1. 程式人生 > 其它 >ABB AC 900F學習筆記106:Freelance_Engineering_Process_Stations-12

ABB AC 900F學習筆記106:Freelance_Engineering_Process_Stations-12


4 Commissioning 除錯 During commissioning, the configured programs and applications are loaded intothe stations in order to be executed. Upon selection of a resource in the project tree,the process station can be loaded. 除錯期間,配置的程式和應用載入到過程站以便執行。在選擇專案樹的資源後,就可以載入過程站了。 With a redundant station, one of both controllers automatically becomes the Primaryand the other one the Secondary. It cannot be controlled which of both controllers isused as Primary. 有了冗餘站,兩個控制器當中的一個成為主,另一個成為備。無法控制哪一個控制器作為主。
A redundancy change-over can also be released by the “Force redundancy toggle” (PRIM_SEC) system function. 冗餘轉換也可以通過“強制冗餘切換”(PRIM_SEC)系統功能來釋放。
4.1 Resource in the project tree 專案樹上的資源 由於沒有連線實際的硬體,所以只能引用資料裡面的英文截圖,待現場實際硬體上線後再去截圖中文版。 4.1.1 Resource status 資源狀態

A resource can assume various statuses that are displayed in the project tree after theobjects and in the dialog mask of the resource. The display of resource status isdivided into three parts:


  • Status: running, stopped, error
  • 狀態:執行,停止,錯誤
  • Sub-status, such as warm start stopped or running partially
  • 子狀態,如熱啟動停止或部分執行
  • Status of the redundant resource, e.g. no Secondary
  • 冗餘資源的狀態,例如 無備機

No connection


    The system bus connection has been interrupted, initialize all is currently being executed or no connection is possible, e.g. due to an invalid network address or a wrong station number.


An interruption of the system bus is displayed after approx. 45 seconds.


No operating system


    Displayed when the system is switched on or after initialize all of resource.


    No operating system means that the operating system is loaded but not yet executed. The operating system is downloaded during the firmware bootstrap.


The AC 900F, AC 800F and AC 700F controllers file the operating system in the flash memory,

it cannot be deleted but only be overwritten by another version. For redundant operation,

however, both redundancy partners must feature the same operating system to ensure

that the Sync status is provided.

AC 900F、AC 800F和AC 700F控制器將作業系統檔案儲存在快閃記憶體中,它不能被刪除,只能被其他版本覆蓋。




    Resource in transition from Running to stopped.


This status is only displayed if task processing takes a relatively long period of time.


Stopped [HW]


    Stop of the resource using the RUN/STOP switch on the controller.

    通過控制器上的RUN/ Stop開關停止資源。

Stopped [SW]


    Resource Stop was selected in commissioning mode.


If the resource is stopped while a task is at a breakpoint, then this task switches to not executable status.

The error task is not initiated in this case.



Cold start stopped


    The command to cold start the resource was initiated by the person responsible for commissioning or by the "Force cold start" system function. Indicates that the CPU module self-test was OK, but the RUN/STOP switch was set to STOP or the resource was

     stopped by the person responsible for commissioning before the running status was achieved.



The cold start task, < Resource name>. ColdSt is executed only when the resource is started (STOP to RUN).

During cold start, all resource data are initialized, the operating system is not affected and the output module

channels assume their safety values.

冷啟動任務,<資源名>.ColdSt只有當資源啟動(從停止到執行 執行。在冷啟動期間,所有資源資料初始化,作業系統不受影響,


Warm start stopped 熱啟動     The command to warm start the resource was initiated by the person responsible for commissioning or a power failure (power-fail signal from the power supply unit). The RUN/STOP switch on the controller was set to STOP or the resource was stopped by the      person responsible for commissioning before the running status was achieved.     熱啟動命令是由除錯人員或者電源故障(從供電單元來的電源故障訊號)發起的。控制器上的執行/停止開關設定為停止或者資源被除錯人員在達到執行狀態前將資源停止。

The warm start task, < Resource name>. WarmSt is executed only when the resource is started (STOP to RUN).

During warm start, all data and variable values of the resource remain unaffected and the output module channels

assume their safety values.

熱啟動任務,<資源名字>.WarmSt只有在資源啟動(停止到執行)執行。在熱啟動期間,所有的資料和變數值保持bubian ,


Starting 啟動     Resource in transition from stopped to running     從停止到執行的資源轉換。

This status is only displayed if task processing takes a relatively long period of time.


Running 執行     The resource is started and the Run/Stop switch is set to RUN.     資源已啟動,且“執行/停止”開關已設定為“Run”。 Running partially 部分執行     Not all objects of the resource are working e.g. task is in Stop status or program list is OFF.     不是資源的所有物件都在工作,比如,任務在停止狀態,或者程式列表關閉。 Version error, running 版本錯誤,執行     There are user program version disparities between the active station and the assigned resource. Such disparities are displayed independently of the run status of the resource and are therefore also displayed when stopped.     在啟用的站和配置的資源之間存在使用者程式差異。這些差異獨立於資源的執行狀態顯示,因此在停止時也會顯示。
[del2]  Resource objects have been deleted, (2 objects in this case).      資源物件被刪除。(此情況下2個物件) Wrong station number 錯誤的站號     The station number in the process station does not correspond to the station number in the network configuration.     過程站的站號不符合網路配置的站號 Incompatible DMS version 不相符的DMS版本     The firmware or operating system version of the controller does not correspond to the current Freelance software。     韌體或者作業系統版本不符合當前Freelance 軟體。

Firmware and operating system must be updated, see Firmware update on page 23.


4.1.2 Additional statuses of a redundant resource 冗餘資源的附加狀態 non-redundant 沒有冗餘     The operating system is loaded but the user program is not yet loaded.     作業系統已經載入,但是使用者程式沒有載入。 no secondary 沒有備機     Operatingsystem and user programs are completely loaded. The Secondary has not yet logged on at the Primary.     作業系統和使用者程式完全載入。備機沒有在主機上登入。 notsync 沒有同步     TheSecondary controller is present, the operating system and the user programs have been loaded but the processes have not yet been updated and the synchronization is therefore not yet concluded     備控制器已經存在。作業系統和使用者程式已經載入,但是過程站沒有更新,因此同步沒有結束。 sync 同步     Normalstatus of a redundant process station. The Secondary is synchronized and ready for a redundancy toggle. The cyclic data adjustment between the two controllers runs during the program processing.     冗餘過程站的常態。備用機同步,且準備冗餘切換。兩個控制器之間的迴圈資料調整,在程式處理期間進行。 redundancy error 冗餘錯誤     Redundancy not possible.     冗餘不可能

The “sync” status cannot be achieved. By stopping and then restarting the resource,

it was attempted several times to reach the “sync” status. This may be attributable to

the following causes:


the loading of the user program could not be successfully completed


the system utilization is too high, the redundancy link cannot be maintained


the configured task cycle times are too short.


4.1.3 Resource status diagram 資源狀態圖示

For information on the transition statuses of redundant controllers,

see Chapter 5, Controller redundancy.


上圖單詞比較簡單,就不翻譯了 4.1.4 Resource processing 資源處理



For redundant resources only.


A redundancy toggle is initiated (change-over between Primary

and Secondary). A change-over is possible in SYNC status only.




The controller is loaded with the operating system and is initialized.

With redundant configurations, only the Primary is loaded with the operating system.



Operation of a redundant process station is only possible on condition that both

controllers are provided with the same operating system version.


Using the Settings tool for loading the operating system ensures that both controllers contain the same software 通過設定工具載入作業系統,可以確保兩個控制器保持同樣的軟體。

Initialize all


The controller is deleted. Initialize all means that the user programis deleted;

the operating system is not executed. In case of redundantprocess stations,

both controllers are reset. The Primary becomesactive first and can be bootstrapped again.

After Initialize all, the redundant mode is no longer active. The operating system in the Secondary

is restarted after the user program has been loaded.






Duringinitialization, the controller performs a cold start. Any user program already present is also deleted.

The redundancy is now no longer active. The Secondary changes to “No OS” (no operating system is executed).

The cold start task is performed once. The task is performed during transition from cold start or cold start stopped

to running status. During a cold start, all the variables and working data of the function blocks are initialized.

The initial values of the variables can be preset individually for each variable in the Variables List.

After the cold start task has been completed, the outputs are rewritten in accordance with the programs.




Cold start


The controller performs a cold start; with redundant stations, bothcontrollers perform a cold start. The previously active controllerbecomes again the Primary. The cold start task is performed once. Itis computed before the cyclic user tasks are started。 控制器執行冷啟動;對於冗餘站,兩個控制器都執行冷啟動。 以前活動的控制器依然是主。 冷啟動執行一次。在迴圈任務開始之前計算。

Warm start


The controller performs a warm start; with redundant stations, both controllers perform a warm start.

The previously active controller becomes again the Primary. The warm start task is performed once.

It is computed before the cyclic user tasks are started.



The system variable "xxxPowerOffTim" contains the duration of last power failure which led to a warm start. It is counted from the time the power failure occurred to the restarting of the operating system. 系統變數"xxxPowerOffTim"包含上一次導致熱啟動的電源故障持續時間。 從系統掉電到重新啟動作業系統的時間。 For AC 800F and DCP the number of warm starts is counted in a system variable (xxxx.NoPowerFail) that is reset to zero in the event of a cold start.

對於AC 800F和DCP,熱啟動次數在系統變數中計算(xxxx.NoPowerFail),在冷啟動事件中重置為零。

Start/Stop 啟動/停止     The controller performs the Start or Stop command; with redundant stations, both controllers perform the command. The LEDs or the display on the Primary indicate the current status.     Upon redundancy toggle, the last status is retained, irrespective of the RUN/STOP switch position.     控制器執行啟動或者停止命令;對於冗餘站,兩個控制器都執行命令。主控制器上的LED顯示燈或者顯示屏都指示當前狀態。一旦冗餘切換,最後的狀態保留,不管執行/停止開關的位置。 Display variables area 顯示變數區域 The size of the variables area is indicated in kByte. Details are called up by pressingthe Display... button. 變數區域大小以kByte表示。通過按顯示按鈕調出細節。 The memory allocation and the loading status of the global resource variables areindicated. Global variables are user-defined variables and system variables. 指出全域性資源變數的記憶體分配和載入狀態. 全域性變數是使用者定義變數和系統變數。
Comp. no. 元件號 Component number of the variable 變數元件號
Variable name 變數名字 Name of the global variable 全域性變數名字
State 狀態
CLEAN 可信 Object is plausible and loaded 物件可信,並已經載入
DIRTY 不可信 Object version in the engineering station does not correspond to the object version in the process station。 工程站中的物件版本與過程站站中的物件版本不對應。
CREATE 建立 Object not yet loaded into the process station. 物件沒有載入到過程站。
DELETE 刪除 Object deleted in project database, but still present in the process station. 專案資料庫中的物件已經刪除,但仍然在過程站。
TYPE 型別 Data type, e.g. REAL, BOOL, UINT etc. 資料型別,比如,實數,布林,無符號整數等等
Offset 偏移 Offset of the memory address. 記憶體地址偏移
Boot cause 引導原因 The cause of rebooting is displayed in short format. Rebooting may be caused by anoperator intervention like “Boodstrap by the operator” or “Warm start by the resetbutton” or rebooting can be performed from the safety state (“Cold start from safetystate”) or released by a “Software error” (fatal error). Detailed information onrebooting can be accessed via Details…: 重啟原因顯示為短格式。重啟原因可能是操作符干預,像“由操作符重啟”,或者“重置按鈕熱啟動”,或者從安全狀態(“從安全狀態冷啟動”)重啟,或者“軟體錯誤”(致命錯誤)釋放。 關於重新啟動的詳細資訊可以通過“詳細資訊”訪問。 Boot cause 引導原因     Cause of the last restart of the resource. The code in hexadecimal format is indicated in brackets.     上一次資源的重啟的原因。 Last error 上一個錯誤     Inthe event of a restart after an error has occurred, the error cause is displayed (e.g. INT/DINT overflow with arithmetic error and disabled automatic error handling).     在錯誤發生後重新啟動時,將顯示錯誤原因(例如帶有算術錯誤的INT/DINT溢位和禁用自動錯誤處理)。 Error time 錯誤時間     The time of a restart released by an operator intervention.If the resource is restarted from safety state, the time when the safety state is actually reached is displayed. If the resource is restarted after an error, the time when the error occurred is displayed.     操作員干預釋放的重啟時間。如果資源從安全狀態重啟,顯示實際到達安全狀態的時間。如果發生錯誤後重啟,則會顯示錯誤發生的時間。 Error program 錯誤程式     If the resource is restarted after an error, the error-producing program or function block is indicated. In this case, the object number, type, information and the path (position in the project tree) are displayed. The default setting in the path field is the end node      (program). Scroll down or use the tooltip to view the complete path name.     如果錯誤後重啟,錯誤產生的程式或者功能塊被指出。在這種情況下,顯示物件號碼,型別,資訊和路徑(專案樹中的位置)。路徑欄位的預設設定值是結束節點(程式)。向下滾動或者使用工具檢視完整路徑。 Error Task 錯誤任務     if the resource is restarted after an error, the task containing the error-producing program or function block is indicated. In this case, the object number, type, information and the path (position in the project tree) are displayed. The default setting in the path field     is the end node (task). Scroll down or use the tooltip to view the complete path name.     如果資源在錯誤後重啟,指出包含錯誤程式或者功能塊的任務。在此情況下,顯示物件號、型別、資訊和路徑(專案樹中的位置)。路徑欄位的預設設定值是結束節點(程式)。向下滾動或者使用工具檢視完整路徑。 4.1.5 Task 任務

Select task in the project tree > Project > Header

選在專案樹擇任務。專案> 要點資訊

For a description of the configured data, see Engineering Manual, Systemconfiguration, Project tree, Task TASK and Redundant Task TASK/RED

關於配置資料的描述,參閱工程手冊,系統配置,專案樹,任務 任務和冗餘任務 TASK/RED

If configured for autostart, the task starts automatically when the resource is
started. When the program list parameter is set to ON, all lower-level program
lists and programs are started together with the task.



Task status display




    task has been loaded and can be started manually.


If no autostart has been configured for a task, it returns to the ready status after each cold start and has to be restarted.




    Task is loaded but cannot be started. A software version error exists


Not loaded


    A change to a task or a program within the task, which produces a side effect on the task, has not yet been loaded.


Not executable


    During execution of the task either an unrecoverable error occurred or a recoverable error was detected while automatic error correction was switched off.


Automatic error correction for a task is switched on in the default setting. If automatic error correction is switched off,

the task changes to the not executable status on any error, even if the error is recoverable. The error appears in text

form in the task header, and the object number of the faulty project object is also displayed.



An exception is constituted by tasks which, although loadable, have no lower-level user program. Such a task is unable to

initiate execution of a program. If such a task is started despite this fact, it changes to the not executable status.





    Aftermanual start of the task or when the task has been configured with Autostart.


When a higher-level resource is stopped and re-started, the lower-level task returns to its old status. A task with Autostart,

changes automatically to running. The status of the task may also be changed when the resource is stopped.

The changed status will be reassumed when the resource is restarted.




    Afterexecution of Stop task, Stop station (HW) or Stop higher-level resource (SW).


If a stopped task is reset to the ready status (not visible) with Reset, no change to its stopped status

is displayed to the user. When Stop is changed to Start, the RUN task is executed.


A task is started automatically when the switch on the process station is set to RUN and the previous status of the task was running




    The task is at a break point while the debugger is running. This status can be quit using Single step or Go in the program with the breakpoint.


If the resource is stopped while a task is at a breakpoint, then this task switches to non-executable status. The error task is not initiated in this case. 當任務處於斷點,資源停止,任務切換到不可執行狀態。在這種情況下,錯誤任務不會執行。
Error message of the tasks 任務的錯誤訊息

Error text錯誤文字


1 INT/DINT overflow Signed integer or time operation caused overflow
2 INT/DINT underflow Signed integer or time operation caused underflow
3 INT/DINT div by 0 Signed integer division by zero.
4 UINT/DINT div by 0 Unsigned integer division by zero
5 INT/DINT St overflow Signed 16-bit-integer operation caused overflow on storage.
6 REAL overflow Real operation caused overflow.
7 REAL underflow Real operation caused underflow.
8 REAL div by 0 Real division by zero.
9 REAL undef. value Real operation with undefined value
10 DT overflow Operation with DT and TIME caused overflow
11 DT underflow Operation with DT and TIME or with DT and DT caused underflow
12 UINT/UDINT overflow Unsigned integer operation caused overflow.
13 UINT/UDINT underflow Unsigned integer operation caused underflow.
128 Program exec. error Unloaded object (e.g. program, FB, etc.) to be executed
129 FB error integer A function block from the function block library has triggered an integer overflow or underflow, the error was only detected during further processing of the block. For this reason, no recovery is possible
130 FB error real A function block from the function block library has triggered a REAL overflow or un derflow, the error was only detected during further processing of the block. For this reason, no recovery is possible
131 Process image read error Unrecoverable error occurred on reading process image
132 Process image write error Unrecoverable error occurred on writing process image
133 Execution abort If the resource is stopped in a program in which an endless loop is running, the task concerned switches to not executable sta tus. Execution of the task is terminated in the endless loop and the program is not computed to the end
134 Invalid Cmd in Break If the resource is stopped while a task is at a breakpoint, then this task switches to not executable status. The error task is not ini tiated in this case.
135 Illegal array index The computed index for an array access is outside the defined array boundaries.
Task error object 任務錯誤物件 If an error occurs in processing the task, the number of the object that caused theerror is displayed. The path to the object giving rise to the error can be displayed viaInfo 如果在處理任務過程中發生錯誤,將顯示導致錯誤的物件編號。引起錯誤的物件的路徑可以通過info顯示。 For details on the task behavior in the event of an error, see Chapter 6, Processingand error handling。


Task processing 任務處理
Start 開始 The selected task is started. It is processed either in cycle mode or as soon as possible (PLC mode), depending on the configuration。 選中的任務已經啟動。它可以在迴圈模式或儘快(PLC模式)中處理,這取決於配置。
Execute once 執行一次 The selected task is computed precisely once. The task then changes to the stopped status。 所選任務精確計算一次。然後,任務將更改為停止狀態。
Stop 停止 The selected task is stopped. 選中的任務停止。
A stop can also be released using the RUN/STOP switch on the process station 使用過程站上的RUN/ stop開關也可以釋放停止。
Reset 重置(復位) The current task returns to the configured status。 當前任務返回到配置狀態。
Close 關閉 OK exits the dialog box. Returns to the project tree. OK按鈕退出對話方塊,返回專案樹。
Show... 顯示 The process image of the selected task is displayed. The process image size can be configured. The process image is displayed automatically when the operating system is loaded 顯示所選任務的程序映象。可以配置程序映像的大小。載入作業系統時,會自動顯示程序映象。
Process image display 過程映象顯示
Select task > Project > Header > Show... 選中任務 > 專案 > 要點資訊 > 顯示
Variable name 變數名字 Variable name, max. 16 characters 變數名字,最多16個字元
Type 資料型別 Data type, e.g. REAL, BOOL, UINT etc 資料型別,比如,實數,布林,無符號整數等等
State 狀態 CLEAN 一致 Object is correct and loaded 物件正確且已經載入
DIRTY 不一致 Object version in engineering station does not correspond to station version 工程站中的物件版本與站版本不對應
CREATE 建立 Object not yet loaded into station. 物件還沒有載入到站
DELETE 刪除 Object deleted in project database, but still present in station. 物件在專案資料庫刪除,但依然在站裡面。
Access 訪問 READ 讀 Read-only 只讀
WRITE 寫 Write-only 只寫
Offset 偏移 Memory address offset 記憶體地址偏移
See also Engineering Manual, System Configuration, Project tree 參見工程手冊,系統配置,專案樹 4.1.6 Program list (PL) 程式列表

Select program list > Project > Header

選擇程式列表 > 專案 > 要點資訊

Program list status display 任務列表狀態顯示 versions error 版本錯誤     Program list was loaded but the versions do not match     人物列表已經載入,但是版本不匹配。 not loaded 沒有載入     Program list is not yet loaded     任務列表沒有載入 on 執行     Program list is switched on     任務列表切換到執行 off 關閉     Program list is switched off     任務列表切換到停止 Processing of the program list 任務列表的處理



Thedialog is terminated; back to the project tree.




Processingof program list is switched on.




Processingof program list is switched off.


4.1.7 Status displays in the project tree 在專案樹顯示狀態

In contrast to configuration, the objects are shown with status information duringcommissioning. This status information appears after each project object in brackets(like the object types) and is updated as it changes. The status information reflectsthe status of this object in the process station. If arrows appear before the nodes,these project objects must first be loaded or reloaded into the station because of aconfiguration change. An exclamation point indicates that other objects at levelsbelow the one so marked need to be updated because of changes in theirconfiguration.



The color of the node in the display provides information about the effects of itsconfiguration change on other objects. Higher-level information may also need to beupdated in the station.


During commissioning, nodes are displayed in the same formats as in configuration.See Engineering Manual, System Configuration, Project tree, Display of theproject element status.


All statuses except for Running are displayed in red.
