1. 程式人生 > 其它 >ABB AC 900F學習筆記78:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_AC_900F_Controller-38

ABB AC 900F學習筆記78:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_AC_900F_Controller-38


8 Service


This section provides information on maintenance and service operations. As far asthe display unit is required for this purpose, its operation is also described.


8.1 Module replacement


Unless otherwise specified, the modules must be de-energized prior to connection ordisconnection. Make sure to switch off the DC-IN operating voltage, the UP processvoltage and additional voltage supply sources, if any.


8.1.1 CI communication interfaces


There are several possibilities to connect or disconnect a communication interfaceto/from a C1 to C4 slot without disturbing the CPU module


AC 900F in de-energized state

AC 900F沒有送電狀態

After having de-energized the controller, press on the lock at the top of the CI/CMcommunication interface and disconnect the module from the slot.


AC 900F in energized state

AC 900F 送電狀態

The CI 930F, CI 910F and CI 773F communication interfaces are designed for hotplug (connection/disconnection when energized). This does not apply for CM 772F.Make sure that the communication interface concerned is deactivated prior toconnection/disconnection. There are two different methods available for thispurpose:

CI 910F和CI773F通訊介面熱插拔設計(送電狀態可連線/斷開)。不適用CM 772F(不支援熱插拔)。在連線/斷開模組之前,請確認通訊介面屬於斷開狀態。為此目的有兩種方法:

  • using the TD 951 display unit. For more detailed information on the menu operation, please refer to F1 - Module exchange on page 113
  • 使用TD 951顯示單元。關於選單操作的更多細節,請參考F1-模板替換,第113頁。
  • using a PC (terminal program) via the DIAG diagnostic interface。
  • 通過診斷介面連線計算機(終端程式)