1. 程式人生 > 其它 >ABB AC 900F學習筆記96:Freelance_Engineering_Process_Stations-02

ABB AC 900F學習筆記96:Freelance_Engineering_Process_Stations-02


1 Process stations




A scalable Freelance system essentially consists of the process and operatorstations. You can perform the necessary configuration and commissioning tasksfrom your PC using the Freelance Engineering software. Diagnoses are performedin graphic interfaces.

一個可伸縮的freelance系統由過程站和操作員站組成。你可以使用電腦上的freelance 工程軟體執行配置和除錯任務。圖形介面執行診斷。

Among the functions supported by Freelance Engineering are the following:


  • Read and enhance configuration data from new field devices.從新的現場裝置中讀取和提高配置資料。
  • Configure devices using the parameter setting dialogs and pre-defined I/O structures.使用引數設定對話方塊和預定義的I/O結構配置裝置。
  • Display bus cycle times and diagnostic data of devices.顯示匯流排週期和裝置診斷資料。
  • Search the buses for nodes with unknown device addresses.在匯流排中搜索具有未知裝置地址的節點。
  • Exclude individual devices from cyclic communication.將單個裝置排除在迴圈通訊之外。
  • Integrate new devices without the need to re-initialize the bus line.無需初始化匯流排線路,整合新的裝置。

To configure your automation task, first create the required resources and programsin the project tree using editors conforming to IEC 61131-3. In the next step, theseconfigured applications are allocated to the actually required hardware in thehardware editor and then loaded online into the process stations.

為了配置自動化任務,首先使用符合IEC 61131-3的編輯器在專案樹中建立資源和程式。接下來,這些配置分配給硬體編輯器中實際需要的硬體,然後線上載入到過程站。

In order to facilitate the visualization of your process, powerful software packagessuch as Freelance Operations are available for operation.

為了促進過程視覺化,諸如Freelance OPerations的強大的軟體包可供操作。

A Freelance system supports different types of process stations (controllers) whichcan be combined as required. Currently, the controller types AC 900F, AC 800F andAC 700F are available.

一個freelance系統支援不同的過程站,可根據需要組合。目前控制器有AC 900F、AC 800F、AC 700F可供選擇。

The Ethernet system bus links the individual stations with each other. This bustransmits the data between the process stations, the operator stations and theengineering station. Communication within the process station, i.e. datatransmission between the CPU module and the connected modules, is realized viathe internal station bus.


Communication between the AC 900F process stations and operator/gatewaystations as well as lateral communication between the AC 900F process stations canoptionally be performed via a redundant Control Net.

AC 900F過程站和操作員/閘道器站之間的通訊,以及AC 900F過程站之間的橫向通訊,都可以可選地通過冗餘控制網執行。

Control Net redundancy is supported by the following Freelance process stations:

下列Freelance 過程站支援控制網路冗餘:

  • AC 900F
  • AC 900F redundant
  • AC 900F Lite
  • AC 900F Lite redundant
  • AC 900F Plus
  • AC 900F Plus redundant

The following sections provide an overview of the currently available processstations. See the corresponding Mounting and Installation Instructions for moredetailed information. Older hardware and process stations of previous systemreleases are also supported, but are not described in this manual. For information inthis matter, see the manuals of the corresponding system releases.


1.1.1 AC 900F process station

AC 900F過程站

The AC 900F process station is available in two variants, namely Standard, Liteand Plus version.

AC 900F過程站有兩個可用版本,命名為標準版,低配版和增強版。

The AC 900F Lite process station is designed for smaller lines:

AC 900F低配版過程站設計用於小型產線:

  • there are only three instead of four Ethernet interfaces available,使用3個網口替代4個可用網口。
  • the available memory capacity and the controller performance are lower than with the Standard version.可用記憶體容量和控制其效能低於標準版。
  • it is recommended not to configure more than 400 I / O signals.建議配置的IO點數不要超過400個。

The AC 900F Plus process station is designed for larger lines:

AC 900F增強版過程站設計用大大型產線:

  • four slots for fieldbus communication interfaces,四個現場匯流排通訊介面插槽。
  • the available memory capacity and the controller performance are higher than with the Standard version.可用記憶體容量和控制器效能高於標準版本。

Details and technical data of the variants are included in the Mounting andInstallation Instructions, AC 900F Controller.

各種細節和技術資料包含在《Mounting andInstallation Instructions, AC 900F Controller.》(這個資料就是前面的練習連續學習翻譯的那本)

The descriptions in the present document generally apply to all variants; differencesare explicitly specified, where applicable.


The AC 900F process station in the Standard version exhibits the following basicfeatures:

標準版的AC 900F展示了下列特徵:

  • PM 902F CPU module with

   PM 902F CP模板包含

  –four Ethernet interfaces,四個乙太網介面
  –one diagnostic interface,一個診斷介面
  –two serial interfaces,兩個串列埠
  –one display unit (optional),一個顯示單元
  –max. two fieldbus communication interfaces (PROFIBUS and/or CAN for Rack-I/O),最大兩個現場匯流排通訊介面(幾家安裝IO的Profibus 和/或 CAN)
  –up to ten directly connected I/O modules with I/O terminal units. 通過IO終端單元,最多10個直接連線IO模板。

The AC 900F process station in the Plus version exhibits the following basicfeatures:

AC 900F增強版過程站展示了一下基本特徵:

  • PM 904F CPU module with

   PM 904F CPU模板包含

  –four Ethernet interfaces, 四個乙太網介面。
  –one diagnostic interface, 一個診斷介面。
  –two serial interfaces,兩個串列埠
  –one display unit (optional),一個顯示單元
  –max. four fieldbus communication interfaces (PROFIBUS and/or CAN for Rack-I/O),最大四個現場匯流排通訊介面(幾家安裝IO的Profibus 和/或 CAN)
  –up to ten directly connected I/O modules with I/O terminal units.通過IO終端單元,最多10個直接連線IO模板。

The AC 900F process station in the Lite version exhibits the following basicfeatures:

AC 900F低配版過程站展示了一下基本特徵:

  • PM 901F CPU module with

   PM 901F CPU模板包含

  –three Ethernet interfaces,三個乙太網介面。
  –one diagnostic interface, 一個診斷介面。
  –two serial interfaces, 兩個串列埠。
  –one display unit (optional),一個顯示單元。
  –max. two fieldbus communication interfaces (PROFIBUS and/or CAN for Rack-I/O),最大兩個現場匯流排通訊介面(幾家安裝IO的Profibus 和/或 CAN)
  –up to ten directly connected I/O modules with I/O terminal units.通過IO終端單元,最多10個直接連線IO模板。

Depending on the type and quantity of process signals, up to ten plug-in typeinput/output modules can be directly connected. Additionally, two (PM 901F /PM 902F) or four (PM 904F) extensive PROFIBUS lines can be connected viatwo/four PROFIBUS modules. The CAN module (max. one per controller) allowsconnection of a maximum of 5 rack I/O units and thus the connection of 45 I/Omodules as used in the rack-based Freelance process stations.

依據過程訊號的型別和數量,最多可以直接連線10個輸入/輸出模板。另外,通過2個/4個PROFIBUS模板,可以連線2個(PM 901F/PM 902F)或者4個(PM 904F)擴充套件PROFIBUS線路。CAN模板(每個控制器最多1個)允許最多5個I/O機架IO單元,因此可以連線45個基於機架的freelance過程站使用的I/O模組。

The following directly connected I/O modules are available for an AC 900F (nonredundant controller only): AC 900F(僅限非冗餘控制器)允許直連下列I/O模板: AI 723F  Analog input module: 16 AI/DI  |  AI 723F  模擬量輸入模板:16點 AI/DI AI 731F  Analog input module: 8 AI/DI  |  AI 731F  模擬量輸入模板:8點 AI/DI AO 723F  Analog output module:16 AO  |  AO 723F  模擬量輸出模板 16點 AO AX 721F  Analog input/output module: 4 AI/DI, 4 AO  |  AX 721F  模擬量輸入輸出模板:4點 AI/DI,4點 AO AX 722F  Analog input/output module: 8 AI/DI, 8 AO  |  AX 722F  模擬量輸入輸出模板:8點AI/DI,8點AO DA 701F  Digital/analog input/output module: 16 DI, 8 DI/DO, 4 AI/DI, 2 AO  |  DA 701F  數字量/模擬量輸入/輸出模板:16點DI,8點DI/DO,4點AI/DI,2點AO DC 732F  Digital input/output module: 16 DI, 16 DI/DO  |  DC 732F  數字量輸入/輸出模板:16點DI,16點DI/DO DI 724F  Digital input module: 32 DI  |  DI 724F  數字量輸入模板:32點DI DX 722F  Digital input/output module: 8 DI, 8 DO (relay contacts)  |  DX 722F  數字量輸入/輸出模板:8點DI,8點DO(繼電器接觸) DX 731F  Digital input/output module: 8 DI, 4DO (relay contacts)  |  DX 731F  數字量輸入/輸出模板:8點DI,4點DO(繼電器接觸) The following fieldbus communication interfaces are available: CI 910F  CAN module for Rack-I/O  |  CI 910F  IO機架所用CAN 模板 CI 930F  PROFIBUS module, suitable for redundant configurations  |  CI 930F  PROFIBUS 模板,適用冗餘配置 CM 772F  PROFIBUS module (only usable with PM 902F)  |  CM 772F  PROFIBUS 模板(僅配合PM 902F使用) CI 773F  PROFIBUS module  |  CI 773F  PROFIBUS 模板 The AC 900F internal interfaces support additional serial Ethernet fieldbusprotocols such as Modbus, Send and Receive Function Blocks and Telecontrol LinkUp. Fieldbus-compatible components such as remote I/O, field devices and networkcomponents can be connected to the AC 900F process station and configured usingFreelance Engineering. ABB offers equipment for applications covering standardand hazardous areas. AC 900F內部介面支援額外的串列埠乙太網現場匯流排協議,比如Modbus,傳送和接收功能塊和遙控連線。相容現場匯流排的元件,比如遠端IO,現場裝置和網路元件能夠連線到AC 900F過程站,使用Freelance工程進行配置。ABB提供好改標準到危險區域的裝置應用。 An AC 900F controller without direct I/O modules can be run in redundantconfiguration. For this purpose, two process stations of identical design areconnected by means of a redundancy link. The ETH2 Ethernet interface must be used for the redundancy link; see the Mounting and Installation Instructions, AC 900F Controller, Commissioning for details. 不帶直接IO模板的AC 900F控制器可以在冗餘配置下執行。為此目的,兩個相同設計的過程站通過冗餘相連。ETH2網路介面必須用於冗餘連線;細節參見《the Mounting and Installation Instructions, AC 900F Controller》一文,除錯章節。(我前段時間學習翻譯的那個文件)
In a redundant AC 900F controller, the CI 930F and CI 773F PROFIBUS modules respectively the CI 910F CAN module can be used. The CM 772F PROFIBUS module does not support the redundancy mode. 在冗餘AC 900F控制器中,CI 930F和CI 773F PROFIBUS模板分別使用CI 910F CAN模組。
The CI 930F PROFIBUS module allows for both PROFIBUS master redundancyand line redundancy. The CI 910F CAN module allows CAN master redundancyonly. CI 930F PROFIBUS模組允許兩個PROFIBUS主站冗餘和線路冗餘。CI 910F CAN模組只允許CAN主站冗餘。 See Interface modules for AC 900F and AC 700F on page 65 for PROFIBUSmodule details and Engineering Manual I/O Modules for AC 700F / AC 900F fordetails on directly connected I/O modules. PROFIBUS 模板細節參見《Interface modules for AC 900F and AC 700F》第65頁,直連I/O模板細節參見《Engineering Manual I/O Modules for AC 700F / AC 900F》。 Control Net redundancy 控制網冗餘 A redundant Control Net can be connected using both ETH1 and ETH3 Ethernetinterfaces. For this purpose, the interfaces must be configured through the displayunit (TD 951F) or diagnostic interface of the controller. See the Mounting andInstallation Instructions, AC 900F Controller, Commissioning for more detailedinformation. 冗餘控制網可以通過ETH1和ETH3乙太網介面連線。為此目的,必須通過顯示單元(TD 951F)或者控制器上的診斷介面配置介面。詳細資訊參見《the Mounting andInstallation Instructions, AC 900F Controller》一文,除錯章節。 Control Net redundancy with redundant AC 900F controller configuration 冗餘AC 900F控制器配置下的冗餘控制網 Failure of Control Net line A of the primary controller will cause a redundancytoggle, provided the secondary controller can communicate via at least one of the two Control Net lines. Failure of Control Net line B of the primary controller willnot result in a controller redundancy toggle. 主控制器的控制網線路A故障將導致冗餘切換,副控制器可以通過兩條控制網當中的一條線路進行通訊。主控制器的控制網線路B故障不會導致控制器冗餘切換。具體關係看下圖。 上圖翻譯過來就是
主控制器 副控制器 冗餘切換
線路A 線路B 線路A 線路B
正常 正常 正常/故障 正常/故障 -
故障 正常 正常 正常/故障 發生
故障 正常 故障 正常 -
正常 故障 正常/故障 正常/故障 -
故障 故障 正常 正常 發生
故障 故障 故障 正常 發生
故障 故障 正常 故障 發生
故障 故障 故障 故障 -
1.1.2 AC 800F process station AC 800F過程站 因為這裡主要是學習AC 900F,所以跳過這個小節 1.1.3 AC 700F process station AC 700F過程站 因為這裡主要是學習AC 900F,所以跳過這個小節