機器學習與深度學習系列連載: 第二部分 深度學習(十二)卷積神經網路 3 經典的模型(LeNet-5,AlexNet ,VGGNet,GoogLeNet,ResNet)
卷積神經網路 3 經典的模型
1. LeNet-5 [LeCun et al., 1998]
引數有:Conv filters were 5x5, applied at stride 1
Subsampling (Pooling) layers were 2x2 applied at stride 2
2.AlexNet [Krizhevsky et al. 2012]
這個模型是2012年Imagenet 奪冠的模型,從這個模型開始,可以說,深度學習的大幕已經拉開!
(1) First layer:
Input: 227x227x3 images
(CONV1): 96 11x11 filters applied at stride 4,
Output volume [55x55x96]
這一層的所有的引數是:(11113)*96 = 35K
(2) Second layer(Pooling):
3x3 filters applied at stride 2
Output volume: 27x27x96
(3) 整個架構 (Pooling):
(4) 模型特徵和超引數設定:
- first use of ReLU
- used Norm layers (not common anymore)
- heavy data augmentation
- dropout 0.5
- batch size 128
- SGD Momentum 0.9
- Learning rate 1e-2, reduced by 10
manually when val accuracy plateaus - L2 weight decay 5e-4
- 7 CNN ensemble: 18.2% -> 15.4%
3.VGGNet [Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014]
*Only 3x3 CONV stride 1, pad 1 and 2x2 MAX POOL stride 2;
將11.2% top 5 error in ILSVRC 2013降低到 7.3% top 5 error;
TOTAL memory: 24M * 4 bytes ~= 93MB / image (only forward! ~2 for bwd)
TOTAL params: 138M parameters
4.GoogLeNet[Szegedy et al., 2014]
ILSVRC 2014 冠軍(6.7% top 5 error)
- Inception Model
- No FC layer
- Only 5 million params!(Removes FC layers completely)
- Compared to AlexNet:
12X less params
2x more compute
6.67% (vs. 16.4%)
5. ResNet [He et al., 2015]
ILSVRC 2015 winner (3.6% top 5 error)
- 2-3 weeks of training on 8 GPU machine
- at runtime: faster than a VGGNet! (even though it has 8x more layers)
(1) 系統結構
(2) Res 殘差的概念
(3) 超引數設定 - Batch Normalization after every CONV layer
- Xavier/2 initialization from He et al.
- SGD + Momentum (0.9)
- Learning rate: 0.1, divided by 10 when validation error plateaus
- Mini-batch size 256
- Weight decay of 1e-5
- No dropout used
(4) 層詳情
本專欄圖片、公式很多來自臺灣大學李弘毅老師、斯坦福大學cs229,斯坦福大學cs231n 、斯坦福大學cs224n課程。在這裡,感謝這些經典課程,向他們致敬!