1. 程式人生 > 其它 >ABB AC 900F學習筆記118:Freelance_Engineering_Process_Stations-24

ABB AC 900F學習筆記118:Freelance_Engineering_Process_Stations-24


6.3 Startup and shutdown performance of the modules 模組的啟停效能 The input and output values are communicated on a cyclic basis between the I/Omodules and CPU module of the process station. If no communication occurs for aconfigurable number of cycles, both sides register an interruption of thecommunication. 過程站的I/O模組和CPU模組之間的輸入輸出值以週期方式通訊。如果在一個可配置週期數內沒有發生通訊,雙方註冊一次通訊中斷。 In this case, the process station transmits a system error message to the operatorstation. The output modules adopt the safety values. The input data for inputmodules are also set to the configured safety values on the controller. Depending onthe process requirements, the safety values can be configured to "Hold the lastvalue" or to a particular value/status. 在此情況下,過程站傳送系統錯誤訊息給操作員站。輸出模組採取安全值。輸入模板的輸入值同樣設定為控制器配置的安全值。根據工藝需求,安全值可以配置為保持上一次數值或者特定的值/狀態。 A process station warm start or cold start always leads to output of the safety values.For "Load whole station" and at resource Initialization/Overall reset, the outputlevels of the output modules go to zero current. 過程站暖啟動或者冷啟動經常導致輸出安全值。載入全部站和資源初始化/全部清除重置,輸出模板的輸出零電流。