1. 程式人生 > 其它 >ABB AC 900F學習筆記66:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_AC_900F_Controller-26

ABB AC 900F學習筆記66:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_AC_900F_Controller-26

6 Wiring


This section provides information on wiring the AC 900F controller exclusive of theCI/CM communication interface module. It contains safety instructions, generalguidelines and information on cable routing

本節提供有關 AC 900F 控制器的佈線資訊,但不包括CI/CM 通訊介面模組。它包含安全說明,一般電纜路由指南和資訊

6.1 Safety instructions


Make sure to strictly observe the following safety instructions when wiring the controller. This requirement is essential to exclude personal injury and equipment damage.


Please refer to the safety instructions for the AC 700F/AC 900F for general information on safety and precautionary measures

請參閱 AC 700F/AC 900F 的安全說明,瞭解有關安全和預防措施的一般資訊

The L+ and M terminals are assigned twice. Incorrect wiring may cause shortcircuits and damage the power supply unit or the fuse protection of the power supplyunit. If no suitable protection is provided (suitable module), the CPU module maybe damaged as well. For this reason, the CPU module must be wired in compliancewith the following instructions and an adequately dimensioned fuse must be used

L+ 和 M 終端被分配兩次。不正確的佈線可能導致短路和損壞電源單元或電源的保險絲保護單元。如果沒有提供適當的保護(適當的模組),CPU 模組也可能損壞因此,CPU 模組必須按照下面的要求接線,必須使用足夠尺寸的保險絲。

6.2 General instructions


Strictly observe the following basic principles and instructions when installing andwiring the controller。

The specified earthing and shielding measures must be implemented in order to
ensure reliable controller operation


  • Keep all connecting lines as short as possible. This is particularly important for the earthing conductors
  • 保持所有連線線儘可能短。這對接地導體尤其重要

  • Make sure to select sufficiently dimensioned wire cross-sections. This is particularly important for earthing conductors
  • 確保選擇足夠尺寸的電線橫截面。這對接地導體尤其重要

  • 要實現低阻抗性,即在大表面上的最佳接觸,按以下方式進行:

–establish vibration-resistant connections


   –use bare contact areas (remove paint, clean surface),


   –avoid the use of aluminum parts (oxidize easily)


  –select solid plug and screw connections


  –directly earth the cable shields with clips to a well-grounded metallic surface


  –do not use drain wires (pig-tails),


  –do not use toothed washers to lock the screw unions
