1. 程式人生 > 其它 >ABB AC900F學習筆記61:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_AC_900F_Controller-21

ABB AC900F學習筆記61:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_AC_900F_Controller-21

4.2 CAN Bus accessories


Different accessories are needed, depending on the controller configuration(single/redundant) an the location where the controller is connected to the CAN busof the Freelance I/O racks. Refer to Section 3, Modules for details about theconnection variants.

根據控制器的配置(單機/冗餘)、控制器與freelance IO機架上CAN匯流排的連線位置,需要不同的附件。

請參閱第 3 節,模組,瞭解有關連線細節。

4.2.1 TP 910F CAN Bus termination plug

TP 910F CAN匯流排終端插頭



  • CAN Bus termination, triple
  • CAN匯流排終端,三重
  • Integrated terminating resistors (cannot be deactivated)
  • 整合終端電阻(不可停用)
  • D-SUB connector, 9-pin, male (M)
  • 9針聯結器,公頭
  • 6 screw terminals
  • 6顆螺絲終端
  • Connection area for cable shield and strain relief
  • 電纜遮蔽和應變消除區域



The TP 910F termination plug serves for terminating (with correct impedance level)three CAN bus lines directly at the CI 910F CAN Bus interface module.The screw terminals in the plug allow to connect either the TK 811F open-end CANcable or a commercial twisted-pair cable.

TP 910F終端插頭用於在CI 910F CAN bus介面模組上直接終止(使用正確的阻抗水平)三條CAN匯流排線。插頭中的螺絲端子允許連線TK 811F開端CAN電纜或雙絞線。

4.2.2 TK 811F CAN cable

TK 811F電纜



  • Shielded twisted-pair cable
  • 遮蔽對電纜
  • D-SUB connector, 9-pin, male (M)
  • 9針公頭
  • Open-end wires with wire-end sleeves
  • 帶線端鼻子的剝開的導線
  • Cable length 3 m
  • 電纜長3米



The TK 811F cable connects the Freelance I/O racks to the CI 910F module. The sixwires and the cable shield are connected to the TP 910F terminal plug or a precedingTB 870F terminal block. The other pair of wires is cut off and should not connected

TK 811F電纜連線Freelance IO機架和CI 910F模板。六芯線和電纜保護套連線到TP 910F模板終端插頭或者TB 870F前面的終端塊。其他電線被切斷,不應連線。

4.2.3 TK 831F CAN cable TK 831F CAN匯流排電纜 Features 功能
  • Shielded twisted-pair cable
  • 遮蔽雙絞線電纜
  • Two connectors, D-SUB 9-pin male (M) and D-SUB 25-pin female (F)
  • 兩個聯結器,9針公頭和9針母頭
  • Cable length 0.5 m
  • 電纜長度0.5米
Use 用於 The TK 831F cable connects the CI 910F CAN module to the TB 870F terminalblock. The cable is provided with a feed line and a return line for each signal inorder to avoid using spurs. For example, the pins 1 and 14 of the 25-pin connectorare electrically connected to pin 2 of the 9-pin connector via one wire, each.

TK 831F 電纜將 CI 910F CAN 模組連線到 TB 870F 終端塊。該電纜為每一個訊號提供饋送線和回線,目的是為了避免使用激勵。例如,25 針聯結器的引腳 1 和 14通過一根電線將 9 針聯結器的引腳 2 電連線到每個聯結器。

When replacing the CI 910F module or the controller, disconnect the 9-pinconnector only. Disconnecting the 25-pin connector will interrupt the CAN bus

更換 CI 910F 模組或控制器時,僅斷開 9 針聯結器。斷開 25 針聯結器將中斷 CAN 匯流排.

Connector pin assignment 針腳分配
Channel 通道 Signal 訊號 Pins D-SUB 25 25針插頭 Pins D-SUB 9 9針插頭
1 CAN 1H CAN 1L 1, 14 2, 15 2 3
2 CAN 2H CAN 2L 4, 17 5, 18 6 7
3 CAN 3H CAN 3L 7, 20 8, 21 8 4
4.2.4 TB 870F terminal block TB 870終端塊 Features 功能
  • 25-pin D-SUB plug for connecting TK 831F
  • 25針插頭連線TK831F
  • Two terminal strips with 14 screw terminals, each
  • 兩個終端條,每個帶 14 個螺絲終端
  • DIN rail mounting
  • DIN導軌安裝
Use 用於 The TB 870F terminal block connects the CAN bus of the primary controller to thatof the secondary controller. It is also used to connect a controller in the middle of aCAN bus line between two I/O racks

TB 870F 終端塊將主控制器的 CAN 匯流排連線到輔助控制器。它還用於連線兩個IO機架之間的CAN總線上的控制器。

Terminal strips 終端條
Channel 通道 Signal 訊號 Input terminals 輸入終端 Output terminals 輸出終端
1 CAN 1H CAN 1L 1 2 14 15
2 CAN 2H CAN 2L 4 5 17 18
3 CAN 3H CAN 3L 7 8 20 21