1. 程式人生 > >【 Notes 】WLLS Algorithm of TOA - Based Positioning (include the two - step WLS estimator)

【 Notes 】WLLS Algorithm of TOA - Based Positioning (include the two - step WLS estimator)



LLS review


the two - step WLS estimator

LLS review

前面有博文:LLS,提到了線性最小二乘演算法,使用LLS去求解TOA-Based Positioning問題,從推導過程看起來很簡單。具體說來,關鍵就是這幾個公式:







Although the LLS approach is simple, it provides optimum estimation performance only when the disturbances in the linear equations are independent and identically distributed.


From Equations 2.83 and 2.92 , it is obvious that the LLS – TOA - based positioning algorithms are suboptimal.

從方程2.83和2.92,很明顯基於LLS - TOA的定位演算法是次優的。

Taking Equation 2.85 as an illustration, the localization accuracy can be improved if we include a symmetric weighting matrix, say, W , in the cost function, denoted by \bold{J}_{WLLS,TOA(\bold{\tilde \theta})}.

 The resultant expression is referred to as the WLS cost function, which has the form of


According to Equations 2.82 and 2.83 , we have E { b } = A θ , which corresponds to the linear unbiased data model. As a result, we can follow the best linear unbiased estimator ( BLUE ) [19, 28] to determine the optimum W , which is equal to the inverse of the covariance of q ; that is, the weighting matrix is similar to that of the ML methodology. Employing Equation 2.83 , we obtain

根據方程2.82和2.83,我們得到E {b} =Aθ,其對應於線性無偏資料模型。 結果,我們可以遵循最佳線性無偏估計(BLUE)[19,28]來確定最優W,它等於q的協方差的倒數; 也就是說,加權矩陣類似於ML方法的加權矩陣。 使用公式2.83,我們得到



As { d_l } are not available, a practical choice of W is to replace d_l with r_{TOA,l} , which is valid for sufficiently small error condition:

Following Equations 2.86 and 2.87 , the WLLS estimate of θ is


The WLLS position estimate is then given as Equation 2.88 .

如規規矩矩,這篇文章理應如此結束,可是我還是對比結果不是滿意,首先我需要說明的是,這篇文章和前面博文:Linear Approaches of TOA - Based Positioning相關聯,我們按照第一種求解LLS的方法,得到:



q \approx [2n_{TOA,l}d_1,2n_{TOA,2}d_2,...,2n_{TOA,L}d_L]^T




C = 4diag\{ \sigma^2_{TOA,1}d^2_1,..., \sigma^2_{TOA,L}d^2_L \}

根據最優線性無偏估計來估計加權矩陣W,關於最優線性無偏估計(BLUE),見博文:Best linear unbiased estimator(BLUE) approach for time-of-arrival based localisation




the two - step WLS estimator

With only a moderate increase of computational complexity [19] , Equation 2.122 is superior to Equation 2.87 in terms of estimation performance.

Nevertheless, the localization accuracy can be further enhanced by making use of [\hat \theta]_3  according to the relation of Equation 2.76 as follows. When \bold{\hat x}  of Equation 2.122 is sufficiently close to x , we have

Similarly, for [\hat \theta]_2


Based on Equation 2.76 and with the use of Equations 2.123 and 2.124 , we construct


Note that z is the parameter vector to be determined. To find the covariance of w , we utilize the result of BLUE that the covariance of \bold{\hat x} is of the form of [28]

Employing Equations 2.129 and 2.130 , the optimal weighting matrix for Equation 2.125 , denoted by Φ , is then

As a result, the WLLS estimate of z is

As there is no sign information for x in z , the final position estimate is determined as

where sgn represents the signum function. In the literature, this approach is called the two - step WLS estimator [20] , where Equation 2.76 is exploited in an implicit manner. Alternatively, an explicit way is to minimize Equation 2.119 subject to the constraint of Equation 2.76 , which can be solved by the method of Lagrangian multipliers [21, 22] .

其中sgn代表signum函式。 在文獻中,這種方法被稱為兩步WLS估計器[20],其中方程2.76以隱式方式被利用。 或者,一種明確的方法是在方程2.76的約束下最小化方程2.119,這可以通過拉格朗日乘數法[21,22]求解。
