(second_dict[key], cntr_point, str(key))
self.x_off = self.x_off + 1.0 / self.totalw
self.__plot_node__(second_dict[key], (self.x_off, self.y_off), cntr_point, self.leaf_node)
self.plot_mid_text((self.x_off, self.y_off), cntr_point, str(key))
self.y_off = self.y_off + 1.0 / self.totalD
def classify(self, tree, feat_labels, test_data):
predict the label of the test data
first_str = tree.keys()[0]
second_dict = tree[first_str]
feat_index = feat_labels.index(first_str)
for key in second_dict.keys():
if test_data[feat_index] == key:
if type(second_dict[key]).__name__ == 'dict':
label = self.classify(second_dict[key], feat_labels, test_data)
label = second_dict[key]
return label
def main():
tree = DecisionTreeClassifier()
data, labels = tree.create_dataset()
myTree = tree.create_tree(data, labels)
print myTree
if __name__ == '__main__':