1. 程式人生 > 其它 >ABB AC 900F學習筆記105:Freelance_Engineering_Process_Stations-11

ABB AC 900F學習筆記105:Freelance_Engineering_Process_Stations-11

繼續學習,3.10 AC 900F使用者變數儲存

3.10 Permanent storage of user variables on AC 900F AC 900F使用者變數永久儲存 In a Freelance controller all user data (e.g. IEC1131 global variables) is storedtogether with the configuration in battery buffered RAM. This memory getsinitialized on configuration replacement (“Load whole station”), at cold start,firmware update or on power down with empty or removed battery. 在Freelan控制器中,所有的使用者資料(例如IEC1131全域性變數)與配置一起儲存在電池緩衝隨機儲存器中。此記憶體在配置更換(載入整個站)、冷啟動、韌體更新,或者無電池和取掉電池時斷電情況下初始化。 For certain applications it is desirable that values can be stored permanently. Withthe function “Non-volatile Data Storage” 24 REAL variables, 24 DINT variablesand 6 DWORD variables can be stored permanently. 對某些程式功能來講,值永久儲存是合乎心意的。伴隨“非易失性儲存資料儲存”功能,24個實數變數,24個雙整形變數和6個雙字變數可以永久儲存。
The non-volatile data storage (NVDATA) feature is only available for AC 900F controllers. 非易失性資料儲存功能僅在AC 900F控制器上可用。
The current values of the variables configured for permanent storage are writtencyclically into the permanent memory. The cycle time is configurable in the range of3min to 20min. In addition, these variables are also written to permanent memoryduring a scheduled cold start of the controller. For example, when loading (wholestation), cold start via the display menu or during cold start by means of a functionblock (FCS). Updating the permanent memory is not possible during hardwarecontrolled restarts (e.g. pressing reset button >4s). However, the last actual values are still available when the controller performs a warm start. 為永久儲存配置的變數的當前值被迴圈地寫入永久記憶體。迴圈時間可配置在3分鐘到20分鐘之間。此外,在控制器的預定冷啟動期間,這些變數也被寫入永久記憶體。例如,當載入整個站,通過顯示選單冷啟動,或者通過功能塊冷啟動期間。在硬體控制的重啟期間不可能更新永久記憶體(例如按復位按鈕>4s)。但是,當控制器執行熱啟動時,最後的實際值仍然可用。 3.10.1 Inserting non-volatile storage function block NVDATA
> Select AC 900F controller object in the tree view (Hardware structure) > 在樹形檢視(硬體結構)選擇AC 900F控制器物件 > Edit > Insert > select NVDTA > OK > 編輯 > 插入 > 選擇NVDATA > OK or 或者 > Select AC 900F controller object in the tree view (Hardware structure) > 在樹形檢視(硬體結構)選擇AC 900F控制器物件 > right mouse click > Insert > select NVDATA > OK > 滑鼠右鍵 > 插入 > 選擇NVDATA > OK
After inserting, the object appears in the tree view. 插入後,物件顯示在樹形檢視 3.10.2 Configuration of Non-Volatile Data Storage (NVDATA) 非易失性資料儲存配置 The NVDATA function parameters can be called up for display via the parametersetting masks. The current values can also be read in commissioning mode. 非易失性資料儲存功能引數可以通過引數設定蒙板呼叫顯示。當前值可以在除錯模式讀取。
Select the NVDATA object in the tree view > Right-click > Select Parameters... 在樹形檢視選擇NVDATA物件 > 右鍵 > 選擇引數 or 或者 > Double-click the NVDATA object in the hardware structure > 雙擊硬體結構上的NVDATA物件
General data 通用資料
Name 名字 Name of the NVDATA object. The name is taken over from the tree structure and can be edited. NVDATA物件的名字。名字來自於樹形結構,可以編輯
Short text 短註釋 Free text of up to 12 characters 最多12個任意字元的文字
Long text 長文字 Free text of up to 30 characters 最多30個任意字元的文字
Setting 組態
Identifier 識別符號 To avoid using data from another application (for example, in the case of a controller replacement), a user-configurable name is provided as an identifier. If the configured name does not match the identifier present in the controller at startup, the memory contents are reset to the configured initial values. The minimum length of the name is 5 characters. 為了避免使用來自另外一個應用的資料(比如,更換控制器的情況), 提供一個使用者可配置的名稱作為識別符號。如果配置的名稱與啟動時控制器中 出現的識別符號不匹配,則記憶體內容被重置為配置的初始值。名稱最小長度為 5個字元。



Cycle time in which the data is written (3 - 20 min) 資料寫入的週期時間(3-20分鐘)
Due to the technically limited lifetime of the permanent memory, the cycle time should be set as high as possible. With a write cycle of 10 min (default value), a life time of min. 35 years can be expected. 由於永久儲存在技術上的限制,迴圈時間應該設定的儘可能的高。寫週期預設為10分鐘, 壽命可達35年。
Real Values, Integer Values, DWord Values 實數值,整數值,雙字值 Initial data Real_1 - Real_24 初始化實數1-實數24 Initial data Int_1 - Int_24 初始化整數1-整數24 Initial data DWord_1 - DWord_6 初始化雙字1-雙字6     The user can configure an initial value for each of these variables.These initial values are written to permanent memory when validdata is not available in the controller or in case of a      manual reset.     使用者可以為這些變數配置初始化值。當控制器中沒有有效資料或在手動復位的情況下,這些初始值被寫入永久記憶體。
The I/O Editor can be used to assign variable names to the NVDATA variables of the project (variable list). This makes it possible to write and read the values via variable names in the same way as with standard I/O. 可以使用I/O編輯器為的NVDATA變數指定變數名專案(變數列表).這使得通過變數名寫入 和讀取值成為可能,就像使用標準I/O一樣。
Commissioning 除錯 因為我沒有連實際PLC,所以不能顯示中文版的截圖 Settings 設定 Reset to initial values 重置為初始值     By clicking the button Write, all Real, Integer and DWord variablesare reset to the configured initial values. (The button Correct has nofunction here)     通過點選此按鈕,所有的實數、整數和雙字變數寫入初始值。(此處正確按鈕沒有功能) Write to CSV file 寫入CSV檔案     Writes the current variables to a CSV file.將當前值寫入csv檔案。 The wear level of the permanent memory is displayed in the parameter screen. Ifone of the values reaches 100%, a replacement of the controller should beconsidered. 永久記憶體的磨損程度將在引數介面顯示。如果其中一個值達到100%,則應考慮更換控制器。 On redundant systems, the wear level is displayed for the primary controller only。 在冗餘系統中,只顯示主控制器的磨損程度。 Real values, Integer values, DWord values - current values 實數值,整數值,雙字值-當前值
Current values 當前值 When the parameter setting mask is called in commissioning mode, the current values are displayed. If these differ from the initial values, these are highlighted in yellow. 除錯模式調出引數設定蒙板,當前值顯示出來。如果不同於初始值,會黃色高亮顯示。
Config. values 設定值 The initial values are displayed. 初始值顯示
Write 寫值 Changes the currently edited variables, but not the initial values. 改變當前編輯變數,但不是初始值。
Correct 正確 Changes the currently edited variables and the initial values in the controller and in the project database. 改變控制器和專案資料庫中當前編輯變數和初始值。
The current values can be copied to the initial values using the load parameter function and transferred to the project database. See also Engineering Manual System Configuration, Uploading the Current Block Parameters. 使用匯入引數功能可以將當前值拷貝到初始值,並傳輸到專案資料庫。 詳見工程手冊系統配置,更新當前引數塊。
3.10.3 Functional overview 功能概述