1. 程式人生 > 其它 >ABB AC 900F學習筆記67:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_AC_900F_Controller-27

ABB AC 900F學習筆記67:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_AC_900F_Controller-27


6.3 Controller earthing


Proper earthing of the controller requires an earthed mounting plate or metal frame.Additional earthing measures are only required if the mounting surface or framematerial cannot be earthed. In this case, a short earthing conductor must beconnected to the lower left/right fastening screw of the CPU module. l

控制器的正確接地需要一個接地安裝板或金屬框架。只有當安裝表面或框架材料無法接地時,才需要額外的接地措施。在這種情況下,必須連線到 CPU 模組的左下/右緊固螺絲的短接地導體。

The controller is earthed through the DIN rail or both lower fastening screws. Use
yellow chromated steel DIN rails to ensure proper earthing

控制器通過 DIN 導軌或兩個較低的緊固螺絲接地.使用鉻酸鹽黃色DIN鋼軌,確保正確接地

6.4 Cable routing


  • Ensure proper cable routing during wiring
  • 佈線時確保正確的電纜路由。
  • Sort the cables in different cable groups (power current cables, power supply cables, signal cables and data cables).
  • 將線纜分為不同的線纜組(電源線、電源線、訊號線、資料線)進行分類。
  • Make sure to lay signal and data cables separately from power current cables, i.e. in separate conduits or cable bundles. The distance should be at least 20 cm
  • 確保訊號和資料電纜與電流電纜分開敷設,即分開敷設管道或電纜束。距離至少為20釐米
  • Signal and data cables should be installed close to earthed surfaces
  • 訊號和資料電纜應安裝在靠近地線的地方

6.5 Cable shields


  • Use only shielded data cables. The shield must be earthed on both sides. Make sure that no compensating currents pass through the cable shield. A current-carrying equipotential bonding line can be used for this purpose
  • 僅使用遮蔽資料電纜。遮蔽層必須在兩側接地。確保沒有補償電流通過電纜遮蔽。可使用載流等電位粘接線來實現此目的
  • If a cable shield is earthed on one side, it only provides protection against capacitive coupling and low-frequency interference (50/60 Hz ripple voltage).
  • 如果電纜遮蔽在一側接地,它只能提供電容耦合和低頻干擾(50/60 Hz紋波電壓)的保護。
  • Only use braided-shield cables. Foil shields exhibit low mechanical stability as well as poor contact and HF properties
  • 只使用編織遮蔽電纜。箔遮蔽表現出較低的機械穩定性以及較差的接觸和HF效能。
  • Only metallic or metal-coated connectors must be used for shielded data cables.
  • 遮蔽資料電纜只能使用金屬或金屬塗層聯結器。
  • Use only shielded cables for analog signals. Earth the shield on one end only for the transmission of small signals
  • 模擬訊號只能使用遮蔽電纜。單端遮蔽接地只用於傳輸小訊號。
  • Earth the cable shield using a clamp directly at the entry into the switch cabinet. Guide the shield up to the module without any interruption。
  • 使用夾子直接在進開關櫃處做電纜遮蔽層接地。
  • There must be a low-impedance connection between the PE bar and the shield bar.
  • PE排和遮蔽排之間必須有低阻抗連線。