1. 程式人生 > >使用R語言的BNLearn包實現貝葉斯網路


1. 載入程式包匯入資料

library(bnlearn)  #CRAN中有,可以直接用install.packages(“bnlearn”)安裝或者去網上下載後複製到library資料夾下即可。

library(Rgraphviz)  #用於繪圖。這個包CRAN中沒有,需要到http://www.bioconductor.org/pack ... ws.html#___Software 去下載。

data(learning.test)  #匯入資料,資料框中的變數必須全部為因子型(離散)或數值型(連續)。

lear.test =read.csv("***.csv", colClasses ="factor")  #也可以直接從csv檔案直接匯入資料。需要注意的是如果資料中含有0-1之類的布林型,或者1-3之類的等級資料,需要強行指定其為因子型,不然許多BN函式會報錯。因為read函式只會自動的將字元型轉換成因子型,其他的不會自動轉換。

該包包含貝葉斯網路的結構學習、引數學習和推理三個方面的功能,其中結構學習包含基於約束的演算法、基於得分的演算法和混合演算法,引數學習包括最大似然估計和貝葉斯估計兩種方法。此外還有引導(bootstrap),交叉驗證(cross-validation)和隨機模擬(stochastic simulation)等功能,附加的繪圖功能需要呼叫前述的Rgraphviz and lattice包。

Bayesian network structure learning (via constraint-based, score-based and hybrid algorithms), parameter learning (via ML and Bayesian estimators) and inference.

This package implements some algorithms for learning the structure of Bayesian networks.

Constraint-based algorithms, also known as conditional independence learners, are all optimized derivatives of the Inductive Causation algorithm (Verma and Pearl, 1991). These algorithms use conditional independence tests to detect the Markov blankets of the variables, which in turn are used to compute the structure of the Bayesian network.

Score-based learning algorithms are general purpose heuristic optimization algorithms which rank network structures with respect to a goodness-of-fit score.

Hybrid algorithms combine aspects of both constraint-based and score-based algorithms, as they use conditional independence tests (usually to reduce the search space) and network scores (to find the optimal network in the reduced space) at the same time.

Several functions for parameter estimation, parametric inference, bootstrap, cross-validation and stochastic simulation are available. Furthermore, advanced plotting capabilities are implemented on top of the Rgraphviz and lattice packages. 

2 基於約束的演算法


Available constraint-based learning algorithms


res = gs(learning.test)


Grow-Shrink (gs): based on the Grow-Shrink Markov Blanket, the first (and simplest) Markov blanket detection algorithm (Margaritis, 2003) used in a structure learning algorithm.

Incremental Association(iamb):基於馬爾可夫邊界檢測演算法相同的名稱(Tsamardinos等,2003),這是基於兩個階段的選擇方案(一個向前的選擇後緊跟著嘗試消除誤報)。增量協會

Incremental Association (iamb): based on the Markov blanket detection algorithm of the same name (Tsamardinos et al., 2003), which is based on a two-phase selection scheme (a forward selection followed by an attempt to remove false positives).

Fast Incremental Association(fast.iamb):IAMP使用投機逐步向前選擇條件獨立測試的人數減少(Yaramakala Margaritis,2005年)的一個變種。快速增量協會

Fast Incremental Association (fast.iamb): a variant of IAMB which uses speculative stepwise forward selection to reduce the number of conditional independence tests (Yaramakala and Margaritis, 2005).

Interleaved Incremental Association(inter.iamb):IAMP的另一個變種,採用向前逐步選擇(Tsamardinos等,2003),以避免誤報馬爾可夫邊界檢測階段。交錯增量協會

Interleaved Incremental Association (inter.iamb): another variant of IAMB which uses forward stepwise selection (Tsamardinos et al., 2003) to avoid false positives in the Markov blanket detection phase.

這些演算法的計算複雜度是多項式的測試的數量,通常為O(N ^ 2)(O(N ^ 4)在最壞的情況下),其中N是變數的數目。執行的時間尺度線性資料集的大小。

The computational complexity of these algorithms is polynomial in the number of tests, usually O(N^2) (O(N^4) in the worst case scenario), where N is the number of variables. Execution time scales linearly with the size of the data set.



Available (conditional) independence tests


The conditional independence tests used in constraint-based algorithms in practice are statistical tests on the data set. Available tests (and the respective labels) are:


discrete case (multinomial distribution)


mutual information: an information-theoretic distance measure. It's proportional to the log-likelihood ratio (they differ by a 2n factor) and is related to the deviance of the tested models. The asymptotic chi-square test (mi), the Monte Carlo permutation test (mc-mi), the sequential Monte Carlo permutation test (smc-mi), and the semiparametric test (sp-mi) are implemented.

?互資訊(MI-SH):基於互資訊的J-S估計的改進漸近卡方檢驗。測試模型包括:皮爾遜的X ^ 2:經典的皮爾遜的X ^ 2檢驗應急表。漸近卡方檢驗(X2),蒙特卡羅(MC-X^2)置換檢驗,序貫蒙特卡羅置換檢驗(SMC-X2)和半引數測試(SP-X2)來實現。

shrinkage estimator for the mutual information (mi-sh): an improved asymptotic chi-square test based on the James-Stein estimator for the mutual information. Pearson's X^2: the classical Pearson's X^2 test for contingency tables. The asymptotic chi-square test (x2), the Monte Carlo permutation test (mc-x2), the sequential Monte Carlo permutation test (smc-x2) and semiparametric test (sp-x2) are implemented.


continuous case (multivariate normal distribution)


linear correlation: linear correlation. The exact Student's t test (cor), the Monte Carlo permutation test (mc-cor) and the sequential Monte Carlo permutation test (smc-cor) are implemented.

Fisher's Z: a transformation of the linear correlation with asymptotic normal distribution. Used by commercial software (such as TETRAD II) for the PC algorithm (an R implementation is present in the pcalg package on CRAN). The asymptotic normal test (zf), the Monte Carlo permutation test (mc-zf) and the sequential Monte Carlo permutation test (smc-zf) are implemented.


mutual information: an information-theoretic distance measure. Again it's proportional to the log-likelihood ratio (they differ by a 2n factor). The asymptotic chi-square test (mi-g),the Monte Carlo permutation test (mc-mi-g) and the sequential Monte Carlo permutation test (smc-mi-g) are implemented.


shrinkage estimator for the mutual information (mi-g-sh): an improved asymptotic chi-square test based on the James-Stein estimator for the mutual information.

3 基於得分的演算法

Available score-based learning algorithms


Hill-Climbing (hc): a hill climbing greedy search on the space of the directed graphs. The optimized implementation uses score caching, score decomposability and score equivalence to reduce the number of duplicated tests.


Tabu Search (tabu): a modified hill climbing able to escape local optima by selecting a network that minimally decreases the score function.

Random restart with a configurable number of perturbing operations is implemented for both algorithms.


Available network scores

Available scores (and the respective labels) are:


discrete case (multinomial distribution)


the multinomial log-likelihood (loglik) score, which is equivalent to the entropy measure used in Weka.


the Akaike Information Criterion score (aic).


the Bayesian Information Criterion score (bic), which is equivalent to the Minimum Description Length (MDL) and is also known as Schwarz Information Criterion.


the logarithm of the Bayesian Dirichlet equivalent score (bde), a score equivalent Dirichlet posterior density.


the logarithm of the modified Bayesian Dirichlet equivalent score (mbde) for mixtures of experimental and observational data (not score equivalent).


the logarithm of the K2 score (k2), a Dirichlet posterior density (not score equivalent).


continuous case (multivariate normal distribution)


the multivariate Gaussian log-likelihood (loglik-g) score.


the corresponding Akaike Information Criterion score (aic-g).


the corresponding Bayesian Information Criterion score (bic-g).


a score equivalent Gaussian posterior density (bge).


The log likelihood of the model is the value that is maximized by the process that computes the maximum likelihood value for the Bi parameters. 

The Deviance is equal to -2*log-likelihood.

Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) is -2*log-likelihood 2*k where k is the number of estimated parameters.

The Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) is -2*log-likelihood k*log(n) where k is the number of estimated parameters and n is the sample size.  The Bayesian Information Criterion is also known as the Schwartz criterion.

赤池資訊量準則,即Akaike information criterion,簡稱AIC,是衡量統計模型擬合優良性的一種標準,是由日本統計學家赤池弘次創立和發展的。赤池資訊量準則建立在熵的概念基礎上,可以權衡所估計模型的複雜度和此模型擬合數據的優良性。






4 混合演算法

Available hybrid learning algorithms

Max-Min Hill-Climbing (mmhc): a hybrid algorithm which combines the Max-Min Parents and Children algorithm (to restrict the search space) and the Hill-Climbing algorithm (to find the optimal network structure in the restricted space).

Restricted Maximization (rsmax2): a more general implementation of the Max-Min Hill-Climbing, which can use any combination of constraint-based and score-based algorithms.

5 其他演算法

Other (constraint-based) local discovery algorithms


These algorithms learn the structure of the undirected graph underlying the Bayesian network, which is known as the skeleton of the network or the (partial) correlation graph. Therefore all the arcs are undirected, and no attempt is made to detect their orientation. They are often used in hybrid learning algorithms.

Max-Min Parents and Children (mmpc): a forward selection technique for neighbourhood detection based on the maximization of the minimum association measure observed with any subset of the nodes selected in the previous iterations (Tsamardinos, Brown and Aliferis, 2006).

6 貝葉斯網路分類

Bayesian Network classifiers


The algorithms are aimed at classification, and favour predictive power over the ability to recover the correct network structure. The implementation in bnlearn assumes that all variables, including the classifiers, are discrete.


Naive Bayes (naive.bayes): a very simple algorithm assuming that all classifiers are independent and using the posterior probability of the target variable for classification.


Tree-Augmented Naive Bayes (tree.bayes): a improvement over naive Bayes, this algorithms uses Chow-Liu to approximate the dependence structure of the classifiers.

Hiton Parents and Children (si.hiton.pc): a fast forward selection technique for neighbourhood detection designed to exclude nodes early based on the marginal association. The implementation follows the Semi-Interleaved variant of the algorithm described in Aliferis et al. (2010).

Chow-Liu (chow.liu): an application of the minimum-weight spanning tree and the information inequality. It learn the tree structure closest to the true one in the probability space (Chow and Liu, 1968).

ARACNE (aracne): an improved version of the Chow-Liu algorithm that is able to learn polytrees (Margolin et al., 2006).