1. 程式人生 > >英語口語練習系列-C35-馬戲-談論語言-己亥雜詩



  1. circus
  2. audience
  3. spectator
  4. spotlight
  5. bandstand
  6. magic
  7. magician
  8. clown
  9. spacious
  10. attractive
  11. product
  12. refund
  13. commodity
  14. guarantee
  15. feature
  16. purchaser
  17. security
  18. circus arena
  19. travelling circus
  20. spectators's seats
  21. acrobatics fan
  22. fire-eater
  23. comic performance
  24. acrobatic feat
  25. perform acrobatics
  26. animal trainer
  27. tiger tamer
  28. dog trainer
  29. animal act
  30. monkey show
  31. knife-thrower


  1. Do you speak English?
  2. Yes, a little.
  3. How long have you studied English?
  4. He speaks English fluently.
  5. Your English is very good.
  6. You speak English pretty well.
  7. Are you a native speaker of English?
  8. My native language is Chinese.
  9. He speaks with London accent.
  10. He has a strong accent.
  11. I have some difficulty in expressing myself.
  12. I'm always confused with "s" and "th".
  13. Can you write in English?
  14. Your pronunciation is excellent.
  15. How can I improve my spoken English?




浩浩蕩蕩的離別愁緒向著日落西斜的遠處延伸, 離開北京,馬鞭向東一揮,感覺就是人在天涯一般。我辭官歸鄉,有如從枝頭上掉下來的落花,但它卻不是無情之物,化成了春天的泥土,還能起著培育下一代的作用。