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Digital Desin and Computer Architecture RISC-V Edition


Digital Desin and Computer Architecture RISC-V Edition
-- by Sarah L Harris and David Money Harris

When I first read Harris and Harris's MIPS textbook back in 2008, I thought that it was one of the best books I had ever read for teaching computer architecture. I started using it in my courses immediately. Thirteen years later, I have had the honor of reviewing this new RISC-V edition, and my opinion of their books has not changed: Digital Design and Computer Architecture: RISC-V Edition is an excellent book, very clear, thorough, with a high educational value, and in line with the courses that we teach in the areas of digital design and computer architecture. I look forward to using this RISC-V textbook in my courses. -- Daniel Chaver Martinez, University Complutense of Madrid

The first two versions of this increasingly popular text cover the MIPS and ARM architectures. As one of the original Reduced Instruction Set Computing architectures, MIPS is clean and exceptionally easy to understand and build. MIPS remains an important architecture, as it has inspired many of the subsequent architectures, including RISC-V. The ARM architecture has exploded in popularity over the past several decades because of its efficiency and rich ecosystem. More than 50 billion ARM processors have been shipped, and more than 75% of humans on the planet use products with ARM processors.

Over the past decade, RISC-V has emerged as an increasingly important architecture, both pedagogically [教學地] and commercially. As the first widely used open-source computer architecture, RISC-V offers the simplicity of MIPS with the flexibility and features of modern processors. Pedagogically, the learning objectives of the MIPS, ARM, and RISC-V editions are identical. The RISC-V architecture has a number of features, including extendibility and compressed instructions, that contribute to its efficiency but add a small amount of complexity. The three microarchitectures are also similar, with MIPS and RISC-V architectures sharing many similarities. We expect to offer MIPS, ARM, and RISC-V
editions as long as the market demands.

Hardware description languages (HDLs) are at the center of modern digital design practices. Unfortunately, designers are evenly split between the two dominant languages, SystemVerilog and VHDL.

RISC-V is an ideal architecture because it is a real architecture shipped in an increasing number of commercial products, yet it is streamlined and easy to learn. Moreover, because of its popularity in the commercial and hobbyist worlds, simulation and development tools exist for the RISC-V architecture.

Chapter 9 (available as an online supplement) also describes peripherals in the context of SparkFun's RED-V RedBoard, a popular development board that centers on SiFive's Freedom E310 RISC-V processor. Supplementary materials are available online at ddcabook.com or the publisher's website:

Chapter 7 includes an overview of modern high-performance micro-architectural features, including branch prediction, superscalar, and out-of-order operation, multithreading, and multicore processors.

The best way to learn digital design is to do it. The labs are written to target the DE2 or DE-115 boards. These powerful and competitively priced boards are available from de2-115.terasic.com. To run the labs, students will need to download and install Intel's Quartus Web or Lite Edition and Visual Studio Code with the PlatformIO extension. The Quartus software, either Web or Lite Edition, is a free version of Intel's professional-strength Quartus FPGA design tools. It allows students to enter their digital designs in schematic or using either the SystemVerilog or the VHDL hardware description language (HDL). After entering the design, students can simulate their circuits using the ModelSim - Intel FPGA Edition or Starter Edition, which is available with Intel's Quartus software. Quartus also includes a built-in logic synthesis tool that supports both SystemVerilog and VHDL. The difference between the Web or Lite Edition and the Pro Edition is that the Web or Lite Edition supports a subset of the most common Altera FPGAs. The free versions of ModelSim degrade performance for simulations with more than 10,000 lines of HDL, whereas the professional version of ModelSim does not.

The Venus Simulator is a web-based RISC-V assembly simulator. Programs are written (or copy/pasted) in the Editor tab and then simulated and run in the Simulator tab. Registers and memory contents can be viewed as the program runs.

RISC-V FPGA, also referred to as RVfpga, is a free two-course sequence that can be completed after learning the material in this book. The first course shows how to target a commercial RISC-V core to an FPGA, program it using RISC-V assembly or C, add peripherals to it, and analyze and modify the core and memory system, including adding instructions to the core. This course uses the open-source SweRVolf system-on-chip (SoC), which is based on Western Digital's open-source commercial SweRV EH1 core. The course also shows how to use Verilator, an open-source HDL simulator, and Western Digital's Whisper, an open-source RISC-V instruction set simulator (ISS). RVfpga-SoC, the second course, shows how to build an SoC based on SweRVolf using building blocks such as the SweRV EH1 core, inter-connect, and memories. The course then guides the user in loading and running the Zephyr operating system on the RISC-V SoC. All necessary software and system source code (Verilog/SystemVerilog files) are free, and the courses may be completed in simulation, so no hardware is required. RVfpga materials are freely available with registration from the Imagination Technologies University Programme:

Sarah L. Harris is an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She received her Ph.D. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. Sarah has also worked with Hewlett-Packard, the San Diego Supercomputer Center, and NVIDIA. David Harris is the Harvey S. Mudd Professor of Engineering Design and Associate Department Chair at Harvey Mudd College. He received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University and his M.Eng. in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT. Before attending Stanford, he worked at Intel as a logic and circuit designer on the Itanium and Pentium II processors [這兩個CPU都不快]. Since then, he has consulted at Broadcom, Sun Microsystems, Hewlett-Packard, Evans & Sutherland, and other design companies.

Worldwide semiconductor industry sales have grown from US $21 billion in 1985 to $400 billion in 2020, and microprocessors are a major segment of these sales.

The other one-input logic gate is called a buffer. It simply copies the input to the output. From the logical point of view, a buffer is no different from a wire. From the analog point of view, the buffer might have desirable characteristics, such as the ability to deliver large amounts of current to a motor or the ability to quickly send its output to many gates. This is an example of why we need to consider multiple levels of abstraction to fully understand a system; the digital abstraction hides the real purpose of a buffer.

Many Boolean functions of three or more inputs exist. NOR3, AND4.