1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >win10桌布儲存位置_這是Windows 10儲存其預設桌布的位置

win10桌布儲存位置_這是Windows 10儲存其預設桌布的位置



Windows 10 Wallpaper in a Picture Frame

Windows 10 includes a nice selection of default wallpapers, but it’s easy to lose track of them if you decide to use custom wallpaper. If you’d like to use the default images again, here’s how to find and use them.

Windows 10包括許多不錯的預設桌布,但是如果您決定使用自定義桌布,很容易丟失它們。 如果您想再次使用預設影象,請按照以下方法查詢和使用它們。

隱藏的牆紙案 (The Case of the Hidden Wallpapers)

Here’s the problem: in new installations of Windows, the wallpaper selection in Settings > Personalization > Background points to the default wallpaper files. At that point, you can easily change between them by using the Browse feature.

問題出在這裡:在Windows的新安裝中,“設定”>“個性化”>“背景”中的牆紙選擇指向預設的牆紙檔案。 此時,您可以使用“瀏覽”功能輕鬆地在它們之間進行切換。

But, if you decide to use a series of your own wallpapers stored in a custom location and you come back later to change the wallpaper, the defaults will have been pushed out of the five most recent images shown as thumbnails in Settings. Even worse, Windows will not remember where the default wallpaper files were stored when you click “Browse.” You’ll need to find them again.

但是,如果您決定使用儲存在自定義位置的一系列自己的牆紙,然後稍後又回來更改牆紙,則預設設定將被從“設定”中顯示為縮圖的五張最新影象中刪除。 更糟糕的是,當您單擊“瀏覽”時,Windows將不記得預設牆紙檔案的儲存位置。 您需要再次找到它們。

如何查詢和使用Windows 10的預設桌布 (How to Locate and Use Windows 10’s Default Wallpapers)

Windows 10’s default desktop wallpapers are stored in C:\Windows\Web. This folder usually contains subfolders named after different wallpaper themes (such as “Flowers” or “Windows”) or resolutions (“4K”).

Windows 10的預設桌面牆紙儲存在C:\ Windows \ Web中。 該資料夾通常包含以不同的牆紙主題(例如“花”或“ Windows”)或解析度(“ 4K”)命名的子資料夾。

If you’ve lost track of this folder in Windows Settings, here’s how to get it back. First, open Windows Settings and navigate to Personalization > Background. Just below the section that says “Choose Your Picture,” click on the “Browse” button.

如果您在Windows設定中找不到該資料夾​​,請按照以下方法找回它。 首先,開啟Windows設定,然後導航至個性化>背景。 在“選擇圖片”部分的下方,單擊“瀏覽”按鈕。

Click Browse to choose a desktop wallpaper in Windows 10

An open dialog will pop up. Type C:\Windows\Web into the address bar at the top and hit enter. You can also just browse to this folder from the C: drive.

將開啟一個開啟的對話方塊。 在頂部的位址列中鍵入C:\ Windows \ Web,然後按Enter。 您也可以只從C:驅動器瀏覽到此資料夾。

Browsing the Windows 10 default wallpaper directory

The folder shown in the open dialog will change. You can then navigate through the subfolders to pick the image you’d like to use as your desktop background. When you’re done, select the file and click “Choose Picture.”

開啟對話方塊中顯示的資料夾將更改。 然後,您可以瀏覽子資料夾,以選擇要用作桌面背景的影象。 完成後,選擇檔案,然後單擊“選擇圖片”。

If you’d like, you can also open File Explorer and navigate to C:\Windows\Web, then copy the default image files to a better location—such as the Pictures folder in your User account. You can then find the wallpapers more easily in the future.

如果需要,您還可以開啟檔案資源管理器並導航到C:\ Windows \ Web,然後將預設影象檔案複製到更好的位置,例如您的User帳戶中的Pictures資料夾。 然後,您將來可以更輕鬆地找到桌布。

Looking for the original wallpaper that came with Windows 10instead of the night-light one? You’ll have to download it from the web instead.

尋找Windows 10隨附的原始桌布而不是夜燈嗎? 您必須改為從網上下載它。

更多Windows 10牆紙技巧 (More Windows 10 Wallpaper Tricks)

If you’re a fan of beautiful wallpaper like us, you can search for cool wallpapers online, use Bing’s Daily Photos as wallpaper, or even change your wallpaper based on the time of day. And if you run a multi-monitor setup, you can choose a different wallpaper for each monitor. Have fun!

如果您像我們一樣是美麗桌布的粉絲,則可以線上搜尋很酷的桌布使用Bing的每日照片作為桌布,甚至可以根據一天中的時間更改桌布。 而且,如果您執行多顯示器設定,則可以為每個顯示器選擇不同的牆紙。 玩得開心!

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/671538/heres-where-windows-10-stores-its-default-wallpapers/
