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Single Region Multi-VPC Connectivity

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) offers a comprehensive set of virtual networking capabilities that provide AWS customers with many options for designing and implementing networks on the AWS cloud. With Amazon VPC, customers can provision logically isolated virtual networks to host their AWS resources. Customers can create multiple VPCs within the same region or in different regions, in the same account or in different accounts. This is useful for customers who require multiple VPCs for security, billing, regulatory, or other purposes, and want to integrate AWS resources between their VPCs more easily. More often than not, these different VPCs need to communicate privately and securely with one another for sharing data or applications.

This webpage provides AWS customers with high-level connectivity options for multiple VPCs within the same AWS Region using VPC peering or AWS Direct Connect connections. It includes best practices and guidance, and outlines the most commonly used multiple-VPC connection configurations within a region. For guidance on connecting VPCs in different AWS Regions, see the

Multiple Region Multi-VPC Connectivity.

The following sections address key considerations and recommendations for connecting VPCs in the same region, and assume some basic knowledge of VPC peering, network addressing, subnetting, routing, and AWS Direct Connect.


Single Region Multi-VPC Connectivity

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) offers a comprehensive set of virtual networking capabilities that provide AWS customers with many

Multiple Region Multi-VPC Connectivity

You can use a transit VPC not only to provide direct network routing between VPCs and on-premises networks, but also to implement more compl

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Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Corner Localization and Region Segmentation

摘要 先前基於深度學習的最先進的場景文字檢測方法可大致分為兩類。第一類將場景文字視為一般物件的型別,並遵循一般物件檢測範例,通過迴歸文字框位置來定位場景文字,但是受到場景文字的任意方向和大縱橫比的困擾。第二個直接分割文字區域,但大多數需要複雜的後期處理。在本文中,我們提出了一種方法,它結合了兩種

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【論文速讀】Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Corner Localization and Region Segmentation[2018-CPVR]

方法概述 該方法用一個端到端網路完成文字檢測整個過程——除了基礎卷積網路(backbone)外,包括兩個並行分支和一個後處理。第一個分支是通過一個DSSD網路進行角點檢測來提取候選文字區域,第二個分支是利用類似於RFCN進行網格劃分的方式來做position-sensitive的segmentation。後

Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Corner Localization and Region Segmentation 論文詳解

Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Corner Localization and Region Segmentation發表於2018年的cvpr,該文章通過結合角點檢測和影象分割來對影象文字進行定位 Introduction 目前文字定

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