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Penalized Regression in R

In this post you will discover 3 recipes for penalized regression for the R platform.

You can copy and paste the recipes in this post to make a jump-start on your own problem or to learn and practice with linear regression in R.

Penalized Regression

Penalized Regression
Photo by Bay Area Bias, some rights reserved

Each example in this post uses the longley dataset provided in the datasets package that comes with R. The longley dataset describes 7 economic variables observed from 1947 to 1962 used to predict the number of people employed yearly.

Ridge Regression

Ridge Regression creates a linear regression model that is penalized with the L2-norm which is the sum of the squared coefficients. This has the effect of shrinking the coefficient values (and the complexity of the model) allowing some coefficients with minor contribution to the response to get close to zero.

Ridge Regression in R R
123456789101112131415 # load the packagelibrary(glmnet)# load datadata(longley)x<-as.matrix(longley[,1:6])y<-as.matrix(longley[,7])# fit modelfit<-glmnet(x,y,family="gaussian",alpha=0,lambda=0.001)# summarize the fitsummary(fit)# make predictionspredictions<-predict(fit,x,type="link")# summarize accuracymse<-mean((y-predictions)^2)print(mse)

Learn about the glmnet function in the glmnet package.

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Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator

Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) creates a regression model that is penalized with the L1-norm which is the sum of the absolute coefficients. This has the effect of shrinking coefficient values (and the complexity of the model), allowing some with a minor effect to the response to become zero.

Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) in R R
1234567891011121314151617 # load the packagelibrary(lars)# load datadata(longley)x<-as.matrix(longley[,1:6])y<-as.matrix(longley[,7])# fit modelfit<-lars(x,y,type="lasso")# summarize the fitsummary(fit)# select a step with a minimum errorbest_step<-fit$df[which.min(fit$RSS)]# make predictionspredictions<-predict(fit,x,s=best_step,type="fit")$fit# summarize accuracymse<-mean((y-predictions)^2)print(mse)

Learn about the lars function in the lars package.

Elastic Net

Elastic Net creates a regression model that is penalized with both the L1-norm and L2-norm. This has the effect of effectively shrinking coefficients (as in ridge regression) and setting some coefficients to zero (as in LASSO).

Elastic Net in R R
123456789101112131415 # load the packagelibrary(glmnet)# load datadata(longley)x<-as.matrix(longley[,1:6])y<-as.matrix(longley[,7])# fit modelfit<-glmnet(x,y,family="gaussian",alpha=0.5,lambda=0.001)# summarize the fitsummary(fit)# make predictionspredictions<-predict(fit,x,type="link")# summarize accuracymse<-mean((y-predictions)^2)print(mse)

Learn about the glmnet function in the glmnet package.


In this post you discovered 3 recipes for penalized regression in R.

Penalization is a powerful method for attribute selection and improving the accuracy of predictive models. For more information see Chapter 6 of Applied Predictive Modeling by Kuhn and Johnson that provides an excellent introduction to linear regression with R for beginners.

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Penalized Regression in R

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