1. 程式人生 > 其它 >ABB AC 900F學習筆記68:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_AC_900F_Controller-28

ABB AC 900F學習筆記68:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_AC_900F_Controller-28

6.6 Switch cabinet


  • Low-impedance connections between the switch cabinet, mounting plate, earthing bar (PE) and shield bar must be provided
  • 必須提供開關櫃、安裝板、接地杆 (PE) 和遮蔽棒之間的低阻抗連線
  • Earth the switch cabinet doors on the sides using short and highly flexible conductors
  • 開關櫃門兩側使用短而靈活的導體接地
  • To protect the control system against interferences, only bulbs or interference-suppressed fluorescent/LED lamps should be used in the direct vicinity of the control system for switch cabinet lighting
  • 為保護控制系統免受干擾,控制系統附近應使用燈泡或抑制干擾的熒光/LED 燈作為開關櫃的照明。
  • If an interference immunity of 6 kV instead of 4 kV is required, the controller must be installed in a switch cabinet and operated exclusively with the door being closed.
  • 如果需要6kv而不是4kv的抗干擾能力,則控制器必須安裝在開關櫃中,並且只能在關門的情況下操作。

6.7 Minimum distances


  • Provide for adequate distances to the switch cabinet walls, cable conduits,adjacent devices, etc. There should be a distance of 20 mm around thecontroller to all sides in order to ensure proper ventilation and electricalinsulation.
  • 提供到開關櫃牆、電纜管道、相鄰裝置等足夠的距離。在控制器周圍應該由20mm的距離以確保適當的通風和電氣絕緣。
  • Horizontal installation is highly recommended. Vertical mounting is alsopossible, but involves restrictions in terms of performance due to insufficientair circulation, which causes heating of the devices.
  • 強烈建議水平安裝。數值安裝也是可以的,但由於空氣流通不足,會導致裝置發熱,這涉及效能方面的限制。
  • When mounting the system in vertical position, mechanical stops must beprovided at the top and the bottom to protect the modules against vibrations.For applications with high levels of vibration, the installation of mechanicalstops on the left and right sides is also recommended for horizontal mountingin order to efficiently protect the modules against vibrations.
  • 當安裝系統於崔志位置時,必須在頂部和底部設定機械阻擋,保護模板免受振動。在振動震動搞得應用場合,左右兩側的機械阻擋也建議水平安裝,以有效保護元件免受振動。
6.8 Reference potential 參考電位
  • Ensure a uniform reference potential throughout the line and earth the completeelectrical equipment, as far as possible.
  • 儘可能確保整個線路和全套電氣裝置由統一的參考電位。
  • Install the earth conductors in star configuration to avoid the formation of ground loops.
  • 將接地導體安裝成星形,以避免形成地面迴圈