1. 程式人生 > >慢學英文版UNIX/Linux系統管理員手冊17


Bootstrapping is the standard term for “starting up a computer” 。The operating system’s normal facilities are not available during the startup process, so the computer must “pull itself up by its own bootstraps.” During bootstrapping,the kernel is loaded into memory and begins to execute. A variety of initialization tasks are performed,and the system is then made available to users.
Boot time is a period of special vulnerability. Errors in configuration,missing or unreliable equipment , and damaged filesystems can all prevent a computer from coming up . Boot configuration is often one of the first tasks an administrator must perform on a new system,especially when adding new hardware.Unfortunately,it is also one of the touchiest. and it requires some familiarity with many other aspects of the system.
When a computer is turned on , it first executes boot code that is stored in ROM.That code in turn attempts to figure out how to load and start the kernel. The kernel probes the system’s hardware and then spawns the system’s init process,which is always process number 1.
Before the system is fully booted,filesystems must be checked and mounted ,and system daemons started. These procedures are managed by a series of shell scripts that are run in sequence by init . The exact layout of the
startup scripts and the manner in which they are executed vary among systems.We cover the details later in this chapter.
*:standard /'stændəd/ 標準
*term /tɜːm/ 術語
*:operating /'ɒpəreɪtɪŋ/ 操作
*:facilities /fə’sɪlɪtɪz/ 工具
*:available /ə’veɪləb(ə)l/ 可獲的的
*:during /'djʊərɪŋ/ 在。。。時候
*:bootstraps 載入程式
*:execute /'eksɪkjuːt/ 執行
*:variety /və’raɪətɪ/ 多樣的
*:initialization /ɪ,nɪʃəlaɪ’zeɪʃən/ 初始化
*:perform /pə’fɔːm/ 執行
*:period /'pɪərɪəd/ 週期
*:vulnerability /,vʌlnərə’bɪlətɪ/ 電腦保安隱患
*:configuration 配置
*:unreliable /ʌnrɪ’laɪəb(ə)l/ 不可依賴的
*:equipment /ɪ’kwɪpm(ə)nt/ 裝置
*:damaged 損壞
*:prevent /prɪ’vent/ 阻止
*:Unfortunately /ʌnˈfɔːtʃənətli/ 不幸的
*:touchiest 敏感的
*:requires 需求
*:attempts 試圖
*:figure out 算出
*:daemons 守護程序