1. 觀察!這點很重要,經過觀察可以發現有大量重複的資料,所謂方向不對努力白費也是這個道理,首先需要壓縮重複的資料。不然會做許多無用功。
2. 設計演算法的時候一定要注意是並行化的,大家可能很疑惑,Spark不就是並行化的麼?可是你一不小心可能就寫成只在client端執行的演算法了。
3. 因為資料量比較大,切記多使用資料持久化以及BroadCast廣播變數對中間資料進行相應處理。
4. 資料結構的優化,BitSet是一種優秀的資料結構他只需一位就可以儲存以個整形數,對於所給出的資料都是整數的情況特別適用。
import scala.util.control.Breaks._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import java.util.BitSet
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.spark._
object FrequentItemset {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.length != 2) {
println("USage:<Datapath> <Output>" )
//initial SparkContext
val sc = new SparkContext()
val SUPPORT_NUM = 15278611 //Transactions total is num=17974836, SUPPORT_NUM = num*0.85
val TRANSACITON_NUM = 17974836.0
val K = 8
//All transactions after removing transaction ID, and here we combine the same transactions.
val transactions = sc.textFile(args(0)).map(line =>
line.substring(line.indexOf(" ") + 1).trim).map((_, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _).map(line => {
val bitSet = new BitSet()
val ss = line._1.split(" ")
for (i <- 0 until ss.length) {
bitSet.set(ss(i).toInt, true)
(bitSet, line._2)
//To get 1 frequent itemset, here, fi represents frequent itemset
var fi = transactions.flatMap { line =>
val tmp = new ArrayBuffer[(String, Int)]
for (i <- 0 until line._1.size()) {
if (line._1.get(i)) tmp += ((i.toString, line._2))
}.reduceByKey(_ + _).filter(line1 => line1._2 >= SUPPORT_NUM).cache()
val result = fi.map(line => line._1 + ":" + line._2 / TRANSACITON_NUM)
result.saveAsTextFile(args(1) + "/result-1")
for (i <- 2 to K) {
val candiateFI = getCandiateFI(fi.map(_._1).collect(), i)
val bccFI = sc.broadcast(candiateFI)
//To get the final frequent itemset
fi = transactions.flatMap { line =>
val tmp = new ArrayBuffer[(String, Int)]()
//To check if each itemset of candiateFI in transactions
bccFI.value.foreach { itemset =>
val itemArray = itemset.split(",")
var count = 0
for (item <- itemArray) if (line._1.get(item.toInt)) count += 1
if (count == itemArray.size) tmp += ((itemset, line._2))
}.reduceByKey(_ + _).filter(_._2 >= SUPPORT_NUM).cache()
val result = fi.map(line => line._1 + ":" + line._2 / TRANSACITON_NUM)
result.saveAsTextFile(args(1) + "/result-" + i)
//To get the candiate k frequent itemset from k-1 frequent itemset
def getCandiateFI(f: Array[String], tag: Int) = {
val separator = ","
val arrayBuffer = ArrayBuffer[String]()
for(i <- 0 until f.length;j <- i + 1 until f.length){
var tmp = ""
if(2 == tag) tmp = (f(i) + "," + f(j)).split(",").sortWith((a,b) => a.toInt <= b.toInt).reduce(_+","+_)
else {
if (f(i).substring(0, f(i).lastIndexOf(',')).equals(f(j).substring(0, f(j).lastIndexOf(',')))) {
tmp = (f(i) + f(j).substring(f(j).lastIndexOf(','))).split(",").sortWith((a, b) => a.toInt <= b.toInt).reduce(_ + "," + _)
var hasInfrequentSubItem = false //To filter the item which has infrequent subitem
if (!tmp.equals("")) {
val arrayTmp = tmp.split(separator)
breakable {
for (i <- 0 until arrayTmp.size) {
var subItem = ""
for (j <- 0 until arrayTmp.size) {
if (j != i) subItem += arrayTmp(j) + separator
//To remove the separator "," in the end of the item
subItem = subItem.substring(0, subItem.lastIndexOf(separator))
if (!f.contains(subItem)) {
hasInfrequentSubItem = true
} //breakable
else hasInfrequentSubItem = true
//If itemset has no sub inftequent itemset, then put it into candiateFI
if (!hasInfrequentSubItem) arrayBuffer += (tmp)
} //for