不同的神經網路訓練函式training function的比較
5. traincgb:Plwell-Beale演算法:通過判斷前後梯度的正交性來決定權值和閾值的調整方向是否回到負梯度方向上來.
6. trainscg:比例共軛梯度演算法:將模值信賴域演算法與共軛梯度演算法結合起來,減少用於調整方向時搜尋網路的時間.
Neural Network Toolbox Training Functions.
To change a neural network’s trainingalgorithm set the net.trainFcn
property to the name of the correspondingfunction. For example, to use
the scaled conjugate gradient backproptraining algorithm:
net.trainFcn = ‘trainscg’;
Backpropagation training functions that useJacobian derivatives
These algorithms can be faster but requiremore memory than gradient
backpropation. They are also not supported on GPU hardware.
trainlm - Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation.
trainbr - Bayesian Regulation backpropagation.
Backpropagation training functions that usegradient derivatives
These algorithms may not be as fast asJacobian backpropagation.
They are supported on GPU hardware with theParallel Computing Toolbox.
trainbfg - BFGS quasi-Newton backpropagation.
traincgb - Conjugate gradient backpropagation with Powell-Beale restarts.
traincgf - Conjugate gradient backpropagation with Fletcher-Reeves updates.
traincgp - Conjugate gradient backpropagation with Polak-Ribiere updates.
traingd - Gradient descent backpropagation.
traingda - Gradient descent with adaptive lr backpropagation.
traingdm - Gradient descent with momentum.
traingdx - Gradient descent w/momentum & adaptive lr backpropagation.
trainoss - One step secant backpropagation.
trainrp - RPROP backpropagation.
trainscg - Scaled conjugate gradient backpropagation.
Supervised weight/bias training functions
trainb - Batch training with weight & bias learning rules.
trainc - Cyclical order weight/bias training.
trainr - Random order weight/bias training.
trains - Sequential order weight/bias training.
Unsupervised weight/bias training functions
trainbu - Unsupervised batch training with weight & bias learning rules.
trainru - Unsupervised random order weight/bias training.
設定net.trainFcn屬性裡的當前函式的名字可以改變神經網路的訓練函式.舉個例子,用如下程式碼可以把訓練函式設定成scaled conjugate gradientbackprop(擴充套件共軛梯度反向,我亂猜的)訓練函式
net.trainFcn =’trainscg’;
trainlm - Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation.
trainbr - Bayesian Regulation backpropagation.
這些演算法沒有雅克比反向傳播的演算法那麼快.他們支援GPU,藉助於並行運算工具箱(ParallelComputing Toolbox).
trainbfg - BFGS quasi-Newton backpropagation.
traincgb - Conjugate gradient backpropagation with Powell-Beale restarts.
traincgf - Conjugate gradient backpropagation with Fletcher-Reeves updates.
traincgp - Conjugate gradient backpropagation with Polak-Ribiere updates.
traingd - Gradient descent backpropagation.
traingda - Gradient descent with adaptive lr backpropagation.
traingdm - Gradient descent with momentum.
traingdx - Gradient descent w/momentum & adaptive lr backpropagation.
trainoss - One step secant backpropagation.
trainrp - RPROP backpropagation.
trainscg - Scaled conjugate gradient backpropagation.
trainb - Batch training with weight & bias learning rules.
trainc - Cyclical order weight/bias training.
trainr - Random order weight/bias training.
trains - Sequential order weight/bias training.
trainbu - Unsupervised batch training with weight & bias learning rules.
trainru - Unsupervised random order weight/bias training.