1. 程式人生 > >慢學英文版UNIX/Linux系統管理員手冊15


##Fire fighting
Although helping users with their various problems is rarely included in a system administrator’s job description , it claims a significant portion of most administrators’ workdays. System administrators are bombarded with problems ranging from “It worked yesterday and now it doesn’t! What did you change?” to “I spilled coffee on my keyboard! Should I pour water on it to wash it out?”
In most cases,you response to these issues affects your perceived value as an administrator far more than does any actual technical skill you might possess. You can either howl at the injustice of it all ,or you can delight in the fact that a single well-handled trouble ticket scores as many brownie points as five hours of midnight debugging .You pick!
*:various /'veərɪəs/ 各式各樣的
*:rarely /'reəlɪ/ 難得的
*:description /dɪ’skrɪpʃ(ə)n/ 描述
*:claims /klem/ 要求
*:significant /sɪg’nɪfɪk(ə)nt/ 重大的
*:portion /'pɔːʃ(ə)n/ 部分
*:bombarded 不斷地
*:response /rɪ’spɒns/ 響應
*:issues ['ɪʃju:z] 問題
*:perceived 感知
*:possess /pə’zes/ 持有
*:howl 吼叫
*:injustice /ɪn’dʒʌstɪs/ 不公平的