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Linear Regression in R

In this post you will discover 4 recipes for non-linear regression in R.

There are many advanced methods you can use for non-linear regression, and these recipes are but a sample of the methods you could use.

non-linear regression

Non-Linear Regression
Photo by

Steve Jurvetson, some rights reserved

Each example in this post uses the longley dataset provided in the datasets package that comes with R. The longley dataset describes 7 economic variables observed from 1947 to 1962 used to predict the number of people employed yearly.

Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines

Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) is a non-parametric regression method that models multiple nonlinearities in data using hinge functions (functions with a kink in them).

Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines in R R
123456789101112131415 # load the packagelibrary(earth)# load datadata(longley)# fit modelfit<-earth(Employed~.,longley)# summarize the fitsummary(fit)# summarize the importance of input variablesevimp(fit)# make predictionspredictions<-predict(fit,longley)# summarize accuracymse<-mean((longley$Employed-predictions)^2)print(mse)

Learn more about the earth function and the earth package.

Support Vector Machine

Support Vector Machines (SVM) are a class of methods, developed originally for classification, that find support points that best separate classes. SVM for regression is called Support Vector Regression (SVM).

Support Vector Machine in R R
12345678910111213 # load the packagelibrary(kernlab)# load datadata(longley)# fit modelfit<-ksvm(Employed~.,longley)# summarize the fitsummary(fit)# make predictionspredictions<-predict(fit,longley)# summarize accuracymse<-mean((longley$Employed-predictions)^2)print(mse)

Learn more about the ksvm function and the kernlab package.

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k-Nearest Neighbor

The k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) does not create a model, instead it creates predictions from close data on-demand when a prediction is required. A similarity measure (such as Euclidean distance) is used to locate close data in order to make predictions.

k-Nearest Neighbor in R R
12345678910111213 # load the packagelibrary(caret)# load datadata(longley)# fit modelfit<-knnreg(longley[,1:6],longley[,7],k=3)# summarize the fitsummary(fit)# make predictionspredictions<-predict(fit,longley[,1:6])# summarize accuracymse<-mean((longley$Employed-predictions)^2)print(mse)

Learn more about the knnreg function and the caret package.

Neural Network

A Neural Network (NN) is a graph of computational units that recieve inputs and transfer the result into an output that is passed on. The units are ordered into layers to connect the features of an input vector to the features of an output vector. With training, such as the Back-Propagation algorithm, neural networks can be designed and trained to model the underlying relationship in data.

Neural Network in R R
123456789101112131415 # load the packagelibrary(nnet)# load datadata(longley)x<-longley[,1:6]y<-longley[,7]# fit modelfit<-nnet(Employed~.,longley,size=12,maxit=500,linout=T,decay=0.01)# summarize the fitsummary(fit)# make predictionspredictions<-predict(fit,x,type="raw")# summarize accuracymse<-mean((y-predictions)^2)print(mse)

Learn more about the nnet function and the nnet package.


In this post you discovered 4 non-linear regression methods with recipes that you can copy-and-paste for your own problems.

For more information see Chapter 7 of Applied Predictive Modeling by Kuhn and Johnson that provides an excellent introduction to non-linear regression with R for beginners.

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